Adrenaline Chrome
Adrenaline Rush
An Apocalyptic Moment
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"You Got Blood Lust for me, but too bad, too bad!" |
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15.
“And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.” – Revelation 11:7
We have a lot to cover. I see the escalation of politics pulling at my attention and I have to stay on this road here, right now. The two verses above came to my attention when on the last article “The SLAVE Question”, we perused over the interview of Jim Caviezel on the Steven Bannon show “War Room”. You can access that article on the link in this paragraph if you would like as this is essentially part 2.
The interview of Jim Caviezel covered on the last topic highlighted a distraught man. The kicker though was the content of the interview which, if we are “rightly dividing the word of truth”, was something more than about the need for us to see this movie.
Some excerpts from that interview concerning the movie he is in “Sound of Freedom” are below. We are going to cover these more in depth, so I will repost them here.
“I’m going out there to plead to the public right now, plead to the Christians and anybody that has the heart for a child . . . (he sighs forcefully) we may not even get to the resurrection of the Christ because we won’t have a country anymore. And I’m talking about the film that is of vital importance.” – Jim Caviezel, Warroom Interview
There may be nothing to the fact that he says “heart for a child” instead of “children”, then immediately follows this up with a sigh and break into his summation that “we may not even get to the resurrection of the Christ” then qualifies that with the making of the film “Resurrection of the Christ”.
Jim Caviezel was working on “Resurrection of the Christ” before he was pulled for this movie “Sound of Freedom”. We learned that the story was based on Tim Ballard’s “Operation Underground Railroad” work and that he was the creator of the movie.
We also learned that both Tim Ballard and the studio that will distribute it are both Mormon/Mormon owned. Is that significant? Yes it is. See the previous entry where I get into why it is.
The initial motivation for researching Jim, the Operation Underground Railroad and the Mormon connection originally was seeded in my concern for the well being of Jim in that interview. He is the one that brought up that Tim Ballard was a Mormon. I didn’t otherwise know him or that Angel Studios/Productions were under the LDS umbrella until that time.
In this part of the interview, Jim says:
“we’re in a I would say we’re in an apocalyptic moment right now. I think the words that Jesus talks about the end coming . . . we don’t have a country anymore, we don’t have a border . . . why would you continue to listen to a media that’s lying to you every day?”
An apocalyptic moment? Apocalypse: “apo-to see + kalyptien-to cover, conceal = to uncover, disclose, reveal” - and he qualifies it to Jesus telling his followers why they ask for signs when they can see them before them as it is written. The signs are before us.
The disease has metastasized to the surface now. And I don’t know if you understand this or not, but there is a reason why the angel told Daniel in those prophecies that the “overspreading of abomination” will occur. Why does God let it happen, as the angels tells him in Daniel 9?
It HAS to, and if you are interested in “why”, see Zechariah 5:1-4 and Galatians 3:13, and that’s just for starters. Now I understand why we are asked to “be patient” and “wait upon the Lord”. We are all being triggered right now, emotionally with all the reports of what is going on. It’s time to “change direction”. That doesn’t mean “leave the road” that God put you on and it doesn’t mean stop fighting: It means the fight is not JUST ours. Leave some room for God to come in and do his thing. Some of the very people we are angry with are having to traverse the same high wire that the enemy is upon. We are still supposed to be revealing “The Word”.
Remember . . . Joshua had to cross the Jordan to get to Jericho. Those walls had to come down and they had to actually go inside. Lot was the one lamb lost in Sodom that Abraham pleaded with God to save before destroying the city. There are still children that are working within those “cities”.
We don’t understand what God is doing. I don’t like seeing people suffer any more than you do. I hate the lie as much as you do. But that beast the “whore” is riding has more than one head. And ONE of them represents the eighth who is of the seven: a dual role and the “eighth” is the problem child.
When we come to the end of this, you will see many who were our enemy fall to their knees like children in the presence of grace. They will repent in the face of a love they have never known.
So I am considering prayerfully, what Jim said, regardless of the religion of the men who made that film. That doesn’t mean I concur with the doctrines of that religion. Even Egypt helped the children of Israel through Joseph, until they became a rival in the progressing years.
Jesus went into those Sin-a-Gog-ues to teach those in there with ears to hear. Many of them do not know what they are doing. God is cleaning out the ones that DO, and are willingly killing and blaspheming His Name in the midst of His creation.
Jim says in the interview: “We don’t have a country” – “We don’t have a border”.
Is he talking about the United States? Is he?
Israel – the REAL Israel, spiritual Israel, doesn’t have a border anymore (but we do have a stronghold, a fortress).
"Trump We Want Mike"
(And It Wasn't Mike Pence!)
He’s not talking about the United States. What is happening in the news regarding THAT border is just a “manifestation” of what is going on spiritually, right now. It is one of the “signs”.
As disjointed as that interview was, Jim also mention “adrenochrome” and went nowhere with it. So . . . I did.
Google named it’s umbrella company “Alphabet” (Aleph-Beit = Breath of God-House). Their proprietary browser name is “Chrome” (Khroma = color).
Adreno is the name of a graphics/intellectual property processor: Division and promotion in plain sight?
Jim continues: “you cannot say adrenochrome: you can’t say anything bad on George Soros”: He uses the example of Soros owning the Daily Beast, and being the cause of Jim losing his two agents.
This was interesting. I knew I wouldn’t have time to go into depth on the last article but it definitely should be addressed. First in that statement, the mention of Adrenochrome:
Adrenochrome: Adrenal – of or near the kidneys (to, near renal) + Chrome – from Greek “khroma” color, see “chroma” Latin form of the Greek Khroma relating to “surface of the body, skin, color of the skin”.
Remember the song “Mamma don’t take my Kodachrome away” by Simon and Garfunkel? Go look at the lyrics to that in depth. It’s not about a camera. What happened to Michael Jackson REALLY? One of his songs he sings “don’t youblack or white me”: Because I have it on the word of truth that his “ color change” WASN’T voluntary. It wasn’t self inflicted, and it WASN’T a natural occurrence. See the lyrics to his song “Morphine” (morphing, to convert to another form: Isaiah 52:13-14; Habukkuk 1:11 – 2:4.) I had written an article on this before, related to “trauma-Gershwin” (Cracking the Code).
Someone proposed that This stuff “hidden in plain sight” reveals things that people “cannot say”.
I’ve seen this passed around on social media. I don’t believe that it is “unrelated” or “irrelevant” because the association is there.
Remember this meme?
Google’s proprietary browser is “Chrome”. Chrome = “color, relating to surface of the body, skin, skin color.
Adreno, in the technology context, is the name for “a series of graphics processing unit (GPU’s) semiconductor intellectual property cores developed by Qualcomm”. (originally developed by ATI Technologies). It is reportedly an “anagram” of ADM’s (Advanced Micro Devices) graphics card brand Radeon. Essentially they are “graphics processors” (system on a chip or SoC’s). Google uses them but didn’t name them.
Jim mentions adrenochrome: the stuff of conspiracists fantasies, right?
Wrong: It exists.
Adrenochrome: “is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine).” – Source,
Oxidation – the process of taking or transferring of electrons in a molecule through some form of trauma to that molecule to form a compound in the conversion process. (You won’t find it worded like this on scientific papers, and some descriptions in Wikipedia have changed since I last wrote on this over seven years ago).
How do you “oxidize” adrenaline? Ferrylmyoglobin: this produces radicals that progressively damage renal tubular membranes. Adrenal glands which sit atop each kidney, produces adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol. It is part of the “endocrine system” glands: such as the “pineal gland, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Pancreas and ovary/testicle. They are hormone-producing structures. Hormones trigger other glands/organs in the body.
I did find several interesting articles; some which I could not get to, probably because of the age of the article, like:
“What’s Adrenochrome?”
“Influence of a constant magnetic field on the mechanism of adrenaline oxidation”.
“How is Adrenochrome Consumed?”
“Adrenochrome Images”
I didn’t link them because some of them are questionable sites; but I did more searches based on those keywords. Some of them brought up images from movies you don’t want to see. I’ll skip some of the technical stuff because the “chrome” part of “adrenochrome” is also interesting:
“Despite this compound’s name, it is unrelated to the element chromium; instead, the -chrome suffix indicates a relationship to color, as pure adrenochrome is deep violet.” – source, Wikipedia.
For some reason, a passage in the book about his brother, written by Jermaine Jackson came to mind. He details an “intervention”, to get access to Michael in a hotel. The way to his room was blocked by handlers until they eventually let the brothers in. They found Michael in a hospital bed in the hotel room, hooked up to I.V’s. Jermaine had stated that Jackie had gone directly to the I.V. tube to make sure the liquid was clear. I thought that was odd considering most drugs administered intravenously don’t have color either.
I originally thought when I read that back in 2011 “maybe they thought they were taking his blood”. His lyrics in “2BAD” lead me to think that. I didn’t even consider the alternative mentioned above.
When you read the Wiki article, scroll down to the “popular culture”. Hunter S. Thompson and his “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” is mentioned, as well as other works mentioning adrenochrome (movie “A Clockwork Orange” for example). There were obviously experiments done with the substance, although no real detail is given about them. And the “small group” of subjects is never elaborated upon.
Another thing about Hunter S. Thompson: He is one of the individuals identified by Paul Bonacci as having been involved in the abduction and/or abuse of children for ritualistic purposes. He was named with Rusty Nelson as the ones filming snuff films at Bohemian Grove. The late senator John DeCamp had interviewed Paul Bonacci when investigating the “Franklin Scandal” otherwise known as “Boystown” scandal (of which Bonacci was an orphan at Boystown). One of those children he said was abducted was the famous abductee “Johnny Gosch”.
Back to Jim’s paragraph on George Soros owning the Daily Beast.
The Beast and the Witnesses
Jim continues: “you cannot say adrenochrome: you can’t say anything bad on George Soros”: He uses the example of Soros owning the Daily Beast, and being the cause of Jim losing his two agents.
I wondered what in the world George Soros had to do with any of Jim’s nervous monologue (it wasn’t really an interview, it was a rant, and Bannon just let him go), until he mentioned some of the organizations and companies he controls; like “The Daily Beast”.
Jim said “he owns; like the Daily Beast. It’s the reason I lost my agents because of them (Daily Beast), 17 years! And the other one 15 years.”
The Beast vs Two Agents (witnesses?)
“And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.” – Revelation 11:7
It’s just an observation, why two agents?
Do you know who the “two agents/angels/witnesses” are? Because they are mentioned in Zechariah chapter 4! Same “agents” that the Masonic organization named “Jachin and Boaz” (the pillars in Solomon’s Temple) because they got it out of the Bible. Most of you know who Boaz is – the husband of the widow Ruth, to continue the line of her deceased husband, Elimelech (Eli+Melech[cule]). Boaz was in the lineage of Jesus, in the Tribe of Judah.
It is interesting to note that on Masonic emblems the “Boaz” pillar is “to the north” and has a globe of earth depicted above it. Jachin is to the south (South Pole? Antarctica?) and has a globe above it of the heavens/stars with symbols for the zodiac wrapped around it. The Two Tabernacles Paul talks about in Hebrews 9: The worldly tabernacle (Moses); and the heavenly (Christ).
The Bible never elaborates on the role of Jachin, other than he is mentioned in the lineage eight times as son of Simeon who was the second son born to Jacob and Leah; and of those eight in 1 Chronicles 9:10 as “of the priests”.
I know who Jachin is: He who was surnamed “Jacob/Israel” (Isaiah 44:5). The meaning of the name is said to be “he who will establish” or “in him it will be established”. It is in future tense. The Son of man. In Revelation 3:12 to the church in Philadelphia, Christ Jesus tells John to write about he who overcomes: he will be made a pillar in his temple (Jachin). He will write upon that one “the name of my God”, the name of the city of his God, and “I will write upon him my new name”.
The Bible tells us who the name of that person will be, but it has to be revealed to you, through the Word; just as it was revealed to Samuel, in Shiloh, by the Word of the Lord in 1 Samuel 3:21.
“You’re NOT Free”
Jim said, “You think you know what the truth is, you don’t. You have a SELECTION. You’re not free”.
In that, he is right. We are not free. We are “free in Christ”, but it’s not automatic. You have to choose it, and that means answering a calling . . . if people can even hear him anymore through the noise.
I am still digging into Jim’s background. Some sources have associated him with QAnon because he “endorses” some of their beliefs. He has also appeared at functions with Lin Wood and Michael Flynn: neither of whom I trust.
QAnon and “Q” have suggested in their posts that they are “NSA” Affiliated Or that “we have the NSA” or “We have control of the NSA”. The NSA and “Q” share the same logo:
"If You have nothing to hide,
You have nothing to fear" (so come clean NSA!)
NSA has a brand new data-center (built in 2013) in Pine Bluff Utah. Many of their employees are recruited directly from Brigham U. and the U. of Utah, all of which I have posted over seven years ago.
There was a Mormon doctorate student named John Fenley that purchased (eight years up front) the urls “” (Illuminati backward), and “org” and “net”, which redirected to the NSA website (it still directs there today). The word “Illuminati” itself means (to illuminate or become illuminated: the illuminated). It is referenced once in the Bible by that term in Hebrews 10:32-33. It is also associated with being passed through the fire (the Illuminati, but it is a false light, not from God; it is of darkness, will of man).
Don’t Buy the Lie
Upon further digging, there were other articles concerning Tim Ballard, the making of “Sound of Freedom” and some other claims along side that which were raising more red flags.
Where are the children? Where are those who were rescued? If this was all put out online as Newsweek suggested, why no link? That’s easy to fake; the CIA has dates and events and times and laws changed all the time to cover their errors. Why was no funding request for this “movie” made known until this year?
If Tim Ballard had footage of all these rescues for his “Doc”; why did he need Jim Caviezel to do a movie of him?
So recently, THIS video just started getting passed around in the past week:
Videos - TB4Prt
This was allegedly taped during a “conference” in Utah (the Mormon organization has conferences every six months) in January 2023. I didn’t even receive the invite to invest in this film until April of this year. Isn’t that weird?
On the previous article of part 1 of this, we learned that the “Angel Studios” founders, the Harmons, Mormons, were inspired by a musician they were helping, that was under the label “Alchemical Records”.
In the video above, Ballard states that Mel Gibson is working with him on a four-part series/documentary about Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) and their rescues. He also claims, “which is new” that Mel Gibson assisted in the editing of “Sound of Freedom”. He said that “DNA Films” will be producing it.
This is what I found:
"DNA Films is a British film production company founded by Andrew Macdonald and Duncan Kenworthy in 1997.[1] They also have a television division with Walt Disney Television called DNA TV Limited.[3]" - Source, Wikipedia
Walt Disney Company has been affiliated with child trafficking. Several employees have been arrested for child porn, so, Mr. Ballard, we are not batting a thousand here!
Mel Gibson has his own production company: “Icon Productions”, which I also assume is producing the “Passion of the Christ: The Resurrection”, so I thought that was odd. DNA films was founded by Andrew Macdonald and Duncan Kenworthy.
Duncan was behind some recognizable movies as was Macdonald. Macdonald is from a Jewish family:
Andrew Macdonald
"He is the brother of Oscar-winning documentary maker Kevin Macdonald. His maternal grandparents were English actress Wendy Orme and Hungarian-born British Jewish Oscar-winning filmmaker Emeric Pressburger." - Source, Wikipedia
Andrew attended Annenburg School of Communication at U of PA - named after Jewish Walter Annenburg who was also behind some recognizable films and projects.
Look at the logo for DNA Films.
Ballard also said that Tony Robbins would be executive producer of this four-part series on child trafficking. Tony Robbins has been around the “positive thinking” industry block several times, including being featured on Oprah and other talk shows. There has been no word from him on this project, or that he will be producing it.
All of this looks like it was “filled in” after the movie began being announced; and after people are finding “holes” in the story. Kind of like the Jews adding to the Talmud to “explain” discrepancies; or a certain monetized “stalker-fan” group putting up stories and photoshopped pictures to cover their lies.
It could also be that they are getting “information” out . . . the best way they know how: like a parable.
A lot of Ballard's conference is cut out. I would like to see the whole thing, if there IS a “whole thing”.
The other side of this newly minted coin? Some others are questioning this pairing of the two, and the timing:
Posted on GAB
There are similar sentiments on Twitter but most are in support of the film. Of course, how could you not be? A subject matter like that? Saving children? I searched for the article on Newsweek; and this turned up an interesting twist.
From Newsweek (an "establishment" publication, to be fair)
Newsweek states that Gibson’s representatives have said that none of the reports are accurate:
Further down on the article Newsweek states that Tim Ballard is former CIA. Can you be CIA AND work for Homeland Security? Sure you can! Right Anderson Cooper? Woody Harrelson? Tom Clancy? Many of your news anchors and journalists, actors, writers/novelists and musicians are in one of the three-letter agencies.
It also states that the picture passed around on social media with Gibson wearing a baseball cap with the logo for “O.U.R.” on it was posted in July of 2022 instead of recently – in the room of “we’re debunking it while establishing it”: No link to the original post, so I call bull-stuff on that. Photo shop and video editing for narrative purposes still exists, they’ve gotten better at it too.
The other two claims on this section of the article are that Gibson is NOT credited on IMBd. Ballard claims that Gibson called him at the start of the Ukraine war, (where Gibson just happened to be?) and asked for his help in rescuing children from the Ukraine (why would Gibson be in the Ukraine if this is true? During a war? How did the two even come to know each other? Same said “three letter” agency?)
In the third and final screenshot of the article, Kari Lake is featured:
She had also announced on a Tweet, that the constitution was “hanging by a thread” when her first stolen election lawsuit was unsuccessful.
LDS: Government of God in the U.S.
Brigham Young, "Journal and Discourses"
So the magazine is debunking while asserting that the "info" has been online for a year or more, which . . . is false. None of this began appearing until recently. So the establishment media is going to also play the "controlled opposition" against the "controlled opposition" which in this case would be the Mormon Oligarchy's Tim Ballard.
I keep hearing the lines in my head “I’monto her game and she’ll get played the same” in reference to Jeremiah 11:9.
On the previous entry (part 1) I had also found an article written by the person whom Ballard had write the events of that raid that allegedly happened. I'll post it again here:
This supposedly took place back in 2014. The timing of some of the post events are not matching up with the account in Newsweek: and Gibson is not mentioned . . . at all in this article on Slate.
There is no doubt that the Mormon organization/LDS religion is Masonic/Egyptian based. I had posted these images in past articles which if you have ever toured Salt Lake City, Utah, or visited Granite Mountain to research your genealogy, you would have seen some of these monuments, buildings and patrol cars with Masonic symbols on them:
Masons and Mormons share
The Beehive symbol
As well as “endowment” ceremonies
The Image above on the right hand side is the apron that Lafayette presented to George Washington – who was a freemason. Below that image is enlarged. The “beehive” is top center of the apron.
Below left is the “Beehive” in front of the State Capital in Salt Lake City. There is also one in front of Brigham U. and on every man hole cover in the city. To the right is a beehive stained glass half moon window in a Masonic temple in Baltimore, Maryland.
State Highway Patrol Patch. This symbol is also on the sides of their patrol cars.
A larger image of the Apron shown above given to George Washington. Those symbols within mean something.
Take note that the “Arch/Ark” is over and above the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz. Within you see the “square and compass” on/in “the book”. There is an “ark” to the left (the same side as Jachin with the sun); and to the right on the side of Boaz you see the ladder: Jacob’s ladder. You know what that represents now, don’t you?
“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” – Genesis 28:12.
Jesus to Nathanael:
“And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hearafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.” – John 1:51.
I wish the people of the Mormon church would see their religion for what it is. There was a plan for this country before it was even settled by the Dutch and Spanish and British colonists. Looking for the “New World” and constructing the “New World Order” should have been clue aplenty!
The Mormon leaders knew they were going to end up in Utah/Salt Lake before Joseph Smith even died; yet their “New Jerusalem” was earmarked for Missouri. Why? What is in the Utah/Colorado/Arizona desert they don’t want people to know about? How in the world did they end up the genealogy powerhouse of the world, with ancient records of such under the tunnels of Granite Mountain? Where did they get them? Because they were originally a much older organization, all the way back to “the Numbers” in the Bible.
Those “Founding Fathers”, not all but many, were Masons. These are the same “masons” mentioned in the book of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles as having the “craftmanship” to “build” the house of God that David wanted, but Solomon built.
The same “King of Tyre/Tyrus” whom God reproved in Ezekiel 28:12-18. We keep hearing of the “Jews” building the “temple”. But according to the “Rebbe” (Rabbie Schneerson, top salesman of Noahide Laws), “the destruction of the temple is an ongoing event”
Lubavich Rebbe Schneerson
This is exactly what Jesus was referring to, when he said to them:
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body.” – John 2:19-21.
We are the “temple” – 1 Corinthians 6:19. The kingdom of heaven is within us – Luke 17:21.
The Rebbe Schneerson knew what “temple” he was talking about in that lecture he gave back in 1987. Our “temples” were being destroyed. They were doing “violence to the blood” of people (Proverbs 28:17), “violence to the law” within us, our DNA (Zephaniah 3:4); and “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence” (Matthew 11:12) and “the violent take it by force”.
“They’re coming for the ‘Land’”.
The LDS/Mormon prophecy concerning the “bloodshed” that shall take place “prior to the coming of the Son of man shall begin in South Carolina”, also preceeds their claim to “save the Constitution” (of the U.S.) as it “hangs by a thread”. Thus they also teach their followers that they are destined to become “the Government of God on earth”.
That is not the only thing they are teaching their congregations:
Mormons build temple?
This information is four of the 12+ years of research that went into the “Michaelsguardian” blog.
There are people that I knew that are “GONE” as a consequence of some of the things the Lord revealed to me through the course of that blog.
So no. I don’t trust Tim Ballard. I don’t trust his organization, I don’t trust what is REALLY going on with Jim Caveziel or the “Operation Underground Railroad” which in truth sounds more like another CIA-birthed organization to frame a narrative. And that narrative is to “whiten the sepulchers” of the organization, i.e. Freemason, layered script.
This involves the CIA, the NSA whose massive database sits in Pine Bluff Utah, Homeland Security and the “System” of the beast in their “government of God” on earth.
Having tangled with them, and having to amputate a corrupted portion of my personal life because of them, the Lord revealed to me what they were/are. The people need to know.
If it is hard to wrap your head around the idea that there are people in this world that would use victims in situations, to make themselves heroes (like arsonist firefighters), you’re not alone. The fact that it is children is even worse. But it is the perfect “tool” to change minds and influence people, as ugly as that sounds coming out of my mouth and to these keys.
They need to know what was revealed to me at the beginning of this journey . . .
“They don’t know they’re already dead.” And the Lord would not have told me that, if there wasn’t a chance that they could be saved.
We have yet to get to Revelation 13, although Revelation 12 has occurred and is occurring. Keep that in mind when they said “He is here” or “He is there”. And remember Jesus’ warnings in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, especially considering the prophecies of Daniel concerning the abomination.
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