Are Jews Anti-Christ?


Israel and the Jews



At the end of seven years let ye go every man his brother an Hebrew, which hath been sold unto thee; and when he hath served thee six years, thou shalt let him go free from thee: but your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear.” – Jeremiah 34:14.


After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.” – John 5:18.


Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence into a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.” – John 11:54.




On the previous article “Who Are the Jews”, we covered the advent of the appearance of the word “Jew” as an entity in the Scriptures, back on 2 Kings 16:6.  After I had published this (and the very next morning), my sister sent me a video of a man online talking about the very same thing, citing the very same verses.  She wanted my opinion on it.


I watched this hour+long video as he also went through biblically what was about to come up from the “pit” – the very thing that those two Jews in my dream said “many people are not paying attention to” that are going on in Israel.


It is not the Jewish people by and far, who are behind this, as many of them have, and will become victims of this “plan”.  It is the “religion” that Paul reproved in Galatians 1:13-14, and Jesus exposed in his admonishment of the “traditions” by the “Pharisees, scribes, hypocrites!”.  This is the movement through which the “ghost of jealousy”, (the “adversary” otherwise known as “the dragon, which is the devil, and Satan”), is working.




If Jesus Was a Jew

They Would Have Known Him


And the Jews marveled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?” – John 7:15.


Jesus “knew letters” (of the law).  He knew a language that none of the elite Jews taught outsiders because he was of God.  This was known all the way back before the time of the Pharaohs of Egypt and the ancient schools of knowledge: the “craftsmen”.


This is the letters of the language from which God wrote us into existence: The “temple of the body” and the sanctuary of the mind.  It is a target of the adversary since the beginning.  The “book of the law” of the (Natural) World Order which is written in your DNA.


This is why Jesus was a threat.  He KNEW the language because he WAS the language, in the flesh.  John 1:1 and John 1:14 to make it simple.  It is “faith” in his blood, in his love for you, and “pure” and good thoughts that ignite that WORD within you.  Love God with all your being, love your neighbor as yourself: the love of Christ within you.


In the verses above, Jesus went into Galilee, then went into Ephraim because the Jews sought to kill him.  Ephraim is in whom the stick of Joseph was foretold of in Ezekiel 37:16-19.  Joseph is the birthright according to 1 Chronicles 5:1-2.  From Judah came the chief ruler (Christ Jesus), but as per Joseph’s visions in Genesis 37:7-10, the birthright was Joseph’s: (the land: Son of man, whom Jesus would choose from he who overcomes in the Revelation chapters 2-3: to reveal himself, by the Word of the Lord: 1 Samuel 3:211 Thessalonians 4:16-17Revelation 11:19.)


Why the land of Ephraim, when Ephraim had committed whoredoms?  Many nations would Abraham be the father of, according to God’s promise.


The Jews sought to kill Jesus.  Jesus IS the “Word made flesh” (John 1:14) and the Word was in the beginning with God and is God (John 1:1-4)


His NAME is called THE WORD of God – Revelation 19:13


This is continuing – They seek to “kill Jesus” in each and every one of us.  Only they are not killing the man now: they seek to kill the “Seed” (Luke 8:11-12.)  They have sown tares among the wheat.


They have come to “steal the word” (Mark 4:15), or anathema to the very Commandments they claim to adhere to: to “take His Name in vain”.


This is verified in scripture from Genesis all the way through Jesus’s time and today.


His Name is from which all the law had proceeded forth.  All the law is FULFILLED in this “One Word” (Galatians 5:14).


True Israel, God’s Israel, is “scattered among the nations, in the midst of many people” (Micah 5:7-8).  They are also in the midst of the Jews, from 2 Kings 16 through Jesus’ time.  This is why Jesus shared the parable of the “wheat and the tares”.


What and who Israel played the harlot with is what the Jews became today:  Not ALL of them, but certainly the ones in control, calling for the bloodbath that is taking place in the nations in which it planted itself in the midst of.


The U.S. Will be taking names” Nikki Haley said back in 2018.  And so they have, for those that call themselves Jews, and are not, and are of the Sin-A-Gog of Satan.  They are taking “His Name” out of us, to place a name they made unto themselves.  Some of their very own publications declared this.




Removing the Aleph


They have caused true Israel, of those they are in the midst of, to profane that very “Word” which God covenanted with them:


According to the Word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.” – Haggai 1:5.


Israel is the reason God would not allow all the Jews to be destroyed in the book of Esther.  But what the Jews have suffered they have brought upon themselves as disobeying God, breaking his covenant, and breaking his commandments, the first of which, is Love.  The Name of God represents this “greater love” that Jesus talks about in John 15:13.


The “Torah” is not of God.  The “Torah” is that for which it is named:


Taurus – “Comes from the root ‘tora’, meaning cow”, according to the Jewish linguist, Klein.


Taurus from Tora?

Explains Romans 1:25 and Psalm 106:19-20


The very same “cow/calf/ox” in which David accused them of changing their glory into, in Psalm 106:19-20.  The same “creature” that the Apostle Paul reproved them for in Romans 1:25, of changing the truth of God into a lie: worshipping and serving it.


According to Haggai, the work of the Jews is needed.  Even though their work is with “hands unclean”, and they admit that in Haggai 2; they will continue to work, and God will be with them: because it is God who brings glory to the house which until then, has not the glory of the first.




Preachers, Reverends, Ministers and Pastors


What happened to Christ?  Where is your belief in him?  Why do you not trust his words in the Gospels concerning the Jews and their seeking to kill him?


What makes you think any of their animosity toward Jesus has changed?  And why are you advocating for an entity that still, to this day, does not know, believe in, or honor Jesus Christ and the Word for which God sent him?


To the contrary, they still teach their youth that Jesus was a liar, or an idol worshipper, a deceiver.  And they have already announced that they have their own “Messiah”.


Israel’s Declaration of a Monarchy


They are already setting the stage to bring this person forth: from Isaiah 44:13, from Daniel chapter 9-12, from Psalm 139:14-16 and Matthew 23:15


To say nothing of the heads of state, political leaders whom are blinded by the same thirty pieces of silver in which Judas was blinded; what favor have they promised you that you so roll over and bless and defend their acts of oppression?


Where are your scriptures?  Why haven’t you read them?  You have much learning, paid for by your congregation, yet no spiritual understanding and are leading your parishioners astray! 


Those among your fellow preachers are also deceiving people clean away from the warnings of Christ himself, by teaching a false “rapture”; as if any man were better than Jesus himself, than to escape a tribulation that we were told we would suffer for his namesake?


“. . . If they persecute me, they will persecute you.” – John 15:20.


Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” – Matthew 24:9


These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33.


For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know.” – 1 Thessalonians 3:4.


Beware of those with doctrine contrary to Jesus’ warnings in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 concerning the son of man appearing “after the tribulation”.  For those that believe in this deception of pre-tribulation escape, will loose the hope of Christ’s coming when they see the things coming to pass that they were told they would escape; and thus be ripe for the adversary’s sifting.


Prepare yourselves for what is coming, and pray for endurance, strength and discernment.  Make your houses ready: because tribulation will come.  Endure to the end so that you escape the day of wrath.


He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must also be killed with the sword.  Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” – Revelation 13:10.


This . . . is . . . IT.



The Jews


I know from the highest authority there will be Jews that will be saved.  It already happened in Jesus’ time.  It happened in Paul’s time.  It was revealed to me in 2010.  So for people to write all this off as all Jews are soulless and condemned . . . I don’t believe that  (Wheat and Tares – Matthew 13:25-30).


Neither do I believe that they can accomplish any relationship with God whatsoever without Christ.  None of us can.   They don’t know who Christ is.  They don’t know what he is.  And their leaders have convinced them that they are the gods of this planet and that they were given through God some right to change his “natural order”.  Evidence of this is in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Isaiah 44:13.


What corrupted Israel is what became the Jews – so that Israel could not see beyond the law of Moses.  What the Jews were before 2 Kings 16 was something else.  Interesting biblical fact:


When the sons of God took daughters of men as wives in Genesis 6; and they bear them children, those children became “the men of old, men of renown”.  Who do you think they were?  Of these came the pharaohs and later the Pharisees.  Their “tradition” continues into today.  Babel:  The religion of building the “tower” from the earth to the heaven and “making a name unto themselves” = The New World Order in the book of the law God wrote into the DNA of man: of EVERYTHING.


This is all over the Egyptian reliefs – it’s not a phallic symbol: it is the “flying roll/scroll; the totem, the poles, rods, tree, grove, tower.  Jachin and Boaz of the double helix DNA – The “Temple of the body”.  Their “Mystery Babylon” religion is to change, or rewrite the natural order – not of the Name of God, but a name they made unto themselves.


Man has been sickened, the whole earth has been corrupted and sickened by what they have done (Romans 2:24).


Those that say they are Jews and are not and are liars have written the Talmud.  They have written the abomination and have attempted to “gain-of-function” it into the true people of God.


If some of the Jews who are true Israel knew, they would never have done it because they do love God.  But “they have been blinded”.


What then?  Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.  (according as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear); unto this day” – Romans 11:7-8.


He blinded them (for their own protection); and they will not be forsaken.


And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make the darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.  These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” – Isaiah 42:16.


They will not be forsaken.  The elect are those whom God seals, because they called on His Name.  Those who call themselves Jews and are not and are of the “Sin-a-Gog of Satan” believe they can take this name in vain by manipulating the Word – in the letter, within the “book”.  The scriptures declare and reveal this.




The Proselyte and the Temple


They “compass sea and land to make one proselyte: and when he is made you make him two-fold more the child of hell than yourselves” – Matthew 23:15 – Who do you think Jesus was talking about?    The proselyte: the “sanctuary of strength” in “the Messiah the Prince” of Daniel 9.


Land and sea = Square +Compass = Isaiah 44:13 = measuring cubits and ephods of which we are made.  Jachin (Jacob/Jake/Jack/Jack + son of) + Boaz = Joseph and Judah.  The “Y2K failures” are occurring; and as the Jew’s “Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson once said”:


“the temple’s destruction is an ongoing event”

Youtube 19/LubavitchDestructionTemple

And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days” – Daniel 12:11.


That, according to Daniel 9:26-27 is after the threescore and two weeks of the seventy week prophecy: leaving “one week” or one “seven” of the seventy weeks.


“ . . . In the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”.


Schneerson made that claim in 1989 in that sermon (my original source said 1989.  Someone else is telling me 1985 so pick one and search if you are interested.  It is captioned in English).  He died in 1994. 


What is “the consummation”?  It is foretold in Zechariah 5:1-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8:  The “house” of the “Messiah the Prince”, the “man child” in Revelation 12 – after the “Word” is taken out of the way.


"Letters" have "female DNA"?


In this “message” I received in 2016, in August, it says “better part of two decades”: this would take it back to approximately 1996 – 2001 or so (9/11: Twin Towers fall, Isaiah 30:25).  The cover of an album released in 1997 depicted the artist dancing on a black and white tiled floor with the NY City skyline in back of him.  He was in the place of the missing twin towers.


In 1989, R.E.M. put out the album with the single “The End of the World” (as we know it), sporting the lyrics “don’t get caught in foreign towers”.  The timing of certain events couldn’t be more precise. 


Remember the devil contended with Michael over the body of Moses (Jude 1:9).  This foreshadows an event at the end times otherwise, why would God tell us about it?  This identifies the Archangel Michael as “he who withholds” in both that verse and Revelation 12:7.


The devil wanted the body of Moses because he was in whom the Jews trust as Jesus revealed in John 5:45.  In Deuteronomy 34:7 Moses died at a hundred and twenty years old; “his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated”.


Speaking of that 120 years, this is what God said would be the “years of man” in Genesis 6 when the sons of God “left their first habitation”, and corrupted themselves with the daughters of men:


And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” – Genesis 6:3.


The “Ghost of Jealousy” has always been “coming for the land”.  And the Lord announced the end right there in Genesis 6.  The “days of man” shall be coming to an end.  God is making “a new heaven and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:1766:12Revelation 21:1)  Earth = The Land.




Coming For The “Land”



The Jews infiltrated Judah in 2 Kings 16:6.  They were at war with Israel and Syria; and were driven out of “Elath” (which Judah built in 2 Kings 14), by the king of Syria.  They were not Israel at that time.  Neither were they of the same language revealed in 2 Kings 18:26.  And In Jeremiah 40, the Jews came back out of the north from where they were driven, to come back “into the land” because they learned that a remnant of Judah had been spared by the King of Babylon.  Do you see it?


Not a remnant of the ‘land’ as in “geography”: remnant of the PEOPLE.  They wanted Judah.  Why?  Judah = “lawgiver” until Shiloh comes in Genesis 49:8-10


The chief ruler would come from Judah; but the birthright is Joseph’s (1 Chronicles 5:1-2).  Lucifer/Satan, the devil didn’t get Jesus: so now he’s after he who overcomes spoken about to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3.


In those chapters of Revelation, Jesus tells John to write to the seven churches.  Each of these churches are represented in the vision Jesus gave John in Revelation 1, and in the vision he gave Zechariah in chapter 4.


The two olive branches in Revelation 11 are the two witnesses:  Those two olive branches are what empty the oil out of themselves into the bowl from which the seven lampstands (the seven churches) are fed in Zechariah 4.


What did the Lord tell Zechariah when Zechariah asked him what these were?  The Lord said to him “This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel”.




Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel


At the end of the seventy-year exile, which the Jews claim was all about them (Judah, with Jews in the midst of the remnant of them), Cyrus sent the nobles of Judah back to allow them to “build their temple” and restore “the walls” and “Jerusalem”.  In a way . . . it was about them and what they would build.


Two different versions of this event appear: the first one in Ezra 5; and the other in Haggai 1.


In the account of Ezra 5:14, Cyrus gives Sheshbazzar the gold that Nebuchadnezzar took out of the “temple”, and made him governor.  In Ezra 1:8, Sheshbazzar is also called the “Prince of Judah”.  In Ezra 4:3 through Haggai 1 it is Zerubbabel who is governor of Judah, but not called “prince”.


In Haggai 1, Zerubbabel is governor of Judah from King Cyrus into the rule of King Darius.  However debate has suggested Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel were the same person; but their names reveal different destinies/purposes.  Back in 2013 when I wrote about this originally, an anonymous messenger sent this:


that’s it baby right there!” appears in the “keyword search” results, and they sent it through the search box on my old blog. 


I had dug further and in the two genealogies of Jesus; (Zerubbabel appears as Zorobabel in Matthew 1:12; and in Luke 3:27) the genealogies differ in the sons of David: Matthew shows Solomon, son of Uri’s wife; and Luke shows Nathan, Daniel’s other son.  Zorobabel also has a son of a different name in Matthew than in Luke.  Sheshbazzar does not appear in the genealogy of Jesus. So I looked up the meanings of both names.


Sheshbazzar – Sin Protect the Father


Zerubbabel/Zorobabel – Seed of Babel/sown in Babel.  Pressed out of Babel.


Both of these examples appear in Zechariah chapter 5.


Seed of or “sown” in Babel or Babylon also appears in Zechariah 5 but in verses 6-11.  The “ephod” in which “wickedness” dwells is sealed with a “talent of lead”.  Two women come out of it with the wings of a stork (children? Mothers?) and they are taking the ephod to “the land of Shinar, to build it a house” (temple?) “and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base”.




Ephod,city david,Mitochondria


Sheshbazzar – “laid the foundation of the house”, and “yet it is not finished” (Ezra 5:16).


Zerubbabel – “laid the foundation of this house;” and “his hands shall also finish it” (Zechariah 4:9).


Interestingly enough, the genealogies are also read in one direction in Matthew (from Abraham to Jesus who is called Christ) and in Luke (from Jesus who is called Christ backward to Adam who was the son of God).  (Our DNA reads the same up one side, as it does from the opposite end of the other – anti-parellel).  I noticed also that in Luke, that “Juda, son of Jacob, who was the son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham” was different than in Matthew:


Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob, and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren


In Matthew, which cites the line of Solomon instead of Nathan, Judah is spelled “Judas”.  Judah/Juda = Judas = Jeremiah 7:30, Judah is mentioned as the traitor.


If Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel are the same and overlap in purposes, would it not explain the ambiguity in both the “the eighth, and also of the seven” in Revelation 17; and that little passage in 1 Thessalonians 4:16?  Maybe even in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8?  Consider the “Messiah the Prince” with the polluted sanctuary: “for the overspreading of abominations they shall make it desolate” it says in Daniel 9:27.  They “place the abomination in the house called by my name” in Jeremiah 7:30, as they try to turn him into the beast of Revelation 13 and 17.   This is the “host” from which the “plague”/abomination is “gain of functioned” (Daniel 8:11-13) into what will be “the mark”.


 But then, Revelation 12:4-7 happens and the “dragon” and his angels are cast to the earth, with no place found for them in heaven.  This is when the wrath of the dragon begins.


The dragon is sent to persecute the woman (and her children – Isaiah 66:7-8)



Move paragraphs – Below.


The Abomination



There is a lot of controversy on the Jews, what the Jews are doing; who are the false Jews and what is the difference between them and the Jews religion.


Someone I was conversing with brought up the “Kenite” doctrine.  We are going to discuss this also in the next article. 


Until then, stay in prayer and not just for yourselves, but for the elect.  They are enduring some severe affliction right now.  It’s not in the news, it will never be publicized or exposed because it doesn’t serve their purpose.


Pray for them, pray for the Prince: even though what is written to happen will happen, we are called to “take up your cross daily, and follow me”.


“. . . and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone”. – Numbers 11:17.


This was God’s answer to Moses plea that he could not bear the affliction of all these people by himself.


There was one who was selected to bear the cross after Jesus: a “Cyrenian”


Simon:  Helenized from Simeon, “He who hears”, also from Simos meaning hollow face, wide flat nose, what the Greeks would call Egyptians.


Cyrene: means “powerful one” of social clout, mark of authority, instrument of defense.  Powerful one of love, strength in weakness, humbleness.  Also a country west of Egypt now called Libya.


And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus.” – Luke 23:26.


The event of the redemption of God’s creation through the blood of Christ, and the baptizing by the Holy Ghost is a lot bigger than Sunday school tracts.


Let’s go back to Daniel prophecies concerning the abomination of desolation.  Jesus implores the reader “he who readeth let him understand”.


The “abomination” is “set” by Judah in the “house called by my name” in Jeremiah 7:30. The “house called by my name” is the sanctuary of “the Messiah the Prince” in Daniel 9:26-28.    He is the “prince that stands for the children of your people” in Daniel 12:1.


The “dragon” has been after this “man child” seeking to devour him since he was “born”.  Jesus is on the throne, giving this revelation to John.  This is a spiritual birth as described in Isaiah 66:7-8 and Galatians 4:19.


God has declared the end, from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).  All the drama you are now seeing, are people fighting against that. And it’s going to get worse.


Most people fight against change.  We are creatures of habit (tradition?)  You want the peace of God, you are going to have to TRUST him, and that comes from FAITH in him.


I’m going to stop here because I don’t want this to be too long.  And there is a timing factor.  What you have been given in the scriptures, is assurance that what God promised He will manifest.





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