
Showing posts from November, 2022

The REAL Drug Cartel

  The Real Drug Cartel Pharma and Pharisees     “ And I went unto the prophetess; and she conceived, and bear a son.   Then said the Lord to me, call his name Mahers halal hash baz .” – Isaiah 8:3 .   “ Before she travailed , she brought forth; before her pain came , she was delivered of a man child .” – Isaiah 66:7 .   “ And she brought forth a man child , who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne .” – Revelation 12:5 .       “ But what if he’s Jesus Christ? ” . . . . (woman in travail, dream) “ What if he is the Mahar . . . ” . . . . . (Man in the dream).   We discussed Isaiah 8:1-3 in the last topic, “ A Rock of Offense ”.   He is the “ stumblingstone ” to some and a “ rock of offense ”; but those “ who believe on him shall not be ashamed ” . . . so you know who he is.   What else do we need to know about “ he whose right it is ” ( Genesis 49:10 , Ezekiel 21:27 )?   Why did God t