Deeper Than State Part 1


Deeper Than State

Culling The Election





For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” – Leviticus 17:11.


Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.” – Deuteronomy 12:23.


Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.” – 1 Corinthians 15:50.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalties, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12.




Deeper than State.  Culling the “election” and I’m not talking about polls, Dominion machines or Donald Trump; although you can read into the word “dominion” what you will.  This is the war against God and Word IN the “elect”.  THAT “election” is what they are trying to steal. 


Is everything that is going on really about what country is going to be the new superpower?  No.  That is diversion.  Especially when the same “principalities and powers” control all of them.  Take note!


And it yielded much increase unto the kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins: also they have dominion over our bodies, and over our cattle, at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.” – Nehemiah 9:37.


Is this not what is going on today?  Who actually is Israel, and who exactly are those who say they are Jews but are not, and are liars, and of the Sin-a-gog of Satan? 


Who are the “filthy dreamers” who “defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities” spoken about in the book of Jude?  These are those who left their “habitation” . . . their “first estate” back in Genesis 6.


We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places.  In the same, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God even though the life of the flesh is in the blood; and we are not to eat the life with the flesh.


Why did God tell us not to do this?


But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God.” - John 1:12-13.


What IS the life of the flesh that is IN the blood?


But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:” – Galatians 1:15-16.


This was Paul, the former Pharisee (Pharoah) who admitted to formerly “persecuting the church of God and wasting it”, “in the Jews religion”, in Galatians 1:12-13.


In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapters 2 and 3, Jesus is already on the throne, giving John instruction.  Write these letters to the church.


“Write”:  And every church has a different message, doesn’t it?  There are seven of them:


The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks.  The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” – Revelation 1:20.


Where else did we see this?


In Zechariah 4:2-14, there is a description of the vision that the angel showed to Zechariah.  The vision is described in verse 2:


And he said unto me, what seest thou?  And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof.” – Zechariah 4:2.


The “candlestick” all of gold.  How many of them are in Revelation 1:20?  Seven. 


What it is, is given in verse 6:


Then he answered and spake unt o me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.” – Zechariah 4:6.


Remember the “host of the prince” in Daniel 8:9-11?  The “little horn waxed very great” and “he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down”.  The Prince of the Host is also the “Messiah the Prince” – Daniel 10 where the war in heaven is described.  We covered this on “Messiah the Prince” earlier in August.


When God told Moses in Leviticus 17:11 that “the life of the flesh is in the blood, I have given to you upon the altar for the atonement of sins”;  he was telling us there was something “in the blood”.  It is the same thing that makes the “blood of Jesus” so powerful that even FAITH in it can heal you. 




Looking for ‘The Word’

In The Elect


This is what they were looking for with the “ELISA” test and the “PCR” test (polymerase chain reaction) for COVID.  That swab went way back into the nasal passage, and we discussed if this is what it searched for, or what it DOES.    That long swab scraped near or on the cribriform plate which your olfactory nerves (sense of smell) enters into the brain.  It was through this passage that Genesis 2:7 records where God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul”.


Another “VIRS” article  revealed that the “Pineal gland” (what Jacob named the place where he saw God face to face and his life was preserved) is “at the root of the nose”.  You will find this information on “Omicron – The Great Counterfeiter”.


The blood-brain barrier is even less protected here than at the ear.  Now you know why rhino-viruses and upper respiratory viruses were such a coveted vector in which to transcribe “CRISPR” (Clustered Regularly Interspaced, Short, Palindromic Repeats) into the DNA of man.  And CRISPR can be used for both good and bad.


The Name of God is a palindrome, and it is in your bible, and it is short, and it is four letters.  It is NOT “Yahweh” or “Yahoshua”.  It is the same name as “Jehovah” without the jot and tittle (when all is fulfilled – Matt. 5:18).  It is a NAME that represents that same Love that Jesus called “greater love hath no man than this” in John 15:13.


The Greek’s describe the “Aleph” as representing “Spiritus Lenis”: “soft breath of the Spirit/God, breath of life”.  It is the “first and the last, the beginning and the end” of what Jesus IS.  Paul revealed in Romans 1:25 that they “changed the truth of God into lie, serving and worshipping the creature . . .”.  David revealed the “creature” in Psalm 106:19-20.  I keep putting this in these articles so it is emblazoned on people’s memories because some of them once KNEW this.


So this is what the adversary is trying to do, albeit biologically.  Remove “The Name” (take it in vain – Exodus 20:7Psalm 139:20) and place “their own name” (a name they made unto themselves – Genesis 11:4Amos 5:26Acts 7:43) into God’s creation that God made in HIS own image:  THEIR star and not the “Morning Star”; so they can rule the “kingdom” which is “within us”.  This is the “five point plan” which God reproved Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-14; in the king of Tyrus/Tyre (Ezekiel 28:12-18).


This is why Jesus said that “Salvation is of the Jews” in John 4:22:  And Paul called out “why” to the Jews in Romans 2:24.  The “Name is blasphemed among the gentiles” through them, as it is written.  So the number of them that come to Christ MUST be complete, whether the “white supremacists” want them to, or not.   This is why I question their motives.


Everything in the Bible that it tells us not to do, eat, fornicate with, is to protect what God gave you, to keep you “whole”/well/healthy mentally and physically.  This includes eating the unclean (next to impossible today with our chemical-laden foods and genetically screwed with produce, there is next to nothing natural left). 


This includes homosexual/lesbian/gay activity: 


For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which was against nature.


And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” – Romans 1:27.


Do you understand?  This isn’t about being a prude or being “intolerant”!  Your “enablers” are deceiving you into destroying yourselves.  Don’t get mad at the messengers, although I agree a little more empathy could accompany the message!


A few entries ago, I said they want you to believe that “round pegs fit into square holes . . . they DON’T”.  We write our own plagues many times over by writing into our bodies that which should not be there.  Everything from what you eat, breathe, drink, sex, even your own behavior affects you right down to the DNA – the “book of the law” within you.  Include with that the movies you watch and the music you listen to . . . ESPECIALLY the music you listen to, because it can either cure or cause harm.


This isn’t about what you want.  That is the first deception, occurring in the garden.  The appeal to the “self”.  This is about what you don’t even know was taken from you.  If you are okay with living the lie, then by all means, continue.  But allow others to seek the truth and be blessed by it without harassment.




A Question of The House


The overspreading of the abomination is first cultivated in the “Messiah the Prince”.  And because he is “Messiah the Prince”, he has to be both of these things:  A descendent of Joseph (1 Chronicles 5:1-2), not Judah (from whom the chief ruler came, which is Christ): and he must be a “Levite” because the “Levite’s inheritance is God” – Joshua 13:14 & 13-33.


The “people of the prince” (Judah, the lawgiver, Jeremiah 7:30 & 11:9) the jealous brother from Genesis 37 and Genesis 49:22-26, will seek to cast down the sanctuary of strength, and pollute it; and set up the abomination that makes desolate . . . devoid of “life”, “spirit”, the “light of men”.


In the course of these events, much wicked is being revealed: Politicians, heads of state, global governance, banks, educational and medical institutions, religious organizations, the kings and merchants of the earth.  All of these things are employed in a script, but not all of them will remain with the evil in this world.


Some of them have already been overturned, just as Paul was in Acts 9.


That being said, be very careful who your allegiance is to and also be careful whom you condemn.  Jesus said “you will know them by their fruits” in Matthew 7:15-20.


Some things to watch for are in the message.  Their message always has an element of truth in them.  It can either lead you astray or reveal who they are.




Deeper Than State


One of the things I have learned through what I endured between 2013-2023, was that “love” is not love if it has an agenda.  And once you are sealed that light comes on within you, people feel or notice a “difference” in you.  What the Lord told Paul in Ephesians is that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places . . . this isn’t just rich men with power over the mechanics of this world: but what is IN them. 


When God turns that light on within you, certain malignant within organizations will be sent to you, either directly or through a close loved one like a husband, child or parent, to discourage you from the path God put before you.  They come at you through them, with this “obligatory” love which Jesus warns about in Daniel 11:21 and 32-34.    It is a form of emotional blackmail. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 10:37 “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me . . .”. Peer pressure is a powerful tool. 


These people know what they are doing.  They have studied, and experimented through organizations, institutions, military over millennia, how to get into, and under your process of thought.  They know what makes the empathetic tic.  And if they tried it with Jesus in the Gospels, they most assuredly will employ it with the least of us.  If they can’t get into you directly, they WILL use the ones you love the most, and use their weaknesses against you.


Most of the time, you will be blindsided by what comes at you  through people you thought you knew.  You’re not prepared for it, nobody is.  And it will spin you around, it is traumatizing.  Expect that people will see a change in you that is evident once God reveals to you The Word and sets himself in you.


All of a sudden, you are the “weird one”.  Everyone thinks something is “off” with you, and your loved ones will talk behind your back; they talk to your fellow church parishioners and you are the odd man out.  Your family will gaslight you because they don’t want to be admonished by their friends or fellow church goers.  I endured all of this.  But I was also encouraged because others will be sent to let you know that God sees all of this.  God already told us we would suffer for his sake, for his WORD.  You are no longer married to your family after this but to God.  And this is something you have to face and accept, because it is part of your calling.


Their reaction to you, and their personal or social estrangement from you, is your verification that God set you apart.  When the Lord said glory in your tribulations, this is why.  It IS a lonely place, but you are NOT alone.


It is hard NOT to hate those people when you learn what they are actually doing and saying behind your back: or even THINK you hate them because you are so angry.  I’ve fought against that myself.  But as it is written, we are to hate the sin and not the sinner.  These agents of “discord” twist the truth: they work through the conscience, the “psychi”, the thought processes: It is hard not to personally attack back.  If they can’t get to you directly they WILL go through your loved ones.




Part of their CRAFT


In my case this came through a religious organization which now calls itself “Church of Jesus Christ – of Latter Day Saints”.  Others identify them as Mormons.  Their “bible” is called “the Book of Mormon”, which is also accompanied by several other manuscripts such as “The Book of Abraham” and “Doctrine and Covenants”.   They are Masonic in origin, although they will deny this while showing you what “Joseph” allegedly translated and its source.


“Journal of Discourses” was allegedly penned by Brigham Young, which reveals some interesting insight on who they believe is actually “God”.  They don’t publicize this much, and if someone asks about it, they have some story already branded into their heads to hand you, to explain the contradictions to Christ’s teachings.


Because my husband bought their indoctrination hook, line and sinker, I learned a lot about how they use “numbers” and “sorcery” in their speeches, writings, ceremonies and day to day study.  It is a Freemason “craft” and “Kabbalistic”.  This is why I trusted not the origins of “Sound of Freedom”, from a Mormon who was also a CIA special agent (See “Sodom and Egypt” for some background on this). 


Even though the movie is seemingly with good intention; presenting awareness of child trafficking, it exists (I don’t contend with that), it is also a diversionary tactic from what they themselves are involved in.  They took control of the narrative with this movie.  That is the ONLY reason Tim Ballard is still alive and “praised” while people like Senator Nancy Schaefer, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and Anne Heche, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Corey Haim, etc are dead right now. 


Everything I felt as I endured my struggle with this organization I saw in Jim Caviezel’s face during his first interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room”, and he saw a LOT more than I did.  What he SAID during that interview they have attempted to overwrite with more interviews and some interjections by Tim Ballard, the new “Millionaire” ex-CIA agent.  You go look at Caviezel’s face in THAT interview.  You know something is “off”.


Glenn Beck, whom was quoted as having partnered with Ballard in another organization, is also a Mormon, as is the “Angel Studios” that put out the “Sound of Freedom” movie.


He is now complaining that “iTunes” is removing his podcasts from their platform.


Mormon Church Owns a Good Chunk of it.


As you know, “iTunes” is an Apple product.  Glenn Beck and Tim Ballard’s “church” owns approximately 2.16 BILLION shares of Apple.  Who controls the purse strings?  They could pull their investment in a snap of the fingers.  So don’t get “moved” by these attempts at emotional manipulation!


Tim Ballard was formerly “CIA” (you are never “formerly” CIA or NSA or any other government agency.  You are NEVER your own after that).  CIA is one of the organizations started not long after World War 2 originally as the OSS (Office of Strategic Services); around the same time that “Tavistock” and the “Pharmaceutical” industry began synchronizing their playbook.  My mother in law was employed by them when they were still the “OSS” back in the late 1940’s.  So was my husband’s aunt on his dad’s side.  There are other connections which we will cover later.




They Favor Hiring Mormons: Why?


The NSA’s new, massive “data base center” completed sometime in 2013 is in the midst of Mormon-central in Pine Bluff, Utah.  This is where every one of your conversations, texts and website visits, what you buy online, debit/credit card expenditures, CONTACT (tracing), is recorded and branded with your name and device, and your family, and your genealogy, etc.  This is who is sending your personal data directly to Israel’s “Mossad”.  Both the NSA, the CIA and other intelligence agencies employed by your tax dollar feed this beast.


The CIA, with the Mossad and what was then M15 (M16: Britain) were engaged in mind control experiments – not all of them have “names” that appear in print online, but some of them you might have heard of are “MKUltra”, “Monarch Programming”, “Alice in Wonderland” programming, “Sex-Kitten”, “Adverse Conditioning” which includes sexual and physical trauma . . . some “assets” selected from childhood - including child stars in film and music.


Bill Clinton was ordered to make a speech, apologizing to those whom were unwitting subjects of these government experiments in the military, certain universities and mental hospitals.  This was to “expose” and “minimize”, in the public eye, the scope of what they were doing.  Almost identical to the pattern of the release of “Sound of Freedom” – to take control of the narrative.


This is still going on today.  Much of this is assisted via chemical means: drugs, drug culture/addiction, chemicals in food that are NOT natural and have no business being in the body . . . at ALL; genetically modified foods, fluoride in water, chemical sprays in the sky; heavy metals, carcinogens, and other poisons in vaccines; and the very DNA in vaccines themselves.  All of it is foreign and unnatural to the body.  “Unnatural” or “artificial/man-made” is another description appearing in the thesaurus under the word “abomination”.


The books of Leviticus, Deuteronomy address these things.  Ezekiel exposes what was being done to the “temple of the body” in chapter 8.  This is a very interesting chapter, especially the description in verse 10.  Know that this is the very “temple of the body” that Jesus referred to in John 2:19-21.  Read Ezekiel 8:1-12 so you get this in context.


Now go back to John 2 because there are two things I want you to consider:


Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.  Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?


But he spake of the temple of his body.” – John 2:19-21.


The first, Jesus says to them “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”.  Note he is saying that THEY, the Jews, will destroy this temple.  The Jews who had him on trial accused Jesus of saying that HE would destroy the temple in Matthew 26:61, and Mark 14:58.


In the next verse the Jews replied “Forty and six years was this temple in building . . .  Remember, Jesus “spake of the temple of his body”.  Forty and six years:


There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human cell . . . for a total of forty and six.  It’s funny that the word “year” comes from an ancient Germanic word meaning “that which makes a complete cycle, from verbal root *ei-meaning “to do, make”.  The Greek word is “hora”, so “Horus” (eye of) could mean “red year”.


How wicked are we?  Why has everything gone so crazy?


Those of us that are pointing these things out are getting called weird names, like “conspiracy theorist”.  But those of us that were witnesses and victims of these things can see that same haunt in someone else’s eyes.


I had been warned time and time again not to return to people that God revealed to me.  And I did, because he was my husband.  But he’s not, because he is the one that broke the covenant when tempted by something that promised him position, money and influence: “flatteries”.  I believe he was also compromised by the very same type of “trap” they commit to blackmail others.  And I have paperwork proof that there was blackmail involved.


That doesn’t mean that I don’t forgive him.  The Lord knows I do.  He was seduced into believing that the way to the Father was through an organization, and that “heaven” was something that was gained through the flesh.


The Mormons are Freemasons in disguise; not all of their members know that.  Some are waking up.  Their histories overlap, their doctrine is the same (Egyptian sourced), the founder, his brother and his father were Masons.  The Masons went underground after they killed William Morgan and a year later the Mormon religion arose.  The widow of William Morgan, victim of Masons, became one of Joseph Smith’s “plural” wives.


Another “wife” of Joseph Smith was the secretary and the first woman member of another organization erected in California.  It was called “Bohemian Grove”.


The Mormon leaders have not and will not address this, the fake “translation” of the Egyptian “Book of the Dead” into the “Book of Abraham”; or the fact that Luciferian Helen Blavatsky was one of their early visitors during her global proselytizing into “Theosophy” in the late 1800’s (the Jewish letters for the name of God typed backward translate into the Greek word “Theos” – knowledge, see Genesis 3).


They are also infused into most of our government and military intelligence agencies to include the NSA, CIA, Homeland Security, Seals, DEA, ATF, etc, as is Tim Ballard, and the men that surrounded themselves around my husband.  I saw them coming before they even got there, because they were all over my old blog.  I still have the screen shots of the stats, because I was so freaked out at the time.


They are involved in, and partake, and benefit from the sorcery in and around the things that have plagued our lives.  And with that said, for those that still believe Trump is the new Messiah . . .


Mormons Messiah

Meeting 2018


There is documentation.




When Things Got Dicey


I am writing this now Because my husband is gone silent.  His voice mail is filled up, and he is not answering texts or phone calls.  Considering he was in some medical distress the last time I talked to him, I wanted to know if he was okay.


I had sent him some money last month, and he disappeared after that.  I don’t even know if he got what I sent him.  It is for this reason I am going to show you some things I haven’t before.


It could be that he is also playing games. He may very well be, but I don’t think so.  I remember back to the beginning of this, when he wanted to tell me things but his lips were as they were suddenly sown shut even as the sound was beginning to come out of his mouth.  One of the strangest things I ever saw.


There were at times two “Ed’s”: one that became a different person, and one that remembered himself.  The trust between us was completely violated.  Even though none of this is “about” me, or him or that relationship, our relationship was a casualty of it.  And that is where they wanted me to focus, instead of on my relationship to Christ.


The Mormon’s began moving into our lives in late 2013.  It could have been earlier through social media, but they were infiltrated into Patriot groups and other such “conservative” movements after Obama took office in the White House.  This is how my husband originally hooked up with the Gagnons.  They were on our Facebook groups and eventually our “friends” list on Facebook.


The Gagnons were generational Mormons, or at least one of them was.  The husband worked for the military in cyber security, then moved onto civilian government contracting doing the same.  One of the earlier notices of government visits to the website was from a Washington State government or “.mil” computer network.


Department of State


University of Utah & State of Utah Same Day


The Moonies





Navy Network Information Center


The above is what concerned the friend of my mother who was Navy Seal.  I had many such visits from this I.S.P. and not just from California.


Israel, April 5th (all the above are 04-04-16)


Department of Veteran’s Affairs and Capitol One Corp:



U.S. Department of Justice, April 6, 2016


The Navy Network Information Center Again in a different city, two days later.


Florida Department of Management Services

Technology Division


US Department of State Again, with a note left in the “search terms”.  This was on April 10, 2016/


14th of April, 2016, Navy Network Info Center again.


State of Missouri Office of Administration


The Smithsonian Institute


Jewish Vocational Service (???)


National Institutes of Health and Hospitals Corporation of America

April 19th 2016


Government of the District of Columbia (D.C.) same day


The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)


Haliburton (April 9, 2020 – Search Term Elisa Test).


I could go on posting these:  The City of New York, Dreamworks Animation (Spielberg), The City of Los Angeles, the State of Delaware,  U.S. Courts in Brookline Massachusetts,  Hewlet Packard, Education Networks of America, lots of law firms and too numerous to mention, Kentucky Department of Information, State of Wyoming Department of A&I, New York Institute of Technology, Anchorage Daily News, Wells Fargo & Co., Neiman Marcus Group, Warner Bros Entertainment, NBC Universal, Sony Corporation, Fox Entertainment, Disney Worldwide Services, Internal Revenue Service, Comptroller of the Currency in D.C., Bank of America, State of Kansas, Lockheed Martin, in Provo Utah, etc . . . and this is just the month of April into May of 2016. 


When you see visitors like that, of that caliber, while fighter planes are flying over your house when you post controversial content dealing with the Biblical, it IS intimidating.  Some of the government research sites and universities were on my blog for HOURS visiting multiple pages and downloading.


But it wasn’t them that came to our house, or knocked on our door.  Except for the occasional “fly-by’s” by military F-16’s or helicopters, the more “subtle” approached was used, through people that had already infiltrated our circle of influence through the social media pages for Patriot groups.




The Gagnon’s and the Cathey’s


We had some discussion about their religion in late 2013, but I wasn’t that familiar with it at the time.  It was just one of those “churches” that my church said “don’t join”.


During 2013 and 2014, I was checking the stats on my blog visitors every day.  At the time I had thousands of visitors a day in just about every country in the world, and not through my own power:  People were asking me if they could translate my blog topics into their language in their country, and they were sharing the links, reposting and even emailing them to others.


I began noticing a government interest when in 2011, I posted a three part dream which I titled “Michael is Starting To Scare Me” in April of 2011. There was a word given me in the third linking dream that I didn’t find the meaning to until “American Zion, American Messiah” in 2014: that word was “Maharal”, and it tied into the “Golem” and the Mason/Mormon events breaking open.  I reposted them at those links (I have those they deleted on a few flash drives all the way back to 2010).


In 2013, just before my mother moved in with us, I had posted “Michael Jackson and the Angel of Light”.  This was the time that the blog evolved from a blog about the injustices done to a pop icon to the WHY; and how that tied into that “One Word that fulfills all the law”.


As I was reading this to her over the phone, a formation of three military fighter jets flew low over my house.  Low enough for me to pull both my shoulders up toward my ears.  My mother said to me “What the hell was that!”  When I told her, they had turned and were coming back. They flew over again.  They were close enough to the top of the house where I could hear the little granulars from the roofing shingles skittering down the roof.  As I was trying to tell my mother that maybe I should read this later, the phone cut out.


I didn’t have a cell phone between 2012 and 2017: this was the land line.  And I tried calling her back, but I got immediate busy signal.  I tried three times.  The planes had passed two more times over the house and then flew back in the south direction toward Sumter. 


I won’t lie to you, I was shaken.  Those planes were low enough to take out the ear drums of farm animals, and close enough to the roof of the house for their jet wash to loosen pieces of the shingle grains.  It almost sounded like they dumped something down on the house.


After about fifteen minutes, I attempted to call my mother back again.  This time it rang, and she answered . . .






I took a breath and then said, “Yeah” . . .


Mom: “I’m getting a LITTLE CONCERNED”.


That same year in 2013, we had a few more events, some more violent than others.  Another blog topic that same year: “The King of the North” (which I have not reposted here yet): this was the same topic which I had a screen shot that I shared concerning a dream about my husband (six miles/eight miles), and the “ten days” dream.


This is the same topic in which God had led me to an obscure article titled “Search for the Aleppo”.  It was this article which ultimately sent me through the Bible concerning The Word of God (The One Word), Syria, the Aleppo Codex, Kings 16:62 Kings 18:26 and Isaiah17:3 concerning the remnant of Syria as “the glory of the children of Israel”.  This was big.


I had posted that late at night.  I was awakened in the morning by low-flying fighter Jets.  I pulled the covers up over my head and heard the “granulars” again, falling down the roof.  I wasn’t afraid this time.  I was almost expecting them after posting that topic, and they didn’t disappoint.  But they were starting to get on my nerves.  At times I thought “either take me out or shut up!”


In September of 2013, my husband and a friend drove out to Tennessee to pick up my mother’s horses and relocate them temporarily on our friend’s farm.  We were still trying to put up fencing.  We got her and her belongings in a uhaul and moved her into our house a month later.  It took us two more months to get the fencing up, and the electric line run.  Christmas Eve we finally moved the horses from our friend’s house to their new pasture.


I’m going to run into some detail, because it was during this time that the local Mormon’s were trying to recruit us into their church.   They were not the same ones in the Facebook patriot group, but they were networked with the local couple, who were buying plastic 55 gallon barrels from us  (Jim Caviezel mentioned these in his May 18, 2023 War Room Interview).


They lived closer to Columbia than Lancaster, South Carolina.  Both the husband and the wife worked for the DEA, but the wife was just retiring.  It was after this that the government visitors from everywhere, even international, began really dominating my blog visitor stats.  Sometimes, I wondered if I were going to “make it”.


The husband partially retired two years after we met them and was working part time for the DEA, but then was suddenly running operations for SLED – (State Law Enforcement Division – think federal partnership with state police) in South Carolina, and consequently, Lancaster and Kershaw Counties.


This was the bridge to what my husband was cosigned into next.


We will start with that part of the story on the next article.




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