Psalms and Lamentations


Psalms and Lamentations




Then on that day David delivered his first psalm to thank the Lord into the hand of Asaph and his brethren.” – 1 Chronicles 16:7.


Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus sayeth the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” – Ezekiel 28:12-13.





I started this on the day after Thanksgiving.  My brother and I were the only ones in our family alive and not at work but my brother didn’t want to do turkey and stuffing.  He instead requested spaghetti, so that is what we had.


I went all out too: the sauce, five cheese garlic bread, salad.  We had pumpkin roll and pumpkin pie, rice pudding and a choice of soda, ice tea, milk, chocolate milk and water to drink (from the spring up the hill from us).  I even added berries to the salad (which my brother declined.  He said it’s not ‘fruit salad’ so no fruit).


The things we are thankful for are a lot different than four years ago, or even thirty years ago.  We are thankful to be untangled from the lie. 


We are also a little wiser and a little sadder that some decided not to walk with us; among them are loved ones.  We pray they will find the road and begin walking on it at some point.


Unfortunately, there has been a misunderstanding through the midst of congregations concerning the “ways of the world” and what those actually are.  Too many pastors, too many deacons; too many parishners are basking in the “flatteries” by which they (Daniel 11:21-23) obtain the “kingdom”.  They are blinded by their prestige, their position, their education and their pride.  They are blinded as to who their adversary really is, and are eating of the meat from his table.


There is not a prophet in the Bible that hasn’t been lured by these things.  Even Jesus himself was tempted.  Only Jesus overcame those temptations.  There is still time to get out of the wilderness and back onto the path.




The Craft of Oppression


There are divisions of divisions of tongues, nations and people.  Religion, politics, ethnic lineage, color of skin, flag, degree, socio-economic standing, profession, vocation, club, societies or tribe: all tools of the craft of oppression.


They will appear to “come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries”.  This same “small people” (small group) from Daniel 11:23, work with this “vile person”.  These are described in Daniel 11:22 as they who “break” the “prince of the covenant”, and in Daniel 11:31 who “pollute the sanctuary of strength, and take away the daily sacrifice” and “place the abomination that maketh desolate”.


Those who place the abomination in the “house called by my name” (the Lord’s name, Jeremiah 7:30) are named in that verse.  It’s not conspiracy theory, it’s not anti-Semitism, and it’s not spoken out of jealousy:  It is scripture.  You either accept this or don’t.  But between you and me, and any other professed Christian reading this, you are going to have to pick a side.  Because Judaism is anti-Christ.  It was in David’s time, it was in Jeremiah’s time, in Jesus’ time and in Paul’s time.


For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it:  and profited in the Jews religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.” – Galatians 1:13-14.


The “craft” of oppression, persecution and crucifixion is the art of those who coveted the kingdom and it’s throne.  And that is within you!  The relationship between you and your creator is the same place that Jacob found his: in the place he called “Bethel” (house of God) after seeing the ladder to heaven; and in the place Jacob became “Israel”: in the place he called “Peniel” (pineal) because there he saw “God face to face” and his life was preserved.


We have all been poisoned, cut off, and had the words in our “books” within us rearranged and corrupted.  These are the same books that will be opened, and the dead judged out of the things written in their books in Revelation 20:12.


The Jews should know better than most what “remission” Jesus Christ provided with the shedding of his blood means.  They infiltrated Judah in 2 Kings 16, were run out by King Rezin; and returned again in Jeremiah 40 because Judah was the lawgiver. 


Mystery Babylon:  the alchemy of the human genome.  And the children of Israel bought into their seductions and “flatteries” and riches and the Eden-old promise that they could “be as gods”.


All are disconnected.  All our registries are broken and our code corrupted.  Jesus was a threat to their plans to control and obtain the kingdom through sorceries.  And what the worst of them do not understand is that there is a difference between the “letter of the law” and the “Spirit of the law”.  Paul talks about this in Romans 7:68:2-4 and Galatians 3:1-5 and 5:18.


People have been separated from faith . . . in anything.  But they “hope” in men, hope in rhetoric; they have been dulled in the power of truth and love because they see very little evidence of it.  And this generation of young people have the biggest disadvantage of all: they are left to fight for their soul with few weapons.  They have been brought up in weakness and hopelessness.  They depend on chemicals and idols to get them through the day to day.


People have built them up heroes, only to watch them fail, then fall with their hopes:  Idols that have no sight in their eyes and no breath in their words: No love, no empathy and false promises in return for the adoration they seek for themselves.


When are they going to turn to you, Lord?  When is the lie going to finally be consumed with the plague it has written into men?


When is the Word of your remission and restoration going to break through that second veil?  People are digging up out of the hole they realize they have dug for themselves and they are looking for light.


Help them hang on to their song, Lord.  If it is your will, we will wait until all but the last note remains that builds the scales that formed the relationship of the chords in the Key of David.






Kanye West (Ye?) has been in the news a lot lately.  He’s been labeled a lot of things, including Anti-Semite, he’s been accused of losing his mind, being on drugs, needing psychiatric care, and yet, his demeanor seems to be calmer and more in control than those pointing their fingers at him.


I remember a “Kanye” from way back in the first decade of the 2000’s.  His demeanor was a lot different back then.  His eyes were different.  I can say this for many of the “illuminated” in the industry of entertainment; but Kanye’s countenance has been drawn in the opposite of what I usually see:  His eyes are softer.  His demeanor is more reflective and his tone and words more responsible.  Is this just a decoy?


I have never listened to Kanye’s music and I cannot recall the title of a single song he produced.  I am cautious in bringing this up because Kanye still very much needs prayer, probably more than ever now.


Those of you tearing him down because of what he was must remember we all have closets with bones in them.  It takes a lot of courage to open your own and name those bones as each one falls out into the room.  Kanye has done that, even to the admission that his own mother was sacrificed for his success.


But those responsible for the abomination that the entertainment industry has become, for the “changing, rearranging thoughts and minds”, is accusing Kanye of things he hasn’t done.  All Kanye has done is expose things that have been going on since the time of Christ, but in this time.  And the things that his accusers don’t understand, is that they are proving Kanye right by shutting down his accounts, closing his bank accounts, controlling the canceling of contracts with corporations he had contracts with.


The message?  “We made you, and we will break you” (an intimidation tactic).


If you recall, this also happened to other entertainers, most notably, Michael Jackson.  Michael Jackson mentioned other entertainers suffering this oppression including the Temptations, and George Michael, and Britney Spears.


There was Kris Kristopherson, Waylon Jennings and Eric Clapton in the 70's and early 80's. 


They were trying to form a protest of sorts, against what was going on in the music industry.  I’m not sure exactly what happened, but things disbanded after the death of Clapton’s son, four year old Connor, who was found dead on the fourth story roof of a building, falling from the 53rd story apartment of the building next door. The prior year, Clapton’s fellow tour artist Stevie Ray Vaughn and three members of their road crew were killed in a chopper crash on the way to a venue.  Waylon Jennings suffered similar loss when the plane he gave up his seat to Richie Valenz and Buddy Holly crashed, albeit 30 years before Connor’s tragedy.


Johnny Cash performed with all of them through concerts and TV show appearances.  All of them tried to get a message out, some more successfully than others.


Johnny Cash put out “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”.  Many of the artists I mentioned are IN this video.  My favorite of his of late is his recording of the Nine Inch Nails lamentation, “Hurt”.  I still cry listening to it, but the imagery that Cash had put in his video, Lord!  Especially the nailing of Jesus to the cross as Cash folds his hands in anguish . . . It is every one of us.


George Michael, someone whose battle Michael Jackson had knowledge of, put this out and it also had me in tears.  I posted it on the previous blog “Michaelsguardian”.  It was also a lamentation.  In this song, he was tired, he was discouraged, he was in fear of losing something that one decision could cause him to lose, so I’m praying he didn’t.  The song is “One More Try”:  I know who his “teacher” is he is singing to.


One of the most gut wrenching lamentations I have ever heard, is “We’ve Had Enough”.  I’m going to post it here and I want you to listen not only the lyrics; but the passion in the vocals and the instrumentals:


We’ve Had Enough



So the question repeatedly asked in this song is: 


Did God say that you could decide,

who will live and who will die

All my mamma ever did,

was try to take care of her kids


We’re innocently standing by

Watching people loose their lives

It’s as if we have no voice,

it’s time for us to make a choice


Then the chorus, and I’ve listened to this over and over again, because as with many of Jackson’s songs, you sometimes hear something else in the words and they are different than what is printed on the lyrics sites.


Printed on the lyrics sites they have for the chorus


They gotta hear it from me

They gotta hear it from you

They gotta hear it from us

We can’t take it . . .

We’ve already had enough


But I also hear this when listening:


Dear God you hear it from me

Dear God I hear it from you

Dear God they hid it from us

We can’t take it

We’ve already had enough


Michael Jackson also pens “ad libs” for his songs used either in the bridge or the closing of the song:


Deep in my soul

(Deep in your soul and let God Decide)

Deep in my soul

(It’s up to me and I’m still alive)


It’s goin down, baby

Just let God decide

It’s going on, baby

Just Let God Decide

Deep in my soul, baby . . .”


What is “going down”?  What did Michael know?  Because that statement appears in a lot of his songs, including “Bloodon the Dance Floor”, “Morphine” and “This Time Around”, “Who Is It” and several others.


George Michael’s “battle” with himself in “OneMore Try”:


And Teacher, there are things

That I don’t want to learn

And the last one I had, made me cry

So I don’t want to learn to

Hold you, touch you . . .

Think that your mine

‘cause their aint no joy

 For an uptown boy

Who’s teacher has told him goodbye.”



There are more uplifting messages too, like Huey Lewis and The News with “Power of Love” and Bee Gees “How Deep Is Your Love”, Foreigner’s “I Want to Know What Love Is”, Nickelback’s “This is How You Remind Me”, Bryan Adam’s “Please Forgive Me”, Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”, the Jackson 5’s “I’ll Be There” and “ABC” . . . I could go on.


The adversary has his songs of defiance too.  You can almost make out the answers and retaliatory replies in the lyrics of certain songs.  And I could almost guarantee that Evanescence’s “Call Me When You’re Sober” is a taunt toward Michael Jackson’s “Heartbreaker”.


Because there is a distinction between the Levites and the other tribes of Israel (in that there inheritance is God, and they have no inheritance of the land but must live among Israel), there is Biblical evidence that the “son of man” will be a Levite, of the tribe of Joseph, with the “Idol” made to “Micah” all the time that the “house of God is in Shiloh”.


That narrows things down quite a bit.  Levites are the only ones who can “bear the Ark of the Covenant” (the last being the Son of man through whom Christ reveals himself), and just happen to be the “singers and musicians of skill” in the “temple”.


This last “elect” will be sealed with the Name of God in his forehead; and whom the dragon will seek to devour “as soon as he is ‘born’”.


They announced in 1974 that they had “found Adam”.  The “Human Genome Project” (sequencing the human genome) and CERN (search for “The God Particle”) was about finding the “Word” in one human being (the God Gene).


The “pandemic” of COVID-19 (DIVOC + the 19th chromosome) (SARS2 locus) “tested” using a “PCR Test” (polymerase chain reaction test), for the COVID “Corona virus” using the “ELISA test” (El-Issa, Arabic for Lord Jesus), to find and eliminate or try to eliminate “the Name” which is “The Word of God” in the elect.  This is what CRISPR was used for, to find and replace “Clustered, Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats”.  (“God knoweth them that are His” – 2 Timothy 2:19). 


God’s Name is a palindrome once the “Jot and tittle” pass from the law, when all is fulfilled.




The Comforter, the Holy Ghost


Some of the arguments I have engaged in the past over which Bible, which language, which FORM of the letters or the language are pure have been useless.  Because what I have learned from the Holy Ghost was not in written form or spoken form other within through me.  What he did was SHOW me through the scriptures the “letter” after he showed me “in the Spirit”.


I now understand what “Pentecost” was; and HOW people heard in their own language what the Holy Ghost wanted them to hear, as was told in Acts 2:3-8.


It also explains how “Faith” will heal you, as Jesus said to the woman in Mark 5:30-34 and Luke 8:47-48.


Now think about this:  Everywhere that Jesus preached, he healed.


Everywhere he preached, he healed:  First mention here:


And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them” – Matthew 4:24.


God built healing into us.  We’ve been cut off from Him through transgression (of the law).  Following the law you would think would be easy, because it’s simple:  IF our conscience is about loving God more than self, and loving your neighbor as yourself.  If your decisions are based on that, peace is overspread, instead of the abomination.


Survival of the fittest is the anti-law we are now programmed to live by.  All the negative emotions and mindset is the baggage that comes with it: fear of loss, selfish conscience, jealousy, coveting, iniquity (un-equal judging), lying, concealing of truth, pride, ego, hatred, uncontrolled anger etc, etc . . .


Your healing is not going to come from men in politics, or certain political parties, or even science or the medical field.  God is still revealing the lie in those areas.  Your healing is going to come through faith in the blood of Christ.


God said, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul”. – Leviticus 17:11.


Whose blood is on the altar?  Ours, or Christs?


But with the precious blood of Christas of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” – 1 Peter 1:19.


God gave us in our blood, upon the altar to make an atonement for our sins.  Our own blood was not pure enough.  Faith in the blood of Christ, Romans 3:25.  Why is this important?


Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.” – Hebrews 13:12


Jesus sanctified the people with his own blood.  There were two bloodlines in Genesis 1:26 after God created man.  There were two bloodlines when the serpent came down to Eve in the garden.  There were two bloodlines in Genesis 6 before the sons of God came down and took wives of the daughters of men.  This was mentioned in Daniel 2:43.  One corrupted the other. 


An earthly covenant first had to be made.  So Moses was given charge over that: the building of the first tabernacle, the worldly, for the covenant to be placed:


Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.” – Hebrews 13:20.


In a previous article we discovered that the name “Moses” means “extracted, a loan, hidden, covered.  If the name Moses explained a “loan, debt or burden” as described by one verb transliteration in Abarim Publications, it would vet Apostle Paul’s description of the law of Moses, and the “law of death”.


The “law of Moses” is the physical, worldly, physical law.  We know this because God said in Genesis 6:3 “my Spirit shall not always strive with man: yet his days  shall be an hundred and twenty years”.  Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died on the mount (Deuteronomy 34:7).


The blood of the everlasting covenant was “beyond the second vail” where Jesus said of the “new testament in my blood”, for which the Ark was built.  What was that covenant?


According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear not.” – Haggai 2:5.


The Word was covenanted with the elect, the 144,000 of the remnant of Israel, of which only “God knows them that are his” (2 Timothy 2:19).


But the adversary still tried to find them . . .  

"25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.

26 Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them." - Ezekiel 22:25-26

Beware of thieves bearing gifts.  Beware of liars bestowing flattery.  A deception is under construction, but the mechanics are in working order.

Their "temple" is not going to be what you think it will be, and they are NOT in control.  This is why they are looking for the elect.

More on the way.


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