Bit By Ammon


Exercising Ammon

By The Word of the Lord




And these are they by the wayside, where the Word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the Word that was sown in their hearts.” – Mark 4:15.


Those by the wayside are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.” – Luke 8:12.




Good day, in the most literal sense of the Word.  I want to share something with you before I finish up with “Sound of Freedom” and Jim Caviezel.


The other day, I was driving.  I had intended to pick up a few things from the grocery store, which is almost 40 miles away from where I live. 


I never made it to the store.  I drove all the way down one of the main back roads through to one of the dirt roads back to the state highway.  I turned onto that county road.  It was quite a long road before getting to town: about 12 miles or so.  I pulled over and popped a “Chicago” CD into the player and started driving.


Singing to one of the ballads, I cranked it up.  It was “If you Leave Me Now”.  In the distance I saw some beef cattle calmly eating.  I rolled my windows down so the music could escape and I turned it up a bit more.  I slowed the car as I approached their grazing.  All of a sudden, heads popped up, some with mouths full of that long grass.  They were looking at the car, their ears turning, as they were munching.


My heart jumped a couple of beats!  They liked Chicago!  I continued to play as I slowly drove past them, their heads following my car.


Further down the road, there was a herd of pronghorn antelope.  There was a different Chicago song on at that time: “Wishing You Were Here”.  They didn’t run.  They popped their heads up too, ears turning.  I brought the car to a crawl and waved at them through the window.  It was then I noticed there was a car right behind me almost to my bumper.  I must have looked so stupid, waving at antelope . . . like a tourist.  I laughed, embarrassed and pulled over so they could pass.


This continued all the way down the road.  Another group of antelope, horses eating and a quieter Journey ballad and the same reaction as the previous ten miles.


I must have driven 60 miles of both paved and dirt roads getting back to my town and I learned some things:  Horses do not like percussion.  They like vocal harmony.  Cows like percussion but not disco (I played some Bee Gees at one point).  Antelope like power ballads and Jack Rabbits don’t like ANYbody!


I thought to myself on the last eight miles or so to home, “You know, Lord?  This is peace.”  I got to share music with the animals.  Their reactions were endearing as well as priceless, and I loved them.  I just wanted to share that with you how much I enjoyed that little bit of fellowship with them.


On “Whistleblower’s Prayer”, we posted the Instagram post from Rick Schroeder, where he had talked about a video he had seen as a young teen. 


Jim Caviezel’s second “War Room” interview, we discerned the information he gave in that interview concerning “plastic barrels” of “body parts” for organ and adrenochrome harvesting.


We then compared the timing of the “production” of “Sound of Freedom” to the deaths of four celebrities who were working on the documentary titled “Silent Children”.  We learned that “Angel Studios” was not even existence until 2021, so if “Sound of Freedom” was “completed” in 2018, who did the filming and the work on it?  And how did four men working on “The Silent Children” end up all dying of “suicide” (by the same method) while Ballard’s project was in production?


There were many whistleblowers who had died, and we named some of them: child film and TV stars, musicians, senators and FBI agents who were trying to expose the power behind the merchandising of children, even some of the victims themselves who had come forth, like Paul Bonacci and Theresa from Australia.


There were reports and even investigations of Tim Ballard’s “Operation Underground Railroad” (O.U.R.) which were suddenly dropped.


Tim Ballard during one “conference” had talked about Mel Gibson being the “editor” of the end of “Sound of Freedom”.  Ballard said that Gibson called him to the Ukraine at the start of the war to “help rescue children”.  But Mel has never come and out admitted credit for “SOF” OR the Ukraine.  Jim Caviezel has said that Mel wasn’t involved in it and never mentioned a four-part docu-series that Tim Ballard was promoting either.


What Jim Caviezel DID say, was that “We may not even get to the Resurrection of the Christ . . .” the movie, because “we don’t have a border”.  There was another whistleblower I wanted to cover.  He’s being discredited by the same people who took down “The Silent Children”.  We did some background on them too.




Ukrainian Connection


There was another “Whistleblower” who I’m not sure is dead or alive.  He may be in hiding, he may have been killed and someone posing as him filing papers or giving poor sound quality interviews, but nobody seems to know . . . same situation as what happened to John Todd/Collins.


He was an investigative reporter, who had even gone as far as to file complaints and charges in court.  He has also had a few filed against him (in truth, what paparazzi hasn’t?)


His name is Timothy Charles Holmseth.  That link on his name goes to his website which is still up.  He has quite a collection of articles on there.


One of the first tier of articles is about “Sound of Freedom”.  He connects O.U.R. to the Ukraine.  In the first two paragraphs he reveals:


"Evidence shows the upcoming film Sound of Freedom that will star actor Jim Caviezel (Jim Caviezel played Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ) as “Tim Ballard”, founder of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), is a psychological operation that has been launched to cover-up the trafficking of over 10,000 children in Ukraine." – Source,


On that article a few paragraphs down, Holmseth states:


"Ballard described children being thrown into vans.


Ballard has stated he observed a child being raped.


Ballard also said he created an aftercare facility.


What Ballard is describing is a child trafficking operation." - Source, Ballard Video and Timothy Charles Holmseth/Sound of Freedom


On another post further down at the bottom of that page, there was a “press release” image, and a statement from Holmseth.  The date and time stamp on the bottom says “Jun 25, 2023 – 7:47pm.


Looking More Into This


I tried to do some background on Holmseth, but most of what is out there is put out by him.  There is no Wiki page on him, there are court cases published both filed by him and filed against him.  It would take months of sifting through.  Some of the stuff put out there I am not sure is actually FROM him especially recently.


One of the things I ran across (because Holmseth’s name was in the title of it) was this video below by Craig Sawyer. 



Craig Sawyer DOES have a “wikipage”!  There is a lot of information on him just in the first paragraph:  He was born in 1963, he is a marine veteran, a former Navy SEAL and sniper.  He is the owner of “Tactical Insider” which serves “Hollywood” with technical advice for action films and such (convenient).


He is also the “founder, Veterans for Child Rescue”.  His “rescue” too was founded “
in 2017, April” right around the time of Cornell’s murder (founded a month before he was offed).  And he TOO produced a “documentary” (called Contraland) which was launched to the public on May 8, 2020.  I’ve never seen it or heard of it until now and I am all over the internet, EVERY DAY since 2010.  I investigated child trafficking and prostitution between 2011-2014.


I classify this as a “mock-u-mentary” because the information he relays and the spirit in which he presents it does more to discredit HIM then it does to discredit Holmseth.  If he is supporting Hollywood, you might as well dump his integrity into the same “plastic barrels” of discarded parts.  If he is Navy SEAL, he is part of the problem.  He may have even known “Warren”, if he served in the same group.  He is part of the organization Holmseth stated was covering up the trafficking in the Ukraine (and assisting it).


One of the comments down under this video struck a nerve: 


What Happened to the Honey Bee?


Honey Bee?  What does she mean?  This one?


Masons and Mormons share

The Beehive symbol

As well as “endowment” ceremonies

Bee Hive, Utah State Capital . . . Beehive, Masonic Temple Baltimore


The “Honey Bee” is a mascot of sorts for both the Freemasons (hive mind) and the Mormons (industrious).  We showed these comparisons on “Adrenaline Rush” (scroll down, sources are linked).  Did Sawyer change his avatar picture from a honey bee?  It now sports a glowing something I cannot make out (to small).  It looks to be glowing jelly fish or something like that.


That wasn’t the only interesting detail someone pointed out.  Take note of the T-Shirt Sawyer is wearing:




American Integration Contractors: they are an organization founded by veteran law enforcement officers (all levels) who provide license plate capture, facial recognition and ballistic analysis, drone detection, city wide surveillance, covert surveillance, video, and intelligence surveillance and multi-Agency Regional Collaboration.  I have some knowledge of that on a personal level (SC SLED/DEA).  They also operate for DEA, SLED, They are a "three letter agency" disguised as a non-government organization.


They are a government contractor.  Ironically this is all military grade stuff.  Both the CIA and the other “intelligence” agencies have produced this stuff.  A lot of the patents are owned by the military/U.S. government.  This tells me that they are indeed a contractor set up outside the government but are actually “government”.


The CEO is a Craig Noel (not Sawyer).  Craig Noel was also a: “veteran police officer”, “an investigator, intelligence officer and training officer” (LinkedIn page).  But he is not the same guy.


Other articles refuting claims by Tim Ballard and his “Operation Underground Railroad” are published on “”.  Lynn Packer did an excellent job researching and presenting the investigation by the Utah Law Enforcement Unit.  The investigation which commenced in October of 2020 (source  The investigation was “closed” in May of 2023 (just in time for movie promotion, source,


I’ll stop here on this topic with this final observation.  I was researching further on Tim Ballard: I’ll include a screenshot below of an article on him.


It’s not the full article.  You can find the rest of it here:


Deveraux House


The picture taken of him is taken in front of the “Deveraux” Mansion.  The Deveraux name is associated with a number of things, including the sex abuse scandal at the treatment facility for disabled children in Arizona, Colorado, Salt Lake City, and Pennsylvania.


There is also Sara Devereux who is head of the fixed -income group at Vanguard.  But the mention of “Deveraux” (Devereux, and other various spellings) brought up some memories of past research we did on the “Chateau de Amerois” in Belgium otherwise known as “Mother’s of Darkness” castle and the reference to George H.W. Bush’s “a thousand points of light”.


Deveraux Mansion

Salt Lake City, Utah

Now Owned by Mormon Church

On the screenshot of the Wiki Page of the “Deveraux Mansion” where Ballard’s picture was taken, it says that Brigham Young’s son Joseph Angell Young bought it for 20K in 1865.  He sold it for30K in 1867 to Millionaire William Jennings.


Jennings added to the house and named it “Deveraux” after a family property in Yardley, Birmingham, England.  They were British nobles.  Does that matter?  Probably not.  I have some of that of that in my own lineage.  But it kind of goes against their argument of being descendants of Israelites who were told to go to “the New World” during the Babylonian Captivity.


Their prophet of celebration is Ammon.  Considering what was recovered on their doctrine in the previous articles like “Triumvirate”, we should piece these pieces of scripture in context.  Why did I title this “Exposing Ammon”?




The Abomination of the Ammonites


The Masons and the Mormons are connected along the root of the “Conspiracy” to “take the kingdom ofChrist by force”; and I believe are at the heart of the “deception” that will deceive many people.  And I’m not sure who has who’s reins. We’ve been over and through Paul’s reproval of the “religion of the Jews”.  In reality their religion is not all that different from the Mormon’s.  Judaism and the Masonic practice the same “alchemy” and Mormonism is birthed out of Freemasonry.  It is Freemasonry with a Christian façade.  They practice “numerology” in their writings, events and speeches.  So do the Jews.  So does Blavatsky’s “Theosophy”.


The Mormon religion is more ritualistic than even the Catholic church, and they use persistent peer-reinforcement and adverse conditioning to control the minds of their people.  This changes their thinking right down to the DNA.


“Sound of Freedom” may be just a diversion from real culprits; the movie concentrates on South American cartels as if our government has nothing to do with it.  The movie may also be a vehicle for the beginning of leverage for the Mormon script.  Why would other people have been killed working on similar projects, and suddenly a Mormon surfaces who was a CIA agent, with no consequences from the “deep state”?


It’s getting a lot of write-up now and even some fake “hit” pieces designed to establish a history of events.  They are filling in pieces of the story now that people are questioning the narrative.  But many are buffaloed by it.


I had left off with a couple of scriptures at the end of “Whistleblower’s Prayer”:


A sword is upon the liars; and they shall dote: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed.” – Jeremiah 50:36.


I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.” – Revelation 2:2.


Mormons call their leaders “apostles” and “prophets”.  Ammon was their main prophet (source,  The children of Ammon; the “Ammonites” are not part of the “congregation of the Lord”.  There are some very definite words the Lord God said about them:


An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever.” – Deuteronomy 23:3.


Molech was the “abomination of the Ammonites”, as we linked to 1 Kings 11 on “Triumvirate”.  Molech.  “Molech”+“Yule” (Dark to Light pagan, log, grove, tree, branch, pole, scroll, book, roll, etc) comes from the Germanic Norsemen.  See "Winter feast" in scripture; Moloch/Molech “head of a triune”, “tyrannical government” – is the “abomination of the children of Ammon”.  They BUILT this thing!


Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.” - 1 Kings 11:7.


Who did Solomon have build the temple?  David was given the plan, but the Lord told David that Solomon was to carry it out.  Solomon sent also after the “masons and carpenters”:


Now Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and timber of cedars, with masons and carpenters, to build him an house” – 1 Chronicles 14:1.


And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the Lord, and an house for his kingdom.” – 2 Chronicles 2:1.


The “king of Tyre” (Tyrus in the Greek) was judged by the Lord in Ezekiel 28:12-19.  Read that!  He is the false one of “craftmanship” also revealed in Isaiah 14:12-15 whom the Lord called “Lucifer”.  This is the Masonic center of worship and it is the Mormon center of worship “in the disguise” of Christ (Mark 13:222 Corinthians 11:3 and 11:14Galatians 2:4).


In 2 Chronicles 2, verse 3, King Hiram (spelled Huram in that verse) of Tyre also is beseeched by Solomon to deal with him as they dealt with David.  But in 2 Kings 21:7, a graven image of “the grove” (yule) is set in the house he had made, where God said he would “put his Name”.


House of the Name of the Lord – (City of David, Beit-El-Shem or “Bethlehem”).  Let’s go back to 1 Kings 11:7:  Solomon built the high place for Chemosh, abomination of the Moabites, and for Molech the abomination of the children of Ammon.


King “Hiram” is the “Mason” which the Masonic organization reveres in their incantations.  They do so during De Molay ceremonies as well.


Molech was to who they passed their children through the fire in 2 Kings 23:10. So there was something about this “Molec-yule” that was different – not of God.  God twice gave Ezekiel to prophecy against the childen of Moab and Ammon:


And thou, son of man, prophecy and say, Thus saith the Lord God concerning the Ammonites, and concerning their reproach; even say thou, The Sword, the sword is drawn: for the slaughter it is furbished, to consume because of the glittering. . . .” – Ezekiel 21:28.


We covered what “the glittering” was back on the old blog “Michaelsguardian”:


Everything that glitters need not be gold, or everything is not what it appears, based upon outward appearance” – source, Biblehub, and Pub.


The Mormon “church” is not what it appears to be.


In Zephaniah 2:8, the Lord reproves the children of Ammon for reproaching God’s people and magnifying themselves against their border (“we don’t have a border” – Jim Caviezel, War Room Interview May 18, 2023).  Then God also gives this to Ezekiel:


Son of man, set thy face against the Ammonites, and prophecy against them; and say unto the Ammonites, hear the word of the Lord God; Thus saith the Lord God; because thou sadist, Aha, against my sanctuary, when it was profaned, and against the land of Israel, when it was desolate; and against the house of Judah, when they went into captivity;


Behold, therefore will I deliver thee to the men of the east for a possession, and they shall set their palaces in thee, and make their dwellings in thee: they shall eat thy fruit, and they shall drink thy milk.” – Ezekiel 24:2-3.


Because they said “aha” against the Lord’s sanctuary when it was profaned and when the “land” was desolate.  Where else does this description occur?  In Obadiah 1:12-15.


The Mormons are of Masonic root.  The “endowment ceremony”, which they were grooming my husband for, is of Masonic ritual. The Masons boast hidden knowledge of the “craft”.  The Masons build the temple.  The “Jews” (lawgiver, gathered fruit in the remnant of Judah in Jeremiah 40) had the “law”.


LDS Leaders Will Build the Temple (Masons)


The Masons were “stone cutters”.  Not in the way God commanded Moses and the Levites: No stones formed by lifting up iron against them (Deuteronomy 27:5Joshua 8:31).  The Satanic Jews and the Masons are the reason that THIS occurs:


Then he said to me, this is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for everyone that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and everyone that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.


I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of he that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof, and the stones thereof.” – Zechariah 1:3-4.


Their “goal” is the “negation of God” in our “books”.  I prayerfully hope that people are going to see through this new campaign and not be deceived.  However, as scripture has identified, most will believe the lie.  It is those that have not been deceived that will suffer to warn them.




Love of the Truth


There have been some rather swiftly moving developments as people are dissecting the narrative concerning this movie “Sound of Freedom”.


There has been lots of follow up ads, reviews, interviews and a detail that someone else caught that I missed (love you!).  First I want to remind you though, of the subtlety of this deception that is being played on the people of God.  This is a hard peer persuasion and psychological assault, disguised as defense.


Paul told his listeners, the elect:


For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:


Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.


And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12.


Jesus also told his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew:


For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” – Matthew 24:24.


This deception will be smooth.  They “obtain the kingdom by flatteries”.  They will be a breath of fresh air compared to all the drama going on right now in current events, politics, the news.  Your George Soros’, your Henry Kissingers, the Bill Gates of the world; your Elon Musks and Barak Obamas, Clintons, Bush’s: they are all fall guys.  All of them. 


The “revealing” is being orchestrated by the very powers-that-be who are behind it.  It is the right wing of the same bird that sports the left wing:  and as a very wise, prudent and gracious lady once said “when the left hand is waving around, the right hand is doing something else.  Watch what the other hand is doing”.


Jim Caviezel is saying some strange things:  He was asked by a LatinAmerican reporter what he thought should happen to the pedophiles.  His reply was “watch out, watch out, watch out.  My mother, our Lady of Guadalupe will be coming for you”.


There was a film review put out by an aspiring film critic.  His comments were very interesting and enlightening.  Listen to what he says:


The film is reported to have beaten the new “Indianna Jones” movie, which shouldn’t have been too hard (how many sequels have their been?)  The movie critic admitted he didn’t even hear about the film until a few days before it was released.  He is not alone.  They have tried to create a “history” for this in the press.  It is a common “injection-of-content” tactic to “legitimize” a narrative.


And then this lady, God love her:


The Masonic Connection


Take note of Ballard’s tie.


I have received some feedback from a few on social media criticizing my reproach of this movie.  And it’s not the movie I have an issue with:  it is the lies behind the making of it, the death of the four people involved in a similar project that was abandoned because of their deaths (see Whistleblower’s Prayer), and the sudden “about-face” some institution leaders suddenly have for a topic they previously ripped as “conspiracy theory”.


Ballard’s “CIA” and “secret operative for Homeland Security” background does little to inspire anyone to believe these “three letter agencies” are suddenly giving their blessing to Ballard’s “enterprise”.  The fact that he is a Mormon?  Well, he is a Mason.  Most Mormon’s are whether they know it or not.


I will not ever stop exposing their twisting of the scriptures of Christ, or their positioning of being the new “System” which they call ‘the government of God on earth”.


Their script has been written even before Theosophy’s queen, Helen Blavatsky ever met with Brigham Young and the new religion of Utah back in 1852.


The “people of Ammon/children of Ammon” are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  And Tim Ballard is no hero.  He is a prop.  A “gazingstock” used to draw people down another path.  And that path only leads to perdition.


Jim Caviezel: I still hold hope for him and pray for him that he comes out of this unscathed.  It’s all I can do in that he doesn’t go the way another “gazingstock” did whom was responsible for opening my eyes to the deeper message in the scriptures; and the fake, deceptive world around us.


It is going to get tougher out there.  You will see more cruelty to the dissenters of the lie.  Yet those persecuting them will be seen as the persecuted and the “misunderstood”.


Pray for each other.  Seek God’s help in discernment.  And pray for those “companions of them that are so used” (Hebrews 10:32-33).


That includes some of your struggling celebrities (gazingstock), and that includes Jim Caviezel.  Because he is between two straights right now.








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