Michael Is Starting To SCARE Me


April 8, 2011 – 

Michael is Starting to Scare Me

What am I doing Here???


Michael Jackson's violent nature? (Original Blog Post taken down by Google December , 2021



Jeremiah 19: 3-5  3 and say, ‘Hear the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will bring such a catastrophe on this place, that whoever hears of it, his ears will tingle.

4 “Because they have forsaken Me and made this an alien place, because they have burned incense in it to other gods whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and have filled this place with the blood of the innocents 5 (they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind)


I have started the practice of keeping several blog topics in production at one time, writing on two or three of them for future posting because they are starting to bleed into one another.  Every once in a while I have to break rank like with the one I put up last night.


Perhaps God is getting impatient with me, perhaps things are moving too fast in the world, but something is going on . . . of that I have had no doubt since this whole thing started.


I am having some WEIRD dreams and I mean weird.  I had three of them last night into this morning.  There were three of them because I kept getting woken up and I take it God wasn’t done telling me what he wanted to tell me.  However the first dream leaves me a little perplexed.


I had one dream that was interrupted by my husband kissing to wake me up (and make him breakfast and pack his lunch for work).  He’s interrupted a dream like that recently before.  Oddly enough both that one and this one had Michael in it.  Only this one was not a pleasant dream.


The second dream I had was after I went back to bed.  I was also a participant in the dream.  A phone call woke me up, my husband calling to say we were having company tonight from Maryland and going out to dinner.  The third dream happened because I tried to go back to sleep after he called.  It was a continuation of the second and I was a spectator, almost like watching a movie except one of the characters was one of our blog comment participants.


Now the first dream . . . Michael.  This one has me worried.  I have never, never had a dream like this one before.  This was not Michael.


Dream #1


Michael is possessed.  With what I have no idea, but he was clawing into the face of a woman who was either Diane Dimond or Gloria Allred (both of which deserve it . . . just my opinion).  Another man in the room, a big man, was trying to pull Michael off of this woman.  He looked almost like Howard Mann, but it was very dark in the room and hard to see. 


The whole scene took place in someone’s bedroom.  Any light came from a source outside the room.  The Howard Mann character looked over to me and yelled “Help me!”  I grabbed Michael from behind, with my arms coming up under his, trying to get him in a wrestling hold to control him (yes, one of my sons was a wrestler in grade school and high school and I went to every meet…paid attention).


Michael was out of control.  Totally out of control, like someone on LSD.  He was yelling incoherently, snarling, spitting, trying to get out of my grasp.  He kept bucking to get away from me and Howard Mann, who was trying to keep me from getting hurt, stepped between Michael and the woman he had been attacking to try to grab him from the front.  Michael was all over the place and the next thing I knew, he had both his feet up on Howard Mann’s stomach and pushed him away.  But the momentum sent me stumbling backwards and the two of us crashing to the floor.


I don’t know about Karen Faye, but in this dream, Michael is NOT 108 pounds.  He was flipping heavy!  We landed on the floor and everything from the air in my lungs to some of my organs beat a hasty retreat to “elsewhere”.  But I somehow managed to keep a hold of him.  I was gulping for air.


While I was on the ground, he was still on top of me, his back against me, and he was squirming like you wouldn’t believe.  His hair was in my mouth and I was trying to breathe.  I finally got enough air to yell out “God please, God Please, God please!”


Then I felt some sharp and burning pains in my hands.  Michael was digging his nails into me!  He dug his nails into my hands, my wrists and my forearms trying to get me to release him.  I yelled out to the Howard Mann character, “Whatever you’re going to do, you better do it fast!  I’m loosing him!”


The pain from Michael’s gouges were intense, but I kept holding him.  Finally Michael tried a different tactic and grabbed around behind himself and found the flesh on either side of my waist.  He then proceeded to dig into that, through my shirt, big hunks of my skin, like he was trying to rip it off of me.  I screamed just as my husband bent down to kiss me which woke me up. (Thank you God!!!)


I told my husband about the dream.  He was shaking his head, but more like (another Michael dream???)  I told him, “No, this time was different!  I was THANKFUL for you waking me!”  (funny, LOL – moving on…)


I made his breakfast, packed his lunch, sent him off and went back to bed.


Dream #2


In this dream, I was outside a house and it was daylight.   There was an above ground pool and a pickup truck parked just about 20 feet away from it.  The truck was ours in the dream but in this dream it was a different color than ours . . . red. 


I walked up to the truck to get my drink out of it and realized I locked the doggone door.  In the dream, the thought in my mind was I was there to meet a friend from our old church and we were trying to find Michael. (Because my husband woke me up from the first dream and Michael got away??? I don’t know!)


I turn to walk back to a house that is not mine, to get the keys out of my purse.  John, one of our friends from church in Maryland is there but not visible and I assume is in the house.  The phone rings . . . I wake up.



Now this was weird too, because I have not seen John since we left Maryland last October.  However my husband called to tell me that John was on his way down.  He was active in a ministry that had an event down here and it was right down the road from our house.  So he was “warning” me that he may be staying with us instead of at a motel in town, and having dinner with us.


John.  Okay, so John was coming down for dinner and possibly staying the weekend, which reminded me of dream #2 so I wrote THAT down.  Then I laid back down because I was NOT finished sleeping yet.



Dream #3


This one, I am inside the house I was outside of in dream #2.  But John is not in there.  Instead there are two actors. Both are sitting at a round kitchen table.  The man was Liam Neeson.  The woman started out being me, but when I stood up to take my medication, I stepped out of my body and some woman actor took over (my understudy???)


So Liam’s character says to the woman, “I  thought you were off that stuff?” (He said "shit" in the dream)  The woman, blonde with her hair twisted back off her neck, turned to him and her face is flushed and her eyes are filled with tears.  She was very upset about something.  She said “no, this is my medication.  They’re prescription” and she picked up the bottle from the little table in the corner to show him.


The Liam character looked up at her and responded, “So were the other ones.  You can’t be impaired if we hope to find him.”  (he was talking about Michael).


She turned to him, barely able to contain her urge to toward hysteria, her breathing quickens as if she is trying to keep from bursting into a fresh set of tears.  Her broken reply, whispered through fresh forming tears, “but what if he is Jesus Christ . . .”


At this point in the dream, I am a spectator and I seriously wanted to throw my hands up over my ears, I did NOT want to hear that.  But I look over to Liam Neeson and the look in his eyes is intense.  His eyes narrow and he counters, “What if he is the Maher?”


I woke up and flew to the first notebook I can find (I have them all over different parts of the house now), and wrote that down.  What the Liam Neeson character said, what if he is the Maher sounded like “Ma ‘hare”. That is the way he pronounced it, but I’m not sure how to spell that word because I’m not sure what it is.


The first search I did was on Maher.  (There is a Maher in our church . . . his name.  He is from Egypt and can read the Koran in it’s language.  He’s fluent in Aramaic, Arabic, Hebrew and of course, English.  He is a long time member of our church in Maryland).


The first search came up with an Irish Coat of Arms.  I don’t think that is what I was looking for, so I did another search under a slightly different spelling.  I found this:


Maher is prescribed to be a compulsory gift from the husband to his wife. The husband must pay the agreed amount of Maher unless relinquished by his wife.”  Source 


This is an explanation of when and how the “maher” is paid on a Sharia law web site.  I continued to search, because I don’t think Michael would be an Islamic dowry.




Then I found this:


Maher Zain - Ya Nabi Salam Alayka Nasheed with translation ... Labels: final messenger, Maher Zain, prophet of god, ya rasul” 


Final messenger?  Prophet of God?  I searched on this.  Of course, it led me to Mohammed as the “last messenger” of God.  I found on this web site, a short explanation of just who Mohammed was:


“Muhammad (c. 570-632) (Arabic:) , also transliterated Mohammad, Mohammed, Muhammed, and sometimes Mahomet (following the Turkish), is God`s final prophet sent to guide all of mankind with the message of Islam. He is referred to as "The Prophet" (Arabic:) within the faith.

“According to traditional Muslim biographers, he was born c. 570 in Mecca (Makkah) and died on June 8, 632 in Medina (Madinah). Both Mecca and Medina are cities in the Hejaz region of present day Saudi Arabia. The name Muhammad means "the praised one" in Arabic.

“The name "Muhammad" written in Arabic calligraphy as a form of devotion Born Muhammad ibn Abdullah, he is said to have initially been a merchant who traveled widely.


“Muhammad often retreated to the mountains outside Mecca, for prayer and contemplation. In 610, at about the age of forty, while praying in one of these mountain caves called Hira, he was visited by the Angel Gabriel who commanded him to memorize and recite the verses sent by God. These verses were later collected as part of the Qur`an.


Gabriel told him that God (Allah in Arabic) had chosen him as the last prophet to mankind. He eventually expanded his mission as a prophet, publicly preaching a strict monotheism and warning against a Day of Judgement where all humans shall be held responsible for their deeds. He did not completely reject Judaism and Christianity, two other monotheistic faiths known to the Arabs; rather he said that he had been sent by God in order to complete and perfect their teachings.


Many in Mecca resented his preaching and persecuted him and his followers. Eventually, persecution followed and in 622, he was forced to flee from Mecca (the Hijra) and settled in Yathrib (now known as Medina) with his followers, where he was the leader of the first avowedly Muslim community. War between factions in Mecca and Medina followed, in which Muhammad and his followers were eventually victorious. The military organization that was created by this struggle was then set to conquering the other tribes of Arabia. By the time of Muhammad`s death, he had unified Arabia, spread Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and launched expeditions to the north, towards Syria and Palestine.”  Source


On this same site, I decided to click the “M’s” to see if I could find “Ma ‘hare” or “mahr” or “Maher” or “Mahir”  . . . anything that sounded like it might have been what Liam said in my dream.  Here is what I found:


Maai Nahr
- The water of large rivers from which every person has an equal right to drink and also conditional right to irrigate his lands.


- The Mahdi (Arabic:  transliterated: Mihdī, also Mehdi "Guided One"), in Islamic eschatology, is the prophesied redeemer of Islam, who will change the world into a perfect Islamic society before Yaum al-Qiyamah (literally "Day of the Resurrection").
The exact nature of the Mahdi differs according to Sunni and Shia Muslims


- A dowry (also known as trousseau) is a gift of money or valuables given by the bride`s family to that of the groom at the time of their marriage.

In societies where payment of dowry is common, unmarried women are seen to attract stigma and tarnish the family reputation, so it is in the bride`s family`s interest to marry off their daughter as soon as she is eligible. In some areas where this is practiced, the size of the necessary dowry is directly proportional to the groom`s social status, thus making it virtually impossible for lower class women to marry into upper class families. In some cases where a woman`s family is too poor to afford any dowry whatsoever, she is either forbidden from ever marrying, or at most becomes a concubine to a richer man who can afford to support a large household. Dowries have been part of civil law in almost all countries, Europe included. Dowries were important components of Roman marriages.

The opposite direction, property settled on the bride by the groom, is called dower


- Makr

Makr signifies a secret strategy of which the victim has no inkling until the decisive blow is struck. Until then, the victim is under the illusion that everything is in good order. See Holy Qur`an, Aali-Imran (3:54)


This does not sound anything like the word he said, but I wanted to post it here so you could see the difference between what the Muslim’s believe, and what we were TOLD they believed:


- Maryam or Mariam in Arabic is the Islamic name for Mary the mother of Jesus (Arabic Isa) in the Quran. Islamic belief holds that Jesus (Isa), a very important prophet in Islam, was born of a virgin birth.
Maryam is very respected in Islam and there is a whole chapter in the Quran about her. See Virgin Mary in Islam.
It is also a very common name for Arab and Muslim girls


This one is the one where Christians and Muslim’s usually lock horns: 


- Masih is the Arabic word for Messiah. In modern Arabic it is used as one of the many titles of Isa (`Īsā). Masih is most often used by Arab Christians as well as Muslims, and is written as Yasu` al-Masih ( Yasū`a al-Masīħ) or Isa al-Masih.


This one:


- Mujahideen (Arabic: , mugāhidīn, "strugglers") is an Arabic term for those who engage in Islamic holy war jihad ("struggle"). The word is a plural form of, mugāhid, which literally translated from Arabic means "struggler" but is often translated in the West as "holy warrior." The opposite of mujahideen is qaideen people who remain inactive and do not actively fight.”   

The word Masih literally means "anointed one," and in Islam, Isa al-Masih is believed to have been anointed from birth by Allah with the specific task of being a prophet and a king. The Israelites, to whom Isa was sent, had a traditional practice of anointing their kings with oil. In Islam, he has also been given the task of killing the false messiah al-Dajjal (similar to the Antichrist in Christianity), who will emerge shortly before him during Qiyamah. After he has destroyed al-Dajjal, his final task will be to become leader of the Muslims. During this time, Muslims believe that Isa will dispel the false Christian claims about him.
All Source


Now I heard on Fox News that the Muslims considered Jesus the anti-christ, and their Mujahid was the Messiah that would kill him.  Do you see that here?  This was on Glen Beck’s show.  He quoted the Hadid when he reported this, via his guest, a “Christian scholar”.


I do not see that here, and to the contrary, I saw that both Mary and Jesus were highly esteemed in Islam, so why the lies?  If you want the truth, the best place to look is the horses mouth.  I have combed my Bible trying to find any evidence that Ishmael’s descendants were evil . . . I found nothing.


So who is telling the truth about Islam?  I still did not find out exactly what “Maher” or “Ma ‘hare” is and I am still looking, but this was very educational.  This is the first web site that I came across that explained to me who Mohammed is without the hate slant.  But this is what really, really struck me!


“ . . . he had unified Arabia . . .”


What is happening now on that peninsula?  It is being splintered, broken apart, decimated and “radicals” joined by OUR radicals.  They are both being used in a very organized and hateful scheme to enslave.   


That is kind of what is happening over here, isn’t it?  An entity turning us against each other?


Liberal vs. Conservative

Baptist vs. Catholic

Unions vs. Private workers

Democrats vs. Republicans

Christians vs. Muslims

Muslims vs. Jews

Black vs. White

Welfare vs. Well-to-do

I could go on . . .


And on the top of the heap, pulling all the strings, orchestrating all the “controlled chaos”, is the banking elite, working with our government, and the heads of the European governments in which those banks control.


I am still trying to understand dream #1.  Michael does not try to hurt people and he was hurting me.  I don’t know why.  But I wasn’t angry with him nor did I want to hurt him back.  I was afraid for him and I would have held onto him even if he resorted to trying to knaw my hand off.  That’s all I could think about in the dream . . . I did not want to let him go.  (I did however, want him to stop gouging me with his nails).


The people in that dream . . . Allred/Dimond, Mann and myself were all trying to hold onto him.  I would try to assume that it was a message that I needed to let him and his dilemma go, and help the ones HE was trying to get the message to.  But the whole snarling/spitting/clawing Michael thing really upset me.


Each part of these dreams was a move onto something else, which reminded me of “levels” of whatever understanding I am supposed to come to.  I am still trying to find the meaning of “Ma ‘hare”, a possessed Michael and Liam Neeson???  Am I missing an Irish connection perhaps?  “Maher” and the family Crest?  Clueless.


Tomorrow, I have something I had been saving  . . . two blog entries I had been working on and I believe now is the time to share them.  What did Michael know? And the blue print of deception.



No Matter What . . .

The most powerful thing in the world

Is the human mind . . . and Prayer

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