Egypt Slave Question


Sodom and Egypt

Who Will Ask

The SLAVE Question



And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” – Revelation 11:8.


And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage.” – Galatians 2:4.




We’re going to “get into” this:  I have not written about this for a long time.  What is out there already is ugly enough, not to mention that I had two cops come to my house a year ago, when I was in Pennsylvania WHILE my husband just happened to be there to take care of me for a surgery.  They came to “inquire” about an email with an image that was sent out of my account AFTER Google had closed the account (and the blog).


The image they showed me was that of an alleged abducted child.  They claimed to not know who he was but I did, because it was all over the internet shared by researchers and conspirators alike:  It was supposedly Johnny Gosch who was abducted from his home in 1982.  The man would be in his early fifties today.  He was allegedly in a photo of a dinner at the White House for the press when Bush Jr. was President.  He was associated with the Finders, The Franklin Scandal/Boystown and the “White House Call Boys”, Barnie Frank, etc.; You can do your own research on that.


There were many people writing about this topic, especially after the death of Michael Jackson; and the bombshell Corey Feldman dropped on “Nightline” about the pedophiles in Hollywood in October of 2011.  It seems like forever-ago.


Now the subject is come up again.  As I said I have not talked about this in a long time.  That doesn’t mean that I have forgotten any of this took place.  I also want to caution you as you do your research and your “whistleblowing” NOT TO share any images other than the face of those you are looking for.  Do NOT share what is being propagated on any of the social media sites, at ALL; claiming to be from Hunter’s Biden’s laptop or having taken place on Epstein’s Island or Podesta’s house or wherever.


There are agents, posing as “novice researchers” sharing pics of children whom their own employers have trafficked, so to entrap those out on the web trying to connect the dots.  Do NOT SHARE any photos of children in distress.  Those people doing so are not helping the victims by doing that.  It just adds to their shame and pain.  Just inform people of what is going on.


Now to the subject matter of this article:




I Know This Face


Screenshot of Jim C Interview

(I know this face.  I’ve WORN it)


Jim Caviezel is starring in a movie.  The name of the movie is “Sound of Freedom”.  It is about the rescuing of trafficked children; and is loosely based on the experiences and true life work of Tim Ballard, CEO of non-profit organization “Operation Underground Railroad”.


It is produced by Angel Productions (An inspirational film producer).  Angel Productions put out the movies “The Chosen”, “His Only Son”, “The Security Man”.  Including “Sound of Freedom” they have only four movies under their belt, but they have other short films and projects they have produced.  They just announced another one called “Homestead”.


On their site It states that:


Jeff Wilson, the founder and principal of Angel Productions Inc. is a business man, entrepreneur, and agent of positive change through the arts.  He is committed to supporting creative individuals in getting their gifts out there to the world”.


Top Celebrities that have funded “Angel Productions” and donated are:


Elton John. Bill Clinton, Sting, Annie Lennox (Eurethmics), Paul McCartney, Bono, Lady Gaga, George Clooney (among others).  Ironically, five of these people are also on the list being passed around on the internet, of the celebrities that have been to Epstein Island.  You know, Pedo-central.


If you go to the link “”  and search for “Operation Underground Railroad” it returns celebrities “Glenn Beck, Larry King, and Montel Williams” as celebrities listed on the site as having supported “OUR”.  The actual link for the organization itself is


What originally caused a blip on my radar about this project was the Ad on Facebook to become an investor in the film.  I thought I recognized Jim Caviezel in the clip on the ad.  A week later, I saw an interview with Jim Caveziel on the Steve Bannon Show (War Room?).  And I had posted this after watching that particular interview where Jim was talking about the movie:


 The interview I saw was at this link if you are interested in watching it.


The interview begins with some clips of the trailer for the movie.  Bannon then comes on and mentions the release date of this being July 4, 2023.


So in watching this, I was a little wary about his demeanor.  I couldn’t really put my finger on why, but he didn’t seem like the same “Jim” in other interviews.  For one thing, most notably is that he is pretty much rambling, skipping from one topic to another and just “getting lost” in what he is trying to say.  It was very segmented, his testimony.  He seemed nervous and maybe a little scared.  I was afraid for him.


Another issue I had with the interview is that he is most often NOT looking at the camera.  Sure sign of something.  He’s an actor.  Actors are trained not to look at the camera . . . WHEN they are ACTING.  But podcast interviews?  Different story.  Jim is not a rookie.


Skip to the 4 minute mark if you must, but take note of his demeanor.  He is calling for help.  Jim is calling for help.  Listen very, very carefully.  I want you to discern what is being said.  He said something that made my blood run cold:


I’m going out there to plead to the public right now, plead to the Christians and anybody that has the heart for a child . . . (he sighs forcefully) we may not even get to the resurrection of the Christ because we won’t have a country anymore.  And I’m talking about the film that is of vital importance.”


He then goes on to talk about a hypothetical that you’re at a July 4th picnic having a good time and your child goes missing.  Then he cuts back to “we’re in a I would say we’re in an apocalyptic moment right now.  I think the words that Jesus talks about the end coming . . . we don’t have a country anymore, we don’t have a border . . . why would you continue to listen to a media that’s lying to you every day?


Jim continues: “you cannot say adrenochrome: you can’t say anything bad on George Soros”: He uses the example of Soros owning the Daily Beast, and being the cause of Jim losing his two agents. 


You think you know what the truth is, you don’t.  You have a SELECTION.  You’re not free”. 


You’re not “free”.


He then jokes about the picture of “Jesus” (Jim Caviezel in that role) on Steve Bannon’s wall in back of him, and he says something weird:


And I’m not mocking Jesus, Jesus is the best part of us, Jesus within us!  I’ll be the man [in the Resurrection of the Christ], only I won’t be playing Jesus . . . he’ll be playing me, it’s the most powerful thing you’ve ever seen”.


He said “[Jesus] will be playing me”.  He then claims that “Sound of Freedom is Passion of the Christ”.  His voice gets kind of broken up here, and his emotions are heightened.  A lot of people might consider this “hype” to sell a movie.  I don’t believe that is what this is.


Jim covers what Jesus said about sticking your neck out to fight for truth: “contending for the Word” as Timothy called it.  Then he used the example of John the Baptist losing his head for Christ and asked us “would you lose your head for Christ?  Wouldjah?” 


Then Jim says “I would because I love him.  And I know who Christ is in this movie, it’s Tim Ballard”. 


Then Jim continues “Oh, I know what you’re going to say, Tim Ballard is Mormon, forget it – Listen to me!  Do you not know the Gospels?  Let’s pretend you’re walking and you see a Catholic guy that’s been beaten up.  A man comes along, he does nothing, he walks past him…Then a Mormon walks named Tim Ballard.  And he does something!  The Bible is alive right now, we’re all playing different characters.  I got to play Jesus.  Some of us are playing Judas, and some of our politicians. . .”


Jim segues into the people who sit on the fence which is the majority: I will cover the rest of the interview later at another time. 


When I see an interview like this, there is information in it, and it is surrounded by other information.  Jim seems like he’s on the verge of wigging out.  I’m sorry if you don’t agree, but he does.  It was an unnerving interview.  It kind of reminded me of the press conference Michael Jackson gave on live TV in 1993 when he was first accused of child molestation.  THAT’S how much Jim’s interview unnerved me.  He also had a mark under his right eye.  He looked tired and he was not happy about being there.


No doubt the subject of child trafficking is unnerving enough as it is:  I haven’t touched on this in probably 7-8 years now.  I do not doubt any of this is going on, and investigated some of the alleged victims and the timelines of their working in the entertainment industry years ago.  It didn’t seem to raise too many hairs back then.  People do not want to acknowledge this.


I have been in another residence since February of this year.  I have moved three times since I started “Michaelsguardian” Blog in January of 2010; and I know they’ve been looking. 


I have no words for the disgust I have for anyone that targets children for nefarious purposes, although I’m sure I could create a few adjectives and adverbs that have never been heard of before.


So now we will get to the second issue that I began researching:




Satan Has “Angels” Too

Tim Ballard is the producer of this movie.  It is according to Jim C. HIS story about his “Operation Underground Railroad”.  Jim said “some of you will say ‘Mormon’, forget it . . .


Those if you that know what has happened to me will understand why I could NOT “forget it”.  So I did some digging because I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus just because of the organization they are affiliated with.  There are probably many more congregational Mormons who are truthfully Christ minded then among their leaders; they just have “doctrines of men” in the way, blocking them from truth. 


I’m going to put back up the blog topics relating to that fight I had beginning in 2013.  I will post the links at the bottom of this blog with the dates that they were posted on the original publishing.


Tim Ballard is a Mormon (Latter-Day Saints, they have rebranded themselves).  He is not Jesus Christ.  Jim Caviezel is not Jesus Christ.  He played a role for a movie.  It obviously moved him as much as it moved us watching it.  But I don’t blame Jim Caviezel for saying what he said.


Tim Ballard is formerly “Homeland Security”.  Homeland Security was not set up to “protect” the United States.  It was created at the behest of President George W. Bush in November of 2002, in response to the “fall” of the twin “towers” (Isaiah 30:25) hereto known as “9/11”.


“9/11” was a lie.  It was a lie and everything around it, through it and IN it is a lie.  I don’t care who works for them, or how much integrity someone says they have.  If they work IN lie, FOR a lie and covering for or DEFENDING a lie, then they are a LIE.


Tim Ballard no longer works for Homeland Security.  He confesses he quit to start this “non-profit” organization to help kids.  He named it “Operation Underground Railroad”. 


The REAL “Underground Railroad” was a euphemism for a project started by Isaac T. Hopper in the early 1800’s through the end of the Civil War.  The project was to help enslaved people on the run.  This “network” of transportation, safe houses and other assistance was set up in Philadelphia and North Carolina and points in between.


It’s no coincidence that Ballard would have named his organization after that project to save people out of slavery.  I mean, it fits in a way, as a description for networks set up to locate, and rescue children that have been abducted and are trafficked.  There are however a couple of caveats to consider.


The naming of their organization does coincide with a rather sinister “prophecy” that was added to their “doctrine and covenants” concerning the “coming of the Son of man”.  I have exposed this in the past.  So they choose “Jim Caviezel”, who plays Jesus Christ, as their “Sigil”.  This “prophecy” mentions “the slave question”.




The Slave Question.  In my previous research we embarked on what the “slave question” actually was, because the Civil War was already over when they plopped this down into their D&C as a “prophecy from Joseph Smith” who was long dead at that point.


Aren’t politicians and alt-media now talking about another “civil war”?  Isn’t this what all the rabble-rousing on social media is trying to steer people toward doing?  Revolution?  Another “civil war”?  I believe it is, which is why we are consistently being divided against each other.


Jim C. said that this was “an apocalyptic moment”, and that “we may not even get to the resurrection of the Christ . . .” as he was insisting, we needed two million sales of tickets before July 4th.


There are five officers listed on the “OUR” website.  They earn compensation above 100K a year, with the highest, 335K being paid to Ballard.  It also states that 75-80% of donations go to the operations support and rescue.  In a charitable organization that is really not bad.


I searched to see if OUR was connected to Ashton Kutcher’s “Thorn” organization (trolling and entrapping pedophiles online) but I didn’t see an immediate result.


The organization OUR was founded in 2013 in October.  About that time I was delving deep into “The Word” and the significance of MKUltra and the Pharma industry in the war of “Armageddon of the Brain”.  It is also the same year that the Mormons began courting us to join their church (yes, I have receipts).


Now, as much as I was over the internet in 2018 when this movie about Tim Ballard’s life was in the making, I had never heard of it.  Perhaps they had to keep it that way.  But I didn’t see a promotion for it, or an “angel funding” ad for it until this year Facebook about three weeks ago.  I actually signed up to donate but was never contacted (before publishing this, I did actually begin getting auto-responder emails about it).


The criticisms and investigations listed were mild.  They consisted mostly of embellishment of details of certain rescues, and portraying consensual sex workers as ‘traffick victims’.  This is a common claim used to cover this filth.  And It’s not exactly the first time hit pieces were published to denigrate a person or organization.


Some of them were obvious, like HJNewsAmerican Crime Journal had several pieces on this organization, as they followed the investigation done on them, which was eventually dropped a couple of years later (note: I don't like their style of "journalism" but the "Lying for the Lord" author I am familiar with as I had reported on that work several years ago in my own battle against the Mormon Megalith.)


This damning account of the first raid was given by the writer that “O.U.R” hired to cover the event.  Her story is compelling, but it wasn’t enough to convict them of fraud, only of glory-hounding.


Another sticking point considering the people that have been killed over these investigations and their caliber; like Senator’s Nancy Shaeffer and her husband, Senator John DeCamp and FBI head Ted Gunderson and others: There is no doubt whatsoever that segments of our own government are involved in this trade.  I believe it was former representative Cynthia McKinney that called out Donald Rumsfeld and his “Dyncorp” company over the trafficking of women and children during a senate hearing.  Dyncorp was also involved in the manufacturing of vaccines.


I wonder who is the real one in danger here?  Tim Ballard, a former government agent himself?  Or Jim Caviezel, whom they pulled because he so convincingly played Jesus on “Passion of the Christ”?


And it fit their “prophecy” in D&C 130:11-13.


Jim had stated during the interview that they couldn’t find distribution, and the “studio” didn’t want to work with Jim because he had been blackballed in Hollywood because of his role of “The Christ”.


But Angel Productions isn’t Hollywood . . . It is independent, but it is not.


Angel Studios is owned by two brothers: Neal and Jeffrey Harmon, both Latter-Day Saints.  It is another Mormon owned company.


I have nothing on Tim Ballard, other than my suspicions because he was a government agent-turned-martyr-2-B.  He may very well be on the up and up.  Maybe he is up against his own church in making this film, but with another Mormon owned business being the one to distribute it, I highly doubt it.  Because the Mormon church is not a church.  It is an umbrella corporation under which many other corporations exist.  Some of those that popped up under search of their top 15 investments under their investment firm, “Ensign”, not to include those they themselves founded:


Thermo Fisher Scientific – 395M              Merk & Co, Inc - 413M

Conoco Phillips – 416M                           Meta Platforms inc – 449M

Walmart, Inc – 522M                             JP Morgan Chase – 533M

Mastercard, Inc – 547M                          Tesla, Inc. – 569M

Exxon Mobile – 673M                             Johnson&Johnson – 775M

United Health Group – 951M                   Alphabet (Google) – 991M

Amazon, Inc – 1.1Billion                         Microsoft, 1.93Billion

Apple, Inc. – 2.16Billion




For a list of what they themselves own, including ranches, genealogy companies and DNA/Biotech companies, visit “Church, Inc.”.  I published this on the Google-deleted blog “” on September 24, 2016.  I republished it on this blog.


While in the course of preparing this, I was sent this on my phone.


An Annual Illuminate Event?


At this time, before I go any further, I have a request.  I am requesting that everyone reading this, right now, put your phones down, your IPad, or darken the screen of your computer, whatever you are on:  And I want you to pray for Jim Caviezel. 


I want you to with your whole heart pray for his safety, pray for his endurance, his faith and his strength.  And I want you to pray for those whistleblowers he asked you to pray for. 


I want you to pray for these children, all the ones that are now no longer with us, because I know that God can reach back into time and SAVE.  Pray for them, pray for them past and present.


Pray for the children, pray for the real Israel that is now under assault, and pray for the warriors and whistleblowers and those that have to work alongside the wicked without “losing it”.


Because we’re going to talk about this next subject:




The Wolves A-hunting


Angel Production was started by one of the Harmon Brothers, Jeffrey, who was already in the entertainment business.  On his website, he states that the “inspiration” came to him in 1989 when he was assisting in promoting the band “Riot House” with “Jimi John Jackson” of the band “Riot House” (produced ironically by Alchemical Records).  Stated that Jimi John told him “you are a godsend, you’re an angel” when they discussed ideas for promoting the band.


Angel Studios was actually founded in 2021, during the height of all the COVID scam.  They also founded “Dry Bar Comedy”, which I had watched in the past, and actually like.  I have a few favorites.  It was funny, clean comedy.  Vidangel (a filtering service for questionable content in popular movies – to “clean it up” for family viewing).  Jeff also cofounded “Orabrush, inc., Endorse Liberty, Pixlin and Status King (I’m not familiar with any of those).  Brothers Daniel and Jordan Harmon were also cofounders of “Dry Bar”.


In the same week (a week for revelation, I guess), someone I follow on TicTok posted some videos – well, he’s always posting videos.  But I’ve been following him for about a year.  I came upon one of his videos, ironically on the “Telegram” platform channel “Daily Devotionals”.  He just started showing up and I was not initially following him or his TikTok: but his TikTok videos were showing up on my Daily Devotionals on Telegram.  This is why I originally thought I was targeted.


The very first video I saw of his was on June 24, 2022.  He talks to the listener like he is only talking to them.  But the message was so personally targeted, it hit me like force in the chest.  It actually brought me to tears, like he knew my struggle.  I showed this to people, forwarded it to some family members and someone I worked with.


The next video that was sent to my telegram was this man (he’s always on a road somewhere in the country), and his message was to encourage the listener to NOT let loneliness lead you back to the people that caused your pain.  But under his knit cap that he always wore over his head, was a bandage sneaking out, and his right eye was black and blue.


I would post the video because I still have it on my phone.  I began saving all of them at that point, just the ones that came to me (he did other videos, including funny ones with his family).  And after that I wondered what happened to him.  He either got hit in the head, or was in an accident.


The video he put out on TikToc May 26th of this year, right after I got the news about Jim Caviezel, was scenes from a trip he and his family took: to Bountiful, Utah.


I won’t post the video or his name: but I will post the text he put on the screen as the scene’s rolled by:


Part 6  Highlights from our trip to an event in Utah hosted by the #Homesteadtvseries” a brand new tv series coming from Angel Studios.  Homestead is based on the best selling book series ‘Black Autumn’, which is a post apocalyptic family survival drama.  We had such a great time learning different ways of homesteading.  We learned about baking bread from scratch, gardening, greenhouses, rabbits, chickens, goats, irrigation methods and even played some lazer tag.  My favorite.  Most importantly we met some amazing people.  Some of which I can now call friends.  Y’all be sure to check out homestead socials for updates and how you can be a part of the bringing it to the screen.  Thanks for being here.  Love y’all.” – end post


This man also does live tiktoks, and during one that I watched shortly after arriving at my new residence, he had announced that he was made an offer to be in a film, contacted through his account after someone saw his videos.  I remember typing a reply through his account to “be careful, don’t let the industry get into you”, or something to that effect.


My experience with the Mormon organization has not been positive.  And because of what happened, I have a really hard time processing how anyone can be hoodwinked by them.  They are more “Christian” acting than most Christians, that is, until you start questioning their doctrine and comparing the contradictions in it to the Bible.


I’m not going to second guess the things that God revealed to me about them through that experience.  It ended my marriage, but it revealed something else as well, many things actually.  At the same time, entangled in that lie are PEOPLE.  I don’t believe all of them in that organization are “bad”.  They’re industrious, disciplined and organized.  But they are deceived.


If you don’t know your God and you are only casually acquainted with Christ, you are easy pickings.  If I were to sum up my whole experience with this organization and the caliber of people that descended upon our household and my husband, it would best be described as this:


They speak vanity every one with his neighbor: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak” – Psalm 12:2.


A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet.” – Proverbs 29:5.


And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.” – Daniel 11:21.


And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. . . .


Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.” – Daniel 11:32 & 34.


Because they weren’t “just” Mormons.  They were Mormons employed in government agencies.  They have an agenda: to be “the government of God on earth”:


Constitution hangs by a single hair

Or hangs by a single Thread


The “rest, but don’t you quit” man looked happy to be taking part in this “Homestead” event that went on in Utah.  He didn’t look tired, he didn’t look scared.  He looked like my husband looked before things started getting weird.  Jim Caviezel however was not the same.


I don’t hate Mormons, but I hate what some people in that organization did in my household.  I don’t hate the people, but their religion is exactly the one Jesus talked about when he warned John about the “Nicolaitans”.  They are not Christian, they are Masonic and Egypt based, and infused with theosophy.  They teach that Jesus was begotten from a carnal act when God was a human (The only time God is human is in Christ, God is Spirit).


Their practices when they are trying to subvert relationships between family members are exactly what the Jews do.  They are expert gaslighters and they teach their priesthood the same thing.  I still have private messages saved with some of these exchanges.  Until you question their beliefs with the Holy Bible, they seduce you into their religion with flatteries and inclusion.


I know what good they can do or appear to do, but their pudding under the crust is hypocrisy and deception.


My first true article on my investigations into this organization was after my husband was baptized on Saturday (6th day), September (Elul: 6th month Jewish calendar is August/September) 2014 at 6pm in the evening. 


It was a big deal to those that came to Baptize him: to the point that they drove from Winchester, Virginia to Lancaster, South Carolina and put up in a hotel.  That is a six hour plus trip.  The name was “Gagnon” and he worked for the military as a contractor: cyber security.  They lived in Washington State before that.  I had Mormons crawling all over my blog from a Washington state location, Nevada and Utah.  I still have screen shots of those too from my stats.


Lovely People 

The blue boxes to the right are my

estranged husband's responses

This is what they do.  They come in through a relative and subvert, then gaslight. Gagnon's husband is the one who baptized my husband into the church.  I did not attend.  I will not set foot in a Mormon building as long as I live.  They are not a Christian church, they are a Masonic-founded cult, period: not about Christ but about the flesh.   The people in it?  Well, not ALL of them are like THIS above. 

Through this whole three years of, I don’t know what you want to call it, (surveillance?); I kept records, of everything including hundreds of hits from S.L.C. Utah, Provo and the schools and university offices there.  Some of the dreams I had before that were explained in the events that took place during those years.


As the religion and it’s leaders set about white-wash their sepulchers with these attempts to overhaul their image, reputation and the bad press they have accumulated; people like me know better.  But those that believe they are just “another religion” DON’T know what that religion is.


So when something like Jim Caviezel’s interview surfaces, I feel it.  And it makes me want to ask the question: “how many guillotines are in Utah”?


Jesus was crucified in “Golgotha” (skull) in Matthew Mark and John.  In the Gospel of Luke the place was named Calvary; coming from the Greek word for “Kranium/Cranium . . . or “skull”.


We are “the Land”

Made from the dust of the earth.

They are after the “kingdom” within us


 There is more than one way to “loose your head”.  Our government has patented various methods.  Books have been written on it; and various children have been “passed through the fire” for that “craft” to prosper.  Popular names for it in recent years have been “MKUltra”, “Monarch Programming”, “Adverse Conditioning” or “Trauma-based Mind Control”, amongst others.


They employ traumatic events (false flags, embellished news stories, pictures of horror, war), violence in entertainment, music, sorcery (pharmakeia, toxic chemicals in food, water, air etc): the ONLY way you can fight these off is through Christ. 


And the ‘false one’ will precipitate him; so those that sought to “manufacture” a “messiah” will successfully deceive those that are weary and ready for that false “peace” when it is offered.


John Todd/Lance Collins/Collyns

His tapes are still online.  The Pastor that

baptized me helped him produce them back in the late 1970's.


Basically, THEY don't want people to know: Romans 2:24. Think about that in the context of EVERYTHING that is going on today . . . from the #COVID wars, to the Civil #wars, to the #RELIGIOUS wars.


All of what is going on is cover fire for what THEY are really after, within all of us, to "cut them off" (Isaiah 56:5Obadiah 1:13-14). For the day is coming that this ONE WORD will come out of the mouths of those whom God revealed it to: This is the one thing they fear, because it will gut the power of Mystery Babylon.  All over the World:


If the Mormon church really wanted to overhaul their image, they would first have to repent/come clean with the root of their religion, and they won’t: because they make the same vows in their ceremonies as the Masonic and other like secret organizations.


If only they could make their vows to the God of true Israel.


I am going to end this here for now, so it is not too long.  But there is more I want to get into, there is another side to this.


I have some of the old articles I wrote about what happened with my family and the Mormon/LDS Church.  I will post the links below. 


Strange Children, Published October 3, 2014, a month after my husband was baptized in the Mormon Church against all discussion that he was already baptized in a Christian Church.


Denizen Cain, Published September 9, 2014:

While the red carpet is being rolled out for the coming “Messiah”, very few are noticing the pits that carpet is covering.  The slaughterers will call for peace and the deceivers will campaign for truth;  - Background and origins of the Mormon Church.


American Messiah, Published September 14, 2014:

Mormons building “Zion” in America; while the Jews build the "Temple" (the “Proselyte”)


In the Company of Six, Published November 13, 2014:

How the Hoover Dam was built, who designed  it’s esoteric symbols, and the “Six Companies, inc” that Mormon Edmund Wattis named the construction company, and why.



Opening of A Tabernacle, Published February 10, 2015 

God verifies to me that the dream concerning my husband being compromised is verified by the numbers in a Mormon Speech he gave a year later. 


Church, Inc.”, Published September 24, 2015

Businesses and gluttony of the Mormon Religion.


Truthfully, It is like watching Egypt vs. Israel all over again.  I do have one food for thought, for Mormons and Christians alike in this country: The “slave question”; the “saving the Constitution as it hangs by a thread” and the “government of God on earth” are all part of the same plan.  Why is it that they are so closely related in form and timing, to the government of the beast?


My feelings on the Mormon organization notwithstanding, I want to do due diligence on this.  There is no doubt in my mind that child trafficking is at unbearable proportions.  That is exists at all is not of human origin.  And next to nothing is being done about it because the REAL “merchants” of children are not being exposed and taken out of business.


Before I write more, I want to see the movie.  And there is someone else whose testimony I would like to include.


In the meantime, please pray for Jim Caviezel and those involved in making the movie.  I also desire your prayers so that I move where the Lord wants me to move.


God bless you.


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