The Messiah The Prince



The Elect?

Who is the “Band On The Run”?




Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” – John 8:44.


I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blaspheme of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan” – Revelation 2:9.


Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” – Revelation 3:9.




Today is December 30th, 2022.  I don’t know how long it will take me to get his entry up, but I’m going to try to post it later today because I want it up on or before New Year’s.


We had a horrible storm come across the country from the 23rd through the24th, and some endured into Christmas day.  Some were buried in snow, some endured snow changing to flooding rains before the flash-freeze came in.  I took a drive yesterday and saw all of the frozen run off, and the rock cuts along the roadsides in this mountainous area bleeding thick ice.  I was without water for four days including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I also had to work both days, thirteen hours one day, and eleven hours on Christmas day.


Others had it much worse.  Buffalo had over 100 inches of snow out of three storms from the middle of November through the Christmas weekend.  Michigan was buried, Chicago was buried, Cleveland was buried but Buffalo was crucified.  They are still finding dead people in cars that couldn’t get home, and they are now under threat of flooding with all the melt from the snowpack due to warm temps this week.


Just to put things in perspective, 100 inches of snow is 8.33 feet, or 2.54 meters: over 2 and one half feet per storm.  That is a lot of water when it melts, a lot of misery over Christmas and lost loved ones.


During the course of this Holiday I worked a 24 hour weekend over Christmas, and I published “Psalms and Lamentations”.   In this we talked about the “craft of oppression” and how propaganda and false news and narratives turn the truth into a lie.  We discussed the building of a false reality and false history through these narratives and how this would play into the false peace and the false Messiah.


We also revealed the “Lamentations” in some of the musicians and “singers of skill” in the temple trapped in the entertainment industry, what they attempted to communicate in the metaphors of their lyrics.


At the very end, the “Comforter, the Holy Ghost”  section discussed the elect, what having “The Name” written in them meant, and why the world’s elite “health” leaders were using COVID to find them.  The closing paragraphs:


The blood of the everlasting covenant was “beyond the second vail” where Jesus said of the “new testament in my blood”, for which the Ark was built.  What was that covenant?


According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear not.” – Haggai 2:5.


The Word was covenanted with the elect, the 144,000 of the remnant of Israel, of which only “God knows them that are his” (2 Timothy 2:19).


And I closed with:


There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. 


Her priests have violated my law, and they have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and the profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.” – Ezekiel 22:25-26.


Beware of thieves bearing gifts.  Beware of liars bestowing flattery.  A deception is under construction, but the mechanics are in full effect.


Their “temple” is not going to be what you think it will be, and they are NOT in control.  This is why they are looking for the elect.




The Prophecies of Daniel: Michael


On Christmas day, I saw a post from my brother on a social media platform.  It was a reply to someone who copied my profile from same said platform but didn’t include the actual post my brother was replying to: only HIS reply which was “REPORTED”.


Whoever it was had responded to one of my posts but I had no idea which one, or what caused my brother to block and report him.  So I asked him, “what did they say?”  He sent me this:


GAB Post w/mild doxing


The person had responded to this post I replied to from someone else:


Why would this make them angry?


So this was about Michael Jackson.  I’m glad they brought this up.  Because the element this attack came from was also the same element we dealt with back when we first explored this territory back in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and on and on.  It’s good to know they are still out there, because they are the ones that have verified for me that I was on the right track by their reactions to my posts.


A LOT of research was done into the music industry, Michael Jackson’s songs, his death, the things they did to him before his death, and how they “tried to get me to lose the man I really am” (Privacy lyrics): his death started the journey.  They knew I knew something, but didn’t know how I knew it.


In several of Michael’s songs, Michael sings of being “the chosen one” (Billie Jean/Gene; Cry; Who is It, We’ve Had Enough, Tabloid Junkie, Speechless, Is It Scary, Threatened etc . . .)   So, what was he chosen for?  Who is he?


That question was answered for me in August of 2009 when I said a prayer and took this on in earnest.  God has answered every prayer, every cry, travail, and then He was quiet for a while.


Then I went through my wilderness, and I don’t think I’m the only one.  Some of us are seeing a leakage of the old persecutors coming back to test the mettle.  Are we now yet?


They’re just in time.  COVID served it’s purpose.  And before that, laying the “yellow brick road” was the search for the “God Particle” by CERN; the sequencing of the gene by the “Human Genome Project” (is the God Particle in the Genes, and in whom?)


CRISPR was developed after the virus it would be programmed into once they “built it” from the “nasal washings of a male child”.  All they had to do after that prep work was to convince people that a flu was a deadly virus and develop a test to spread an abomination, and call it a “test”.  The vaccine had long been created.  But they were “looking” for something too.


What was “COVID” really about?  (COVFEVE? COV-EVE?)


What were they looking for, during the testing stage for the “Corona Virus”?  Why did the PCR test have to scrape so far into the nasal cavity as to cause nose bleeds?  Why did the olfactory nerves at the cribriform plate have to be scraped?


What did they do with what they found, and did they also leave something behind?  What did the ELISA test (El-Issa) test do?  El-Issa means Lord Jesus in Arabic.  Jesus is “The Word”.


What were they looking for?


Were they harvesting or planting?




The Problem with Michael


Who Michael is, was answered for me.  I don’t need anyone to convince me who he is.  The days are growing shorter to convince you to search scripture and pray on that.  Because as it states in the prophecies of Daniel and in the songs he himself wrote and recorded, they will be putting him to use.  They know it.  They know that I know it, and this is why I get reactions like this from people: the same ones from back in 2010 to the time of today.  This is why they removed my blog from Google.


The journey God took me through, was the answer to that prayer and oblation in 2009.  And He revealed to me, much in the same way that He revealed to Samuel, himself “in Shiloh, by the Word of the Lord” in 1 Samuel 3:21.


What are the things that stand out to you the most about the prophecies of Daniel?  Who was the prince, and what was his “sanctuary”?


Why did Jesus himself, recounted in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14, stress the understanding of the abomination of desolation, and where it is placed in the prophecies of Daniel (in the “temple”)?


Recall beginning in chapter nine what happens to this man, this “prince”.  The “people of the prince” take him down.  The angel comes to reveal to Daniel the explanation of the seventy weeks (which from that time to now we are in the midst of).


The “commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince” has already occurred.  “Messiah the Prince”, so this isn’t some “son of some king”.  Detractors will try to convince you of this: This is Messiah the Prince.


Seven weeks are seven sevens (see Leviticus 25:8, Daniel 9:25).  Then the “Messiah” shall be cut off (but not for himself) and the “people of the prince” come in to destroy the city and the sanctuary.  This has already occurred according to THIS man, back in 1987:


Lubavich Temple Destruction


This was said by Rebbe Schneerson back in 1987.  That was thirty and five years ago: “the destruction of the temple is an ongoing event”.  Therefore you know he is not talking about a non-existent physical building in physical Jerusalem: He is talking about the “temple of the body” – the “sanctuary” in it.  They already HAD him at that point, this “Adam” that John Todd had revealed in lectures to numerous churches in the late 1970’s.


John Todd


So if “Adam” had been “found” by the Rothschild (or another source) family by that testimony of Todd’s in 1976; and IF that “Adam” was the “male child” of Revelation 12; and IF that male child was the seed from which the “virus” was developed from the initial “nasal washings” in 1965: then Psalm139:14-16 was in play as was Psalm 88:4-8.  He was being “made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth”.  He was being “made an abomination unto them”.


Control of the House

Zechariah 5:1-4


I received that back in 2017 in an old Twitter account.  I took a screen shot of it.  Not many would take notice of this because they would not have known what it meant.


In Daniel 9:27, why is all this being done?


And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”


This is being done “for the overspreading of abominations”.  They have to have an “abomination” to spread, so who was the host? 


Where were they looking to “overspread it”?   Because the “male child” was not the only one who was sealed with His Name, was he?


No . . . they were also looking for the remnant in which to “overspread” the abomination.  They wanted to find them, and “kill” them, by “taking His Name in vain” from them.


The “beast” with the “head wound” in Revelation 13 is the serpent with the heel-bruised head in Genesis 3.  He was also the “prince” whose “sanctuary” was “cast down and polluted” in Daniel 11.


Revelation 11 describes two groups of the saved:  The elect, which are the remnant of Israel numbering 144,000: 12,000 from each tribe of the children of Israel.  The second group is the multitude that no man can number.  They are washed white in the blood of the lamb. 


Revelation 11 represents everything the adversary is against, and fears!  This is the reason that the elite among the Jews, which are Pharisees just as they were back in the day of Christ (Pharaohs in the Egyptian), do not want people to know, or say the true Name of God.  Even more so do they not want you to DO the Name of God, which is the WORD: the one Word that fulfills all the law.


“. . . For the overspreading of abominations, he shall make it desolate” – Daniel 9:26-27.


With this in mind, once they “had him”; the “body” (Daniel 9:27, Jude 1:9, Revelation 12:4-5), they had to search for the elect.  They named their methods:  ELISA Test” (El-Isa/Eissa = Lord Jesus) to find the “Corona” virus in others (1971) after they obtained the “seed” from the “male child” (1965 – Bynoe & Tyrell).


Male Child - Revelation 12:2-5


After cultivating it with other agents in other tissue (male esophagus, embryonic tracheal tissue), and some fine-tuning (GOF research, CRISPR, FUNVax) COVID (Divoc = malevolent possession of a living person by a soul of the dead, also see “Devic’s disease”), targeting the 19th position in the 19th Chromosome –


Chromosome-19, 19 Locus


Autism is linked to Encephalitis


- they have the culture for . . . the “abomination”.


About the “elect” of Israel – They are the remnant, the 144,000.  They have “The Name of God” sealed in their foreheads.  “The Name” is protected by something that God told Moses to have the Levites build.  Do you remember what that was?


At that time the Lord separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, to stand before the Lord to minister unto him, and to bless his name, unto this day.” - Deuteronomy 10:8.


And the priests brought the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord unto his place, to the oracle of the house, unto the most holy place, even under the wings of the cherubims:” – 2Chronicles 5:7.


The Levites had three distinctive destinies apart from the children of Israel:  They were the singers and musicians of skill in the temple.  They were the only ones who did not inherit their own land with the other children of Israel (because God was their inheritance):  And they were the only ones who could bear the Ark of the Covenant.  




A Pint A Day


This song popped into my head on Christmas day.  I was at work, and it was playing on someone’s IPhone:



The lyrics are here if you would like to read them without the distraction of the music. 


What is he giving to a registered charity?  A “pint a day” of what?


Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down.  And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.


Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint who spake, how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot?” – Daniel 8:11-13.


And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.” – Daniel 11:31.


And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” – Daniel 12:11.


Where else is this going on in scripture?


2 Thessalonians 2:3-8: and what is being “taken out of the way”? – He who withholds (lets or letteth).  In Revelation 12, what is taken out of the way and “caught up to God and to his throne”?  the man child”.


Who was the “first one” and what did he say to the ‘second one’ in that song?


For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor.  I consider all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead.” - Ecclesiastes 4:15


Who is the “band on the run”




Who is the “jailer man” and “Sailor Sam”?


International Criminal Court

Vaccine Enforcement


Sailor Sam


Why are they “searching everyone” for the “band on the run”?


Searching Everyone . . . for the  . . . 


Why? Genesis 2:7 & Revelation 14:1


How are they “searching everyone”?  And What are they looking for?

The "Y" of everything we are doing is so much about this" - 

Kenny Ortega, Choreographer for "This Is It"








We have shared the “Gene” that Michael Jackson was singing about in “Billie Jean” before.  Some of you might think it’s a stretch but euphemism and metaphors abound in literature.  Bill (formal document, decree, seal, bank note) comes from “William” which means (Helmut, protective covering).


Y – (with, together, Sanskrit “Ja”: Syriac Jah: beside, near)


Gene – give birth, beget, genetic, gentile


Bill-Y-Gene is not my lover; she’s just a girl that says that I am the one; but the kid is not my son.


Why was the jailer man and sailor Sam “searching everyone” for the “band on the run”?


Where were they searching?  What was “the band on the run”?  How were they searching?


When I heard the song (because a ‘band’ usually denotes more than one member), I thought the elect: especially when the song mentions “the first one said to the second one there” when they “fell into the sun” [son?].


This popped up in social media and I went to dig into the subject.  It was part of an article in the New York Times on 9/23/99.  As far as they got in the sequencing of the Human Genome was the counting of the number of the genes in DNA and it was an estimate.


140K Genes, or more? 


On “ComputerGeek” was another article dated much later, June of 2021; recounting an interview with Dr. Francis Crick, who with Dr Watson had discovered the double helix structure of DNA.


The interview took place in 2000 (before the rough draft of the human genome sequencing was submitted).  Crick was asked about how many genes they had identified to that point, and Crick’s response was “140,000.  We expect to find about 4,000 more”.


144K Genes in the strand of DNA


Further down in the same article, correlation was made between the number of genes and the “elect” in the Bible; the “remnant Israel”.


The "Remnant" of Israel

in "many nations" - as God

Promised Abraham - Father of many nations

To reiterate: To make their “graven” abomination, they needed a host.  That host would have to be the prototype: “for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate” – Gain – Of – Function = CRISPR into a viral vector.


Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down.  And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered. Daniel 8:11-13.


He “magnified himself even to the prince of the host” . . . That couldn’t occur until something was taken out of the way IN that “host”:  “and then shall that wicked be revealed . . .” – 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 which is also in Revelation 12:4-5.




The Prince of the Host


David said he was “made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth” in Psalm 139:14 when talking about his “substance”.  And when he said “thou hast made me an abomination unto them” in Psalm 88:4-8, what did David see?


What did David see when in Psalm 22:12-16 he also saw the piercing of his hands and his feet?


In the same week I was introduced to the possible 144,000 (it makes sense, doesn’t it?) this was also presented:


The Lie


If you read down through this portion of the article, you realize this is the same lie, all over again: the same lie as in the garden.  It is the lie, the promise of something that God already created and had given to us.  And in taking that “lie” as “truth”, we have indebted ourselves to the bondage of the beast.


It is a “desirable” tree, isn’t it?  This “beautiful delusion” as the author calls it. 


The article reiterates the 144,000 genomes in the double helix DNA: 72,000 per side of the “ladder” Jacob saw.  The “tower” they were building in “Babel” has a third strand, which would make it a triple helix.  Could we survive with such a thing as we would become?


Triple Helix DNA (72x3=216,000 = 600x60x6).


The numbers work don’t they?  I did this on the calculator.


A “host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression” the angel told Daniel.


“Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned my holy things” said the Lord to Ezekiel.


“They have not harkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it” said the Lord to Jeremiah.


And to Jeremiah did the Lord reveal who formed the conspiracy among the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and who “set the abominations in the house called by My Name, to pollute it” in chapter seven.


They shall “pollute the sanctuary of strength”, said the Lord in Daniel 11:31; and that is the “sanctuary of the prince” in Daniel 8:11: “Messiah the prince” in Daniel 9:25-26.


The prince is named “Michael” in Daniel 10:13, Daniel 10:21, Daniel 12:1.


“Michael” is the name of the angel who withholds in Revelation 12:7-9 and keeps the dragon from the soul of the man child and bars him from entering the kingdom’s throne.


“Michael” who withholds, is called “the archangel” in Jude 1:9, and when Word is “taken out of the way” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8, “they set them up Micah’s graven image” which the tribe of Dan made, “all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh” in Judges 18:30-31.



Epicenter of the “Where” and “What”

Same Logo, Same Elite


And just to keep this real, It wasn’t me who “muddied the waters” concerning Michael.  Everyone knows the “Who” of that was . . . “It’s In The Book”.


Sept 17, 2020: Trump Wants Mike


Build Wall Through M

March 25, 2018, 3:33am


Truth: Romans 1:25


They are the ones who muddied those waters.  They’ve been poisoning the well for a very long time.


Ezekiel 4:4-6

“When they say Why, Y

Does he do it that way . . .”




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