Nuclear Documents


Nuclear Documents

Raiders of the LAST Ark




Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.


Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.


Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” – Ezekiel 28:13-15.




This God said to Ezekiel, to prophecy against the King of Tyre/Tyrus.  This is the same “spirit” spoken of in Isaiah 14:4-15 of Lucifer, in the proverb Isaiah is commanded to take up against the King of Babylon.


King Tyre/Tyrus was king of the “Craftsmen” – the “ Stone Masons” who built the “house”.  The Masons still revere him to this day.


These two scripts are prophecies concerning the same dragon/devil revealed in Revelation 121317 and 20.   And we know that there is no more “thousand years” because, THIS is IT: The last Ark.  We talked about the Ark/Archangel last time on “The Jews of Sixth Street”.




The LAST Ark


In Ezekiel 28, the “proverb” was taken up against King Tyrus (Tyre in Hebrew).  In that “proverb” which God laid out to Ezekiel, He said: “Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth” . . .


He was the “Cherub that covereth”.  Where is this mentioned in context of “covering” in other places in the Bible?


The first place this is mentioned in context of “covering” is in Exodus 25, where the Lord God is giving instruction to Moses:


And the Cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.” – Exodus 25:20.


These “Cherubims” (plural for Cherub?) covered the mercy seat.  Now about the mercy seat:


And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee.


And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel” – Exodus 25:21-22.


So the TWO (cherubims) cover the mercy seat, which is above upon the “ark of the testimony”.


In former articles both here and on the blog Google deleted, we discussed the fact that ONE of these “cherubims” that “covereth” was found with iniquity in him.


We also discussed that the mercy seat is the ONLY part of the Ark that is pure gold, and that the “building” itself is made of shittim wood incased in gold.


In Exodus 37:6-8, They did as the Lord instructed them: the “mercy seat” was made of “pure gold”, and “he made two cherubims of goldbeaten out of one piece made he them, on the two ends of the mercy seat.  One cherub on the end of this side, and another cherub on the other end on that side: out of the mercy seat made he the cherubims on the two ends thereof”.


So this was all one piece.


- Why was the mercy seat (and cherubims) made out of one piece?  Why was the ark also not made of pure gold?  Why shittim wood encased in gold??


- If one Cherub was found “with iniquity” in him, what happened to the other cherub? Was the iniquity cherub replaced?


- And what was the “testimony” that God would give them to put in the Ark when He gave it?  Has He and when did He give it?


- Is the “testimony” and the “Word” the same thing?




Ark of the Testimony


- Why was the mercy seat (and cherubims) made out of one piece?  Why was the ark also not made of pure gold?  Why shittim wood encased in gold??


The mercy seat, with it’s cherubims on each end, are beaten out of one piece, out of the mercy seat.  But the Ark/container itself was made of shittim wood (acacia in some translations but this is wrong.  The Lord shows you why).


Remember few articles back, we talked about the “Ark of the Covenant” not being remembered or “that thing shall not be done anymore” in Jeremiah 3:16.  This is the last place in the Old Testament in which the Ark of the Covenant/Testimony appears.  We don’t see it mentioned again until his passage in Hebrews chapter 9.  It is here that the Tabernacle of Moses (the worldly tabernacle), called the sanctuary; and the tabernacle beyond the second veil called the “Holiest of all” are explained:


And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all;”which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant.


And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly.” - Hebrews 9:3-5.


Paul describes the ark “overlaid round about with gold” and he expresses to the disciples that they “cannot now speak particularly” about the “mercyseat”.  Did you notice that in this passage is the ONLY place in the Bible that “mercyseat” is one word.  And they can’t speak about it.  Why is it spelled as “One Word” here?


Remember “iniquity was found” in the “cherub that covereth”.  The cherubim were “one piece” and made “out of the mercy seat”.  This is another explanation as to why “judgment must begin at the house of God” in 1 Peter 4:17.


Paul tells us something else about the “tabernacle called the Holiest of all” in relation to the first (Moses/flesh/worldly) tabernacle too:


The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the Holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was still standing” – Hebrews 9:8.


The “house” will be “consumed” – Zechariah 5:1-4.


Shittah/Shittim wood encased round-about in gold was the Ark compartment made.  Shittim is where the word “shit” comes from: and it means “to separate from the body”.  What you may have heard about “ship high in transit” is a wives tale.  It’s not true.  So consider this, and why modern scribes would change this to “acacia wood”.


- If one Cherub was found “with iniquity” in him, what happened to the other cherub? Was the iniquity cherub replaced?


God says in Ezekiel 28 to the “cherub” that sinned that he will “cast thee to the ground” before the kings; and that the Lord will “bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee”, in verses 17-19.  This is also promised through Zechariah 5:1-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.  This is the same “consummation” that the angel reveals to Daniel in that prophecy.


Lucifer is also is cut down to the ground and goes into the pit in Isaiah 14:4-15.  In verse 19 He is called “the abominable branch”; and in verse 20 the Lord reproves them as they who “destroyed thy land, and slain thy people” and calls out “the iniquity of their fathers” and they “will not possess the land” in verse 21. He’s not talking to the Gentiles here!  These are the same peoples that Jesus is reprimanding in the Gospels over the same “tradition of their fathers” making “the Word of God of none effect” in Mark 7:13 (also Paul in Romans 9:6).


And what was the “testimony” that God would give them to put in the Ark when He gave it?  Has He and when did He give it?


The “testimony” is in the “side of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God” in Deuteronomy 31:26.  It is the “Word I covenanted with you” revealed in Haggai 2:5.  It is this “testimony” that the souls under the altar are slain for in Revelation 6:9: they were “slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony of which they held”.  That “Testimony of which they held” is “the testimony of Jesus Christ” which John reveals to the churches in Revelation 1:9.


- Is the “testimony” and the “Word” the same thing


As scriptures above attest, yes, it is.




Hiram, King of Tyre/Tyrus


Back to the “cherubs” which shadowed the mercy seat.  There are two of them, but one is found with “iniquity in you”.  They are one piece, aren’t they?  And part of the mercy seat?


The King/Prince of Tyre is who David went to obtain the “craftsman” to “build the house”.  But Solomon was to build it. Tyre/Tyr: God of war, name means “rock” also “wheel” and “carpenter” but in Hebrew it means “rock”.  


Solomon went rogue and had them build high places to the gods of his wives.  Hiram was the king and “craftsman”, the Masons of Tyre (carpenter – see Isaiah 44:13).  Hiram Abiff is the “founder” in the doctrine of the Masonic organization(s) (To include Shriners and DeMolay).  This is what infiltrated Judah as far back as Solomon, possibly even further, because their origin is “older” than that.  The word “Jew” does not appear as an identity until after the fall of Solomon, in 2 Kings 16:6.


The Ark of the Covenant, however, was built by the Levites.  Moses was given the plans by God himself.


In Deuteronomy 31:26, Moses is instructed to tell the Levites where to put the “testimony”:  In his one verse, many other prophets are edified.


God tells Moses “Take this book of the law and place it in the SIDE of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God; and there it shall be a witness against thee”.


John 1:1-3, the Word is God and was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him.  Nothing was made without him.  John 1:14, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, Jesus the Christ.  Jesus was pierced in his “side” (John 19:34), and water and blood flowed from the wound.  This not only verified Deuteronomy 31:26 posted above, it also verified 1 John 5:6-8 (three that bear witness in the earth, spirit, the blood and the water); and Isaiah 44:9 (they are their own witness), and Zephaniah 3:2-3 (their judges within them),.


Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that “the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword”.  Not only does it “divide soul and spirit”, it is also “a discerner of the thoughts and intent of the heart”.


In Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12, we see the dead great and small standing before God, and the “the books were opened, and another book which is the book of life” it says: “and the dead were judged out of the things written in the books” – this is within you, your “book” in your “DNA”.  No one escapes this judgment except the elect.  They are the ones “redeemed from the earth”.  It is THESE that the angel warned me about in the dream: “it’s the others you have to worry about.  They don’t know they’re already dead”.


Something happens in Revelation 7, however: the elect are not the only ones standing before God that John sees.  The “multitude that no man can number” have have been “made white with the blood of the lamb”.  It is in this multitude that “Israel” is “increased in the land”, because of the elect, through the blood of Jesus.


So back to the “cherub” in who “iniquity was found in thee” is the same cherub who is of “one piece”, made of the “mercy seat”.




Take My Name and Just Let me Be


The day that the Word was revealed to me, I was listening to a song: “Stranger in Moscow”. I posted this song and the film made of it in the previous article. 


I did not know what happened to me at the time, was the Word being revealed to me.  I didn’t know what this was until years later, when God showed it to me in scripture.  And He showed me in 1 Samuel 3:21.


In those lyrics, Michael sings “swift and sudden fall from grace”. In the second verse he sings, “Here abandoned in my fame, Armageddon of the brain, KGB was doggin’ me, take my name and just let me be . . .”


I didn’t know it immediately but my soul did, or rather the Spirit in me, knew what he meant.  I asked God to show me in scripture the answers to the questions I had about “The Name”; what Michael suffered for it, and to understand the burden that I asked for.  So for the next fifteen years that’s what He did.


I wasn’t always on the right path, I didn’t always do or say things in the right spirit, but God knows our fight.  God will bring you back when you stumble (Daniel 11:33-35). You are not alone, and your brethren in the world are suffering the same tribulations (1 Peter 5:8-9).  I am still working at it and not giving up.


The bad news about all this is, someone whose own fight brought me closer to God is going to be made into something he is not.  What they have done while he was here was preparation for what’s coming.


In one of Michael’s songs, he sang “can’t we find some love to take this away”.  The name of the song is “Don’t Walk Away”.  “Don’t Let Go of My Hand” is in the same sentiment.  They are on the “Invincible” album.  It is a personal plea to all of us.  Don’t give up, as bad as everything looks.  We will suffer for Christ’s namesake.


We “walk away” every day.  We walk away in thought, word and deed and truth be told, most of us do it just because we’re tired.  We don’t see any justice in the foreseeable future, we see no love for our fellow man.  Our leaders are not leading, they are mudslinging, mocking and provoking us into hating each other.   There is no truth, there is no maturity, we see no relief or remedy. 


Nothing is being done.  The people are being robbed, pillaged and plundered and all they care about is your contribution to their campaigns.  They know who is going to be the next president: both sides do.  But they have to keep the circus going until their “handlers” have their next slaughter pen ready.


We are being conditioned to not care.  They want us in apathy.  And I don’t mean the kind of apathy that makes you want to just sit down and give up.  They want us apathetic toward each other.  Not caring . . . “cremation of care”.  This is the antithesis of that “greater love that hath no man” that represents the Name that God gave Jesus.




Mocking or Warning?


This image below reminded me of this chapter in Exodus and Ezekiel concerning the covering cherub with iniquity in him, relevant to the other cherub on the mercy seat.  Tell me what you see.


The funny thing about this is that Kanye West put both of these out.


Note the head that is on the “platter”

And the two opposing angels on either side.



This was a CD cover for “Yeezus”,

Kanye’s sixth studio album

Note the head is “gold”:

And the head is not Kanye’s

Armageddon of the Brain



These are rather old screen shots I saved from back in June of 2013 through 2016.


Another one which was never explained that he posted on Twitter:


“I’m Proud of My Brother”



On the previous article, we had posted this part toward the end:


And here is the mind which hath wisdom.  The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.  And there are seven kingsfive are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.


And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.“ – Revelation 17:9-11.


The Cherub that covereth: The cherub with iniquity in him.  The “beast that WAS, is NOT yet IS . . . what?  Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel?  The Messiah the Prince whose sanctuary was cast down and polluted?  The man child who WAS to rule with a rod of iron but is caught up to God and to his throne?


Perdition – means “condition of damnation, spiritual ruin, state of souls of the wicked in hell; loss, calamity, perdition of souls”.


The “man of sin”, “son of perdition” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8.  Do you know who he is?  Because he is in the same “vessel” as he who is taken out of the way.


2 Corinthians 5:21 tells you.  So does Galatians 3:13 referring to Zechariah 5:1-4; and Revelation 17:11.  He is the eighth, and also of the seven.


Sin, protect the Father (the Word, which was in the beginning with God and was God): The eighth goes down into perdition.  The “seven” is the last Ark (from Judah comes the chief ruler – Christ: but the birthright is Joseph’s – 1 Chronicles 5:1-2).




The Last Ark


“This is It” – the name of Michael’s last concert that never was: but it had a song relating to both Daniel 12: and Revelation 12:7.


“This is It” was emphasized on the previous article from Laura Loomer’s post as “2024 is our last chance to get it right” (“We have four years to get it right, the damage we’ve done” – Michael Jackson, “This is It” speech to his dancers and directors).


"This is it"



This is It



James O’Keefe and his photo of the “Replicant” of the “Arc of the covenant” posted online:


Ark (He wrote "arc") of the covenant


And he spelled it “arc”.


Archangel is spelled with a “c” and not a “k”.  But perhaps there was another reason he misspelled the word.


Last Ark, Seventh Ark

MH370-7th ARC???


Anyone remember this flight from back in 2014?  Two articles here, and here, and they have yet to find it.  Some of you that might be into numbers:  The flight was MH370.  3+7 = 10.  239 people were on board: 2+3+9=14.  10+14=24 (2024).  They are pretty sure it went down in the “seventh” or “7th Arc”.  Never heard “arcs” mentioned when JFK Jr’s plane went down and that was over the water.  Why the “7th Arc”?


Why did James O’Keefe spell the “replicant” in Mar-a-Lago “The arc of the covenant”?  Is this for people who have been moved to take note of these things being clued in on something?  Something about the seventh and the eighth, perhaps?




Schmuley Boteach


Candace is tangling with Schmuley Boteach, who with Uri Geller was handler for Michael Jackson.  We discussed this briefly on the last article also.  You want to see who these people really are?  These “people of God”?


Schmuley Boteach or?



This was Michael Jackson’s “spiritual advisor”?  This is who our government cow-tows to?  How is he not the slightest bit embarrassed? This man doesn’t care about God.  This is the kind of “drunk on your own power” display which exposed these malware installers into the human registry of DNA that they are; and have been called out to be in the scriptures.  There is no red heifer on the face of this earth that is going to cure this man of the disease he has become.  He needs Christ Jesus for that.


This, my fellow human beings who are truly Israel, is just one example of what has taken hold of your religion.


Another one:


Co-founder of Porn Hub

God’s People?  What “god”?


Rothschilds are not what I would consider “real Jews”, but they parade as Jews.  They are the head family of the central banking systems of the world.  They represent the “kings and merchants” of the world.  They are the “moneychangers” and “sellers of doves” (peace but it’s false);  and this is the kind of parties they hold:


Rothschild Party in the 1980's

What are they CELEBRATING?

Sorry, but this is demented by ANY standard


These and their top tier delegate families are the ones responsible for all misery in the “temple of the body”, which is YOU – in the world.


What they are, and what they do has nothing to do with the God of “Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”; and it most certainly has nothing to do with Christ.  Every Prime Minister and Every President of Israel the state has been appointed by them.  Every Prime Minister and President since 1948 is of Eastern Europe descent except for two, and only one of them was born in that region.  They are not real Israel, and if they are Jews, they were something else before they infiltrated Judah.


And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with miry clay” – Daniel 2:43.


Their seed, with the seed of men: this has been an ongoing project of theirs since Jeremiah 7:3011:9 and Jeremiah 40:11-122 Kings 16:6, since Solomon’s corrupted temple:  Since the building of the “star of redemption” in Amos 5:26 (Moloc-yule).


It’s a plan that’s been “in full effect” since the building of the “tower” and a “name unto themselves”: Mystery Babylon:  since the sons of God that left their first estate . . . even as far back as the garden.


This is the last time.  And they are not throwing it in your faces: their minions are doing that.  THEY are the ones laying the flatteries and the false peace before you.


Study the greats, become greater” Michael Jackson said.  This is what the adversary is doing: a counterfeit “Messiah”.  He shall obtain the kingdom saying “peace, peace, when there is no peace”.  Sun Tzu – split your camp: the left hand becomes a decoy, the right becomes the delusion.  And they will sacrifice their own to create that delusion – right, Sean Combs?




Some Other Seed, Lubavitch movement are of this grain.  These are the very seed whose head wound will appear to be healed.  They have labored to build the tower from the earth to the heaven.  They have blasphemed the Name of God in all of us, through them, through the “name they make unto themselves” and the “star” they make unto themselves, and their “flag” reveals it.


Flag of Israel

Sports Rothschild’s “Shield” (star)


These were the people that surrounded themselves around Michael Jackson and his family.  These are the people that formed and permeated the industry called “enter-attain-menta”.


These are the people that John Todd was trying to hide from when he defected from the Collins/Collyns family, when he confessed about the “letter” from Rothschild stating they had “found Adam” (the man child):  My pastor from my childhood church and school defended John Todd and his testimony, and lost his church over it.  This is the pastor who baptized both me and my sister.


They went after Michael because he had something they wanted, COVETED; and they think they got it.  But they’re wrong.


What they got was a room with a shield and a pit by the door.  “This time around”, he’s “taking no shit[itm].


One more thing.  In the film Michael did for “Billie Jean” (names mean “helmut/protector” + Gene = seed”) the “cherub that covereth” until “iniquity was found in thee”.  Billie Jean/Gene = the beast they tried to make of him: two cherubs. One piece.


There is a scene where Michael is getting ready to climb some back alley stairs of a “hotel” (see This Place Hotel by the Jacksons).  He turns to a window in which an old woman is sitting by a phone in her apartment.  Michael turns to her and puts a finger to his lips (shhhh) and he goes up the stairs.


When the paparazzi/detective/agent tries to follow Michael up the stairs, she picks up the phone.  Michael appears to get into bed with “Billie Jean” (the devil), but the sheets are illuminated and he disappears right before the agent snaps a picture.


There was graffiti sprayed on the brick wall that I could never figure out what it meant.  “It was “MZ Rules”.  We had toyed with the idea of “Mazda” back about eight years ago on one of these video deciphers.  It wasn’t until early last week that something popped up on my radar:


MZ Rules?


Who is MZ?


Well, I don’t know if this has anything to do about it, but it’s been in the news Trump’s acquisition/merger of “Truth Social” into his TMTG (Trump Media and Technology Group).  It became a public company when it merged in March 26, 2024 with Digital World Acquisition Corporation.  Forbes and CNBC has been libel-diving the stock ever since.  But it’s public relations company it what caught my attention:


MZ - Rules???


Probably means nothing, but I will lay you odds that Trump owns a large stock portion in that company as well.  MZ Rules.  Hmmmm.


Something else before I close this article:  Billie Gene – Remember the “tiger” we discussed  a couple years ago? 


From Billie Jean Video



We surmised that the “tiger” might refer to the year of the tiger, when things might begin happening.  That was in 2022.  2023 was the year of the rabbit.  2024 is the year of the dragon.


I took another look at it.  There is the scene where Michael Jackson is wiping his shoes clean.  In the backdrop there is city lights in the shape of a cross.


He is wearing a black leather suit jacket but his shirt is a light-ish red to pink.  He pulls up his sleeve in one of the dance moves on the sidewalk  in front of a billboard of a picture of “Sefra and Sue”.


The “tiger in the film” appears as both a cub and a grown tiger.  It also turns into a piece of cloth, handkerchief sized.  It is with this that Michael is wiping his shoe.


This one scene is ingenious because there is so much in this split two second scene: to the point where the film flashes back to this twice.  There was something here Michael wanted us to see.


If it was Biblical, one would think that the pretty cat in this would be a lion, but it’s not.  It’s a tiger.  Why?


Michael wipes his shoe with this tiger-striped cloth (twice).  His shoes are black and white.  Was he referring to Genesis 30 story about the spotted, speckled and ringstraked “cattle” and “flocks”?   When this popped into my head, it made me smile:


From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” – Galatians 6:17.


He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.  Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.


But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” – Isaiah 53:3-5.


He Fulfilled His Purpose

You Are Not Alone


One more thing:  There were two other people hung on crosses on either side of Jesus: Both were thieves.  One repented to Christ, and the other did not.

God said he would commune with Israel upon above the Mercy Seat.  The Mercy Seat is covered by two cherubims: One was found with iniquity in him.  It was this that reminded me of the other two on crosses. 



Previous Articles


01/14/24 – Evasive Maneuvers

02/03/24 -  Seat of Power

02/14/24 – The Ark of Trump?

03/03/24 – The Replicant

03/15/24 -  Deep Dive

04/01/24 – The Jews of Sixth Street





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