The Love of a Lie


Love vs. Lies

Is Ballard a Hero?



Remember the Word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord.  If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” – John 15:20.


Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” – Matthew 5:11.




Nickleback Hero video lyrics


This just may be the song in a lot of people’s heads right now.  I can feel you.  I have said this to God on occasion, when I was plumb out of strength and endurance.  He has never left me without infusing me with more.


Why do we have to go through this?  Why the test?  Why the travail and affliction?  Those verses above should answer some of those questions.


My brother sent me this series of videos:  Both the same man and here they are in order:


Video 1


Video 2


I do not agree with Prince William being the antichrist.  I will even submit that the connection of “O.U.R. to “ouroboros” is a stretch.  That being said even though he says it a different way, I agree with most everything else he has presented in his videos. 


There is a lot of mudslinging on social media, and I don’t mean that in a bad way.  I know some of the posts are getting a little out of hand, some of that by design.  People are angry, and every bit of hope they have placed in various talking heads, national/state leaders, journalists, CIA-turned-trafficking-heroes, iconic actors playing spiritual heroes and everyone in between is being exposed.  And everyone is being let down with the latest revelations about those heroes.


Is Chad Kroeger from Nickleback correct in that song?  It’s funny but that is the first song that popped into my head when I saw the clip where Donald Trump had campaigned to put in place a biometrictracking system during his administration (air, land and sea, he said).  I thought of all the “MAGA” people who would watch this and surmised this is probably how they felt.  It was never “just for immigrants”, just like H.R. 1313 wasn’t JUST for Employee Wellness Plans.


I like the band “Nickleback”; for it was through their song “How You Remind Me”, that God spoke to me on a day back in 2005 when I contemplated taking my own life.  It wasn’t just the song . . . it was what God did to me while that song played in my head that kept me from going over the precipice.  Yet the message in “Hero” I have to disagree.  That song is for people who put their hope in man and not God.


I have suspected some of the “good guys” in this drama for a couple of years now, but some of those reading this have not.  They have been drug along these carnival grounds of these taxpayer-funded side shows, hawking vendors and deranged performers for the last almost 20 years.  In truth it has been longer than that, but the “show” has been most obvious since 2000.


Perhaps we are being tested in where our allegiance lies?  People seem to forget when blinded by the rhetoric of “right vs, left”, “Democrat vs Republican”, “Intellectual vs Spiritual”, “black vs. white” and every other thing they have thrown at us to keep “peace” an impossible condition; what this battle is really about.


That “peace” they keep dangling in front of us like a carrot, if “one or the other” didn’t exist; is not the “peace” that God and Jesus and the apostles talked about in the scriptures:  THAT peace is given to you through Christ, within.  That is where it starts.


Your adversary knows this, the authors of sin know it:  and you cannot and will not get there without Christ.


I have talked about the fight I had through the Mormon organization’s “clinging” to our household through my husband, whose family members had connections to the “3-letter agencies”, and Hollywood albeit on the fringe of it.  I did not know anything about the Mormons other than they were Masonic in root; until their invasion forced me to dig deeper into their religion.


But what TRIGGERED the beginning of this “affliction”/”attack” whatever you want to call it, was the shift I made from writing about the death of one very famous whistleblower, to what HE knew about the Word of God; the language of the Jews, the language in our DNA, and what “calling upon the Name of the Lord” really meant. 


This “whistleblower” was my “Shiloh” in 1 Samuel 3:21.


They took down my blog but they didn’t take my articles:  The start of this discovery was “Michael Is Starting to Scare Me” back in 2011.  This one blog article sent my visitor stats off the charts.  On it I shared with my subscribers a three part dream (because I kept waking up) and each dream left off where the other did.  A piece of information in the second dream actually came true:  this was to verify that I needed to pay attention to what was being revealed in the dream.


The elements in the dream concerned a “sanctuary of strength” who was “cast down”; and he was fighting.  He was fighting what was IN HIM and fighting everyone around him.  In the last part of the dream, an actor who did the voice of Jesus Christ in “Pilgram’s Progress” in his first speaking part (It was Liam Neeson) was sitting at a table in the kitchen of the house I was outside of in dream number 2.  In that dream when the woman (me) asked him “but what if he’s Jesus Christ”, Liam Neeson leaned over the table and said “What if he is the Maharal”.


I didn’t know what a “Maharal” was.  I was asking members and followers of the blog to look it up because I didn’t even know how to spell it (Liam still has a slight Gaelic accent and I was waking up as he said the word so I heard was sounded like “Mahare…”).


I had those three dreams on the same early morning of April 20th of 2011.  It wasn’t until the last quarter of 2014, when I was researching the Mormon Church and wrote “American Zion, American Messiah” that I learned what “Maharal” was: and it connects to what “COVID” spelled backward means in the Jewish language.  I have both those dreams and “American Messiah” reinstalled on this blog since Google took down the other one before this length of the road commenced back in 2021.  Click on those to read them so you can get the context of what is coming and why the Mormon church is involved in this.


There are some out there who are digging deeper into the “Ballard Connection”.  Just keep in mind that Ballard, whatever his name may be, is not the issue:  It is what is behind him, funding him, promoting him.  Ballard is just the ad on the front of the business.  And Jim Caviezel is the sigil for the front of the advertisement of that business.




Aspen Roots


Someone told me years ago, during a trip I took to Colorado, that the Aspen tree is probably better classified as a noxious weed.  Because their proliferation isn’t really dependent on seeds, but more accurately their network of root systems underground. 


Their roots grow, interconnect and network underground, where no one can see them.  People that buy a plot of land to build a house in that area of the country might find it difficult to keep their pipes, septic systems and underground cables intact as they cut down several trees, more just seem to pop up in their place.


This is the way that the wicked have done their work for centuries.  You might see evidence of them popping up in some of their logos, announcements, commercials, movies, music etc; but their foundation was formed underground, and by the time you see the evidence seemingly unconnected, it’s too late.  Even fire cannot take them out; because the roots are protected.  You almost have to “poison the land” to destroy the root.


This is how the Mormon/Mason organization invaded my house, family and life between 2013 – well . . . they are still there.  I had to move.  The “land” they overtook was my husband.


Those of you refusing to see that the whole “Operation Underground Railroad” is a psyop (the ole Masonic pattern of causing the problem then appearing to provide the solution), have disregarded (or just haven’t seen yet) to dig unto the ground to discover the roots.  This is just the beginning of discovery.


I have dug into the roots of the Mormon organization.  But I was in a position where I had to.  There is more beyond that through some of it’s members; one which being Tim Ballard (and his whole background may be another lie, who knows?)


How many Mormons are government employees much less the three-letter agencies?  I would really like to know that.  I know they are disproportionately represented in the three letter agencies and government.  They are regimented to discipline, following orders and secrecy about their ceremonies from childhood in their religion.  They are conditioned for the system they are constructing.


So are the Jews.  The Jews and the Masons are interconnected back to the time of Solomon’s temple building.  The Masons are interconnected to the Mormon religion back to the time of it’s founding by Joseph Smith (a Mason), and one of his wives who was the widow of William Morgan: killed by the Masonic organization when he began working on revealing their intent for this country.


There is an article on Substack which came to my attention yesterday, and I have been doing my own research on the information contained in that article.  Some of this was connections I made back on the “Michaelsguardian” blog over six years ago.  A lot of what I covered back then was updated and current on this article. 


I would like you to read it and add to what you have already looked into:


The Tim Ballard Rabbit Hole


It’s a long read but a lot of this contains screen shots of news pages and posts.


Ballard connections are made to some of his funders for the movie: Carlos Slim, John Paul DeJoria as large investors in the film "Sound of Freedom".  Carlos, richest man in Mexico (richer at this time, than Bill Gates) is connected to the Clinton Foundation and the Rothschilds (link).


Hunter Biden pictured with Carlos on the article in the New York Post.  It is not linked but you can search New York Post with the title of the article.  A video of Trump mentioning Carlos Slim as the largest shareholder of the NY Times is below that image of the Post article.


Below that also connected through foundations set up for "children" with John Paul Dejoria (John Mitchell Hair Care) is several celebrities including Brad Pitt, Will Smith, Richard Branson and director and fellow actor on Sound of Freedom (SOF), Eduardo Verastegui.


Reading along, Paul Mitchel (John Paul Dejoris) founded a Tequila company.  It is stated, with a news report, that drug cartels in Mexico like to launder their money through Tequila companies.  The article then lists several celebrities who own tequila companies; to include George Clooney, The Rock, Michael Jordan, Mark Wahlberg and Elon Musk among others.


Scroll down and the former president of Mexico, Vincente Fox, Clinton supporter, is pictured with a younger looking Tim Ballard.  And I'm not 100% on the photo because, look at it closely:


I know the photo quality is bad, as it was probably enlarged: but Fox was president of Mexico from 2000 - 2006.  He was described as a right-wing populist in the Wiki article on him (What is “right-wing” in Mexico?).  Tim Ballard is wearing a "O-U-R" T-shirt.  "O.U.R" wasn't even in existence until 2013; so he met Fox either way after he was president of Mexico, or it is photoshopped.


Weird fact: Timothy Ballard's age is not published anywhere.  The only reference I could find to his age was a "born in the 1970's, in Los Angeles, CA . . ." on "" article.  Even his newly created Wiki page does not list his age . . . at ALL.


If you "do the math" on the "holly" article, Ballard, who started "O.U.R" in 2013, and worked for Homeland Security for "12 years", would have started working there in 2001 (During which time Fox was President of Mexico, and during the Bush Jr. years).  If he was born in "the 1970's" he would be between his late 40's to early 50's, so let's pick 1975: right in the middle.  If born in 75, Ballard would have been about 26 when he started in Homeland Security.  It also states in another article that he was CIA and moved over to "secret operative" in "Homeland Security" (which means he is basically still CIA).  This would have given him time to complete his ”LDS missions”, his studies at BYU and the “other” college.  In 2013, Ballard would have been about 38 (or between 34 and 43) .


The other interesting thing on Ballard's Wiki page is that there are CSPAN links to his alleged "House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Global Human Rights" testimony "retrieved July 12, 2017" . . . before Ballard even HAD a wikipage.  Those of us who researched the trafficking of children would have surely run into SOMETHING about Ballard before the announced release of "Sound of Freedom" in April of 2023.  Especially considering the subject matter, and the fact that his exploits in O.U.R. ran over three administrations.


Article says 2016, but source code reveals 2021:


Source Code Date 

Source Code Url


The same thing with "" content upload dates of January of 2023:


Source Code Whistleblower Date

Source Code URL


Scroll down and you will see other URL's with content themes, content plugins and content fonts of 2021.


How did Ballard find the time to "write several books", start another foundation called "Nazarene Foundation" and make movies and documentaries and run another business?


So I'm combing down through this article to look for something that might augment what I have already researched.  And I found it:


Mormons in Mexico


In 2015 we covered "Church, Inc".  One of the largest cattle ranches the Mormon Church owns under Agricultural Reserves (Ag-Reserves), complete with armed military guarding it, is in Brazil.  The article states that the Romney Family also have roots down there in those colonies in South America.


Angel Studios, the Mormon-owned production studio behind "Sound of Freedom" which we covered on "Sodom and Egypt" also produces "The Chosen" (and they just got started in 2021?), which infuses passages from the Book of Mormon and is NOT Biblical.  The article reinforces that: "The Chosen is pushing quotes from Book of Mormon into the series.  Mormons believe God was a physical man, had sex with Mary and then she had Jesus. They also believe Jesus had 3 wives and that Joseph Smith is a descendant of Jesus."


- David Amito who plays "John the Baptist" in "The Chosen" made a film about Satan", and made "Krampus Cookies" for Christmas and was selling them on his website.


- Jonathan Roumie plays "Jesus" in "The Chosen". He claimed to be a "Knight's Templar" during a podcast.  Article has pictures of Roumie wearing skull jewelry which he says is prominent in the Templars and the "Kodesh degrees of the York and Scottish rites" (Freemasonry).  The "Lashon Kodesh" is the Jews religion reference to "The Holy Word" or "The Name of God" in the Law.  We covered this also on the old blog article "The Name".


Quite a Resume


Jim Caviezel is wearing such a "Templar Cross" which Alestair Crowley depicts is the cross of Baphomet.  This really means nothing to me, but it means a lot to THEM.


Under this picture of Caviezel is the subheading "Mormon Occult".  I really did not know what I had not covered on this subject in the past.  There will come a day I will tell this story, but right now, the people that "don't know they're already dead" can still be pulled from the deception of this movie and organization.


Jesus Christ & the Pentagram?

Why Mormons and Masons use it. The lies being put forth about this are unbelievable.



This is in reference to THAT star:


But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves” – Amos 5:26 and again in Acts 7:43.


Scroll down the videos by Lynn Packer (Author of “Lying for the Lord”)  It is 45 minutes and was highly recommended to watch the whole thing.  Lynn Packer was also a Mormon and studied at BYU.  He has exposed several controversies concerning the church.



I continue to read down through the appointments, and connections and business partnerships and awards and I get down to The Gregg Phillips-Tim Ballard-Craig Sawyer connection.   Remember Craig Sawyer?  The one who was trashing Holmseth and has a wiki page but Tim Ballard didn't?  Well Ballard is FEATURED on Craig's documentary "ContraLand". 


Below that is the section subheading "End Goal" . . . Which wasn't what I thought it was. 


I've been researching under the Mormon position that they were going to be "the government of God on earth" (Freemasons) and Tim Ballard's propaganda piece was going to be the white-washing of the Mormon public image with his CIA/Homeland Security heroics on child trafficking.


This angle though:


". . . Their nefarious connection tells me their might be an alternative motive to what they are all saying. This thread is to just make everyone aware of what might be happening right in front of our eyes. In Georgia and other state, they have been pushing an agenda to microchip children so parents can also track them:" – Source,


Now it could be one, it could be the other . . . but since the COVID clot-shot technology, "chipping" would be rendered obsolete.  Therefore I lean toward the Mormon global government (the Jewish religion has another role but they use front organizations to do their deeds) being the foremost agenda behind this.  But could it be both?  Or is this another distraction?


Another View


They couldn't sell the vaccine, they couldn't convince people to get chipped "en masse" but what they have is small enough to put in food or water.  They don't need to "chip" people with invasive procedures.  So what REALLY is the agenda here?


In one of the videos on that Substack post, is an interview with Ballard (the Craig Sawyer video), where he is talking about the 4-part documentary which is being produced by DNA Films. 


Back on “The Slave Question”, on this paragraph, The founder of Angel Studios mentions working with a group called “Riot House” being represented by "Alchemical Records".  You can't make this stuff up.


Human alchemy: The “adding to or taking away” from “the book of the law” written into the language of every living cell (in our DNA/scroll): “blaspheming” the “Name of God among the Gentiles, through you” [the Jews] “as it is written” – Romans 2:24.


So they are putting out this information, just not condensed.  It’s almost as if they want people to FIND it!




Laying Tracks


Wow –


During my years of digging into the death (and the “Why”) of Michael Jackson, I was besieged by people with comments, suggestions, and “steering” of my research toward a certain direction.  When it didn’t work, and I learned what they were doing, they became verbal attacks.  Then all of them pulled back and the “Mormons” became the “steering” tool, which segued into the drug/human trafficking cartel in South Carolina: There were Mormons and “agencies” involved in this.  My husband was/is an asset.  I know he is familiar with the “Dark Web” and I know he has another, maybe more than one, social security number.  Long story.


About 2013 is when all the activity in this direction began: when I posted “Michael Jackson and the Angel of Light” and “Contending Over the Body of an Angel”, both of them in 2013, where God lead me to an obscure article in the New York Daily News concerning the Aleppo Codex in Aleppo, Syria (and later He led me to 2 Kings 16:6 and 18:26 and Isaiah .


I started “Michael’s Guardian” blog with the intent on getting justice for that man, Michael Jackson.  What ended up happening through, studying his music, films, lyrics, poems, interviews and “following the money”, it was HIM teaching ME.


I had said previously that Michael Jackson probably taught me more about the Bible than any hours of Sunday School or church that I sat through.  Not only was he knowledgeable about scripture, he knew how to put forth an “allegory” or a “parable” in his writing of songs, and his productions.  People should really listen to (and read along with the lyrics if need be.  Music industry did what they could to obscure the message) to songs like “Stranger in Moscow”, “BillieJean”, “Thriller”, “Is It Scary”, “BAD”, “Blood on the Dance Floor”, “Morphine”, really all of them.


The Mormons were also involved with the Jackson Family (so were the Jews).  Every family member had handlers.  They posed as business managers, lawyers, doctors/dermatologists, household staff.  Many times they didn’t know who was their friend and who wasn’t.  They tried twisting truths and turning family members against each other.  Those handlers do the devil’s work: which is to corrupt the trust we have in each other and that we have in God.


In Michael Jackson’s case, not only did William Wagener manage to just be lucky enough to draw lottery every day to be able to cover his 2005 trial (while being a fugitive for back child support to one of his plural wives); Michael’s sister Latoya was married to Jack Gordon who was Jewish Mob.  Gordon had ties to Harry Reid when Reid was still head of the gaming commission in Nevada, before he became a senator.  How does someone who got “caught” trying to bribe a game commission official and spend six months in jail for it, be suspected of planting a bomb in someone’s car, then end up a handler for a member of one of the most famous families in entertainment?


Same thing with Janet Jackson.  Janet is exhausted!  She was “secretly” married to a man named Rene Elizondo the same years Latoya was sequestered from family; who looked amazingly like her recent ex-husband Wissam Al Mana; right down to his ears and hands they look identical. She announced divorce shortly after I compared pictures of them both on the “Michaelsguardian Blog” – a strange coincidence. 


Another couple of interesting notes:  Janet’s song “Together Again” sports lyrics of being relieved or happy that her “baby” is no longer suffering or “in pain”.  It’s not about AIDS as some have tried to sway me.  Two of the brother’s wives have died/been killed, with stories that cover up what really happened.


Michael Jackson has had many, many “handlers” from childhood.  The first was a Jewish lady who was their tutor on tour, for the Jackson5.  Some of them Michael turned, and some of them were switched out before he could turn them.  Some of them had NO LIGHT at all to work with.  Uri Geller and Rabbi Schmuley Boteach were two that took over after Lisa Marie Presley (who was really another victim) and Alvin Malnik were done trying to twist him.


Uri Geller is best known for “The Mentalist” and bending spoons for UK entertainment.  Uri was Mossad and worked with our CIA on mind control experiments.  He brags about it on his website.  He claimed to be “Michael’s spiritual advisor”.  Uri Geller’s fellow Jewish Hungarian cousin Larry Geller was Elvis Presley’s handler/hair dresser”.  Michael’s hair dresser was married to a “Kissinger”: Karen Faye Kissinger.  Did anyone notice how swelled and drugged Michael looked between 2000-2002?  Same as Elvis.


Uri Geller bought Elvis’ first house – before Graceland.  Michael in his songs reveals what they did to him, what they tried to do to him: everything from drugging him to terrorizing him and physical abuse even to genetically trying to change him.  Other celebrities even put out clues.  He exposed that JFK tried to expose the CIA, that Tom Sneddon was working for the CIA to for prosecution, shut him up, that he endured adverse conditioning and his passion for saving the children?  Michael Jackson was IN those Ukraine orphanages; and in The Romanian orphanages, Japan Orphanages, Russian etc, and children's hospitals, long before Tim Ballard decided to become a movie hero.  How many snuff films and child rape/torture videos did they force-feed Michael sit through to threaten him to keep working?  Why did he cry so much.  Why did Jim Caviezel act the way he did on his first War Room interview on May 18th of this year?

Michael's last song on his TRUE last album was “Threatened” and Sony shelved it.  Michael had to use his own money to promote it.  You should listen to and read the lyrics to every song on there.  They shelved it because they KNEW what he was trying to do.  He promoted it anyway because it was THAT important that you SEE.  As he said many times, that is why he was here.


This is what we are watching!  This is the world that most of these A-list or just below celebrities are living with each and every day and not just them but your politicians, heads of corporations.  Some are not willing at what they are demanded to do.  We pray for them!  Hebrews 10:32-33! 


MOST of them want out.  Some of them are too far gone in the soul to even know who they are anymore.  People will lob “stones” at you, call you a “conspiracy theorist” and you are supposed to shut up and not defend these people that cannot any longer defend themselves.  They are bound too tight.  Some of them are doing what is against their soul to keep other people from being killed because that is what they are threatened with!


What happened in my household is a small fraction example compared to what your celebrities deal with on a daily basis.  They are not free people.  I just want you to understand that when you see me or anyone else posting about Jim Caviezel or Mel Gibson or this whole mess around “Sound of Freedom”.  It is not as simple as “he did it for the money”, fame, etc.  Most don’t know the details of the contract until it’s “margin call”.


This is a “small people” controlling a massive network at their employ.  At the surface it is all compartmentalized, but the NETWORK is below ground.  No wonder they call them “ASP-ens”.  Some of you out there are following the money and making some of those connections and exposing them.  Thank you.  Not a one of us can do it all.


We may occasionally disagree and I am one of the worst for taking that personally.  I strive to do better.  I believe most of us want true justice . . . NOT meted out via color or genetic lineage or religion or social standing, but TRUE, unbiased justice.


If we want Jesus to wipe our slate clean we have to be willing to do the same.  This doesn’t mean give the wicked a “free pass” (that’s not up to us anyway).  It means giving people a chance to see what they are doing, or who they are supporting.  We are not all on the same place on this road, but most of us ARE on the same road.  I don’t expect everyone to just KNOW what 12 years of God’s leading me through this has revealed to me.  And I don’t have it all.  None of us are.  This is part of what God is doing to bring us together.


Let us be a bit more nurturing and uplifting, and congratulating those that are even bothering to research.  And I say this as much as a personal reminder to myself as much as a “call” to all of you.




The Commandment


Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment” – Matthew 22:37-38.


Jesus then told his disciples and followers “and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” – Matthew 22:39-40.


What did he mean by “hang all the law and the prophets”?


Paul, who never met Jesus in the flesh but was the most brilliantly converted on the road to Damascus, told the people: That “All the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”


The “law is fulfilled in one word”.  ONE Word.


Paul told the Romans:


Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” – Romans 13:8.


Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” – Romans 13:10.


Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2.


This is what the adversary wants us to forget.  This is what was originally written into us before the blaspheming of “The Name of God” was commenced within us.  Take up your cross daily, and follow me” – Luke 9:23.


We are “conditioned by the system” to fend for ourselves; to justify how we treat one another because of a perceived right to have or possess or “own”.  Pride, greed, and coveting/jealousy is birthed out of worship of the “self”.


Jesus though, said it best:


Greater Love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends”. – John 15:13.


Some are called to expose the “tares” among the wheat”.  Jesus said to “let them grow together” so that we don’t harm the wheat in ripping out the tares.


There is a harvest taking place as we speak.  Everything we are witnessing is the separation of the wheat and the tares.  We will know them by their fruit: And we need to do better at exposing the WORKS of darkness and not so much attacking the people: because you don’t know what burden they were asked to live under in order for those works to be exposed.


We need to turn this around and do what Jesus called us to do.  If people don’t agree with you or what you have had revealed to you, wait . . . Because the Lord will do one of two things:


He will either overturn them . . .


Or he will consume them.


Continue to expose/reprove the works of darkness and have no fellowship with them.  We were given emotions to move us:  the enemy is using those emotions against us to further his work. When you feel yourself getting worked up, pray before you reply.  Pray before you insult.  Let the Lord work through you.


I pray that I can be kinder in the exposing of the works of darkness.  Please forgive me anyone that I have said unkind words to.  We know for the most part what their goals is; and if you are a true believer in Christ . . . then you KNOW in your souls that they have already lost.


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