Deeper Than State, Part 4


Deeper Than State

Part 4: A Wedding, A Divorce





For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” – Matthew 22:30.


Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready . . . And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.  And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.” – Revelation 19:7&9.


And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.” – Jeremiah 3:8.



Previously on “Deeper Than State: Part 3 Blood Tonic


This is part 4 of “Deeper Than State”, and before I continue, you should know that it may not stay posted: meaning that it might be taken down.  So if you see it, you have permission to copy it for later reading, just in case you can’t do it all in one sitting.  If you would like to take notes and do your own research, by all means please feel free to copy and/or share.


Please understand that the majority of Mormons are brought up and trained to believe what they believe: that’s true in any religion, including the Christian and Jewish religion.  It takes the Holy Ghost to teach us all things (John 14:26) and separate us from the doctrines of men.


I do not hate people.  That would be the dumbest, most unfruitful testimony.  If Saul of Tarsus can be shown his error and converted in Acts 9, then most certainly Jesus can touch any soul.  I am in a perpetual state of asking forgiveness though, for things that come out of my mouth in anger.  I wrestle with this in earnest and am no better than anyone that responds in anger.  Please forgive me.


On Part 3 of “Deeper Than State: Blood Tonic”, 2015 – 2016 was shared.  I struggled with my husband’s consignment into the “Mormon Religion”, his baptism on three 6’s (Saturday, September/Elul sixth month; the sixth, at 6pm in the evening).  We were besieged by vultures, missionaries, and a deathly illness of my husband after drinking what he called a “blood tonic”.


We also had a family friend who was “Silent Service” in the Navy Seals die/disappear over what he was telling me about the things I wrote on my blog.


As Ed was recovering from his near-death illness with bile/blood infection and a very large gall stone, the family that the church moved down to South Carolina from “my neck of the woods” in Pennsylvania were moved back up to Pennsylvania.


We had maybe a couple of months of “peace”.  Then the adversary stepped up his game.




Who Let the Buffalo In?


Ed was a warehouse supervisor and one of his duties was scheduling the unloading of trucks that came in to load and offload in the bays of the warehouse.  But he also occasionally did some of the unloading himself, especially when training new hires.


During one of his weeks back to work after his illness, he began experiencing pain in his left foot.


He made an appointment and the doctor sent him to have his foot x-rayed.


At about this time of the end of 2016, I had a dream that entailed “buffalo”:


Ed and I were in the upstairs of “our house” (we in reality lived in a ranch style house).  I was walking from the bathroom down to the bedroom at the front of the Victorian style house.  As I walked past one of the bedrooms, I saw something large and dark move past the window on the outside, as if it were walking along the roof of the wrap-around porch.


As I entered our room, I asked Ed, “did you SEE that?”  In the dream he responded, “yeah, they look like . . .” and I finished his sentence:




There was a momma and two babies.  They looked as if they were looking for a way down.  They walked around the corner to the front part of the roof, and we went to that window in our bedroom.  Then the mamma jumped.  In succession, the babies followed. 


I said to Ed, “they’re going to impale themselves on the wrought iron fence!  Ed said something about having a lot of steaks if that happens.  The iron fence was hard to see because of all the shrubbery around and over it.


We ran downstairs.  Ed opened the front door and we both went out on the porch.  Our golden retriever (which we have never owned) was in the entry hall of the house.


We saw the mamma and three baby buffalo walking down the street on the opposite side of the fence.  Oh good!  They made it!  Just then something at the far corner of the porch caught my eye as it came around from the side.


It was a white buffalo, a young one not much bigger than the babies that were on our porch roof!  It walked toward us, not aggressively, but it was coming.  I told Ed, Just back into the house and pull the door with you.  I was behind him and had a hold of his arm.  He backed into the house, but instead of closing the door as he came in, he held it open and backed against it!


The dog backed up, barking at it as it entered our house.  Ed seemed to be in a trance.  The buffalo looked at me as it walked past me, down the hallway toward the kitchen; as if “I’m in the house now, and there is nothing you can do about it.”  And that was when I woke up.




On The Wrong Foot


Consultation with one doctor lead to a referral to another because Ed was dissatisfied with his “bedside manner”.  We were sent to a doctor in Lancaster who worked in the office of his regular podiatrist.  Ed’s regular podiatrist couldn’t do the surgery because he was out a lot, helping his wife recover from a bad auto accident.  But he sang the praises of someone he just made partner in his practice: a man whom Ed’s podiatrist took under his wing in getting him through school because he knew him as a kid in his church.  It was a cute story.


He was a lot more friendly, empathetic and took the time to explain what was going on.  He asked Ed if he ever had leg braces when he was a kid.  Ed was shocked and admitted he did, because his feet turned in when he was a baby and toddler. 


After consultation, Ed agreed to have the surgery done.  The doctor explained to him that he would be on a scooter for probably about a year.  So paperwork had to be commenced for temporary disability.


To make a long story short; Ed was told that because he had “flat feet”, that he could probably apply for, and get, permanent disability.  He was at this point going on 55 years old, and because of the way his feet formed while in those leg braces as a child, he would always walk on the outside of his arches.  His weight, and the constant walking in a concrete warehouse, and pressure put on his foot to operate forklift clutches would only result in repeated injuries, even with the corrective surgery.


Ed went through a company that his work referred him to.  They would do all the paper work.  All he had to do was provide the doctor reports and access to medical records, and they would take care of the necessary paperwork.  They would receive in return a percentage of whatever the “retroactive” payment was.


Other plans meant that I had to return to work, and I had no idea where I was going to go.  We were kind of out in the middle of nowhere.  The closest towns that had anything other than “retail” opportunities were Lancaster to the north, or Camden to the south.  There were no secretarial or office positions unless you went to either Charlotte (an hour and ten minutes away), or Columbia also an hour away).


I put in applications in drug stores, loan offices, and . . . a pizza place.


Don’t laugh. I know that “Pizzagate” was just rearing it’s ugly head in 2017 (as was the “Q” phenomenon).  And the irony was lost on me, but it came later.  My concern was keeping some form of income coming into that house so the bills could be paid.  We were only three years into a 15 year mortgage on the property.


I kept the two “issues” separate in my mind.  Working at the pizza place had a purpose.  They were the first ones to call me.  I had delivered pizza in my youth and made good money doing it.  Plus, it would open opportunities to minister in ways that were not so “churchy”; kind of like an “organic” witnessing.


But this happened later in the year.  I was to first endure several personal attacks:  One by the wife of a friend of my husband’s, one by my mother, and one by my niece.


The nature of the attacks were public, on social media with the exception of my mother. 




Where is This Coming From?


Some time in the late winter, I couldn’t tell you which month, my mother and I got into an argument.  It began over something she was requesting us do that would cost us money.  When I explained to her the situation we were about to get into with Ed being out of work, she chastised me about “going out and getting a job”.


I had already been applying for jobs.  I hadn’t been working out of my home and was a “housewife” since we moved to South Carolina in 2010.  I was fifty two years old in the summer of 2016, and early 2017, and I just wasn’t getting the calls like I did when I was in my 30’s.


We wrangled back and forth over “whose going to help you with the horses?  Whose going to make the meals and clean the house?  Then she brought up “well if you would spend less time on your blog and spend more attention on your husband . . .”


That was it.  She had been living with us for almost two years at this point.  That man got his meals made for him every night, I got up at 4:30 am every morning to make his breakfast and pack his lunch, and sit with him while he ate, talking to him.  He got a back rub EVERY night, to the point where I was developing pain in my wrists: not to mention the summer of hell that I spent driving six hours a day back and forth from Charleston to our house while he was in the hospital so I could attend to her and her horses too.  That’s all I DID was GIVE!  To her, to him and now to his adult son whom his mother sent down to live with us now that child support was over and done with.


She threw in there that she was getting old, and that I should “honor my mother” if I was going to be “the Christian”.  I reminded her that when I marry I am no longer cleaved to my parents but to my husband and one with him.  Suddenly this fire came into her face and she called me a “demon from hell”.


I just looked at her.  She saw what was going on, everything with the Mormons and she was praying WITH me or so I thought!  The verse concerning the one unforgivable sin was blaspheme of the Holy Ghost.  I wanted to say that to her, to caution her because what came out of her mouth.  The look on her face was something other than disagreement on how much we helped her pay for horse feed.


I just stopped in my tracks and thought “this can really get ugly”.  I just looked at her and turned to walk away.  I said to her, “you can go to the store by yourself.”


We didn’t talk for days after that.  I did get an apology, but it was not until a couple of weeks after; when something else happened.  Mom saw it and she was shocked because she didn’t know where it was coming from.


I wasn’t even present when this happened.  My brother was online, on Facebook and my sister (who is NOT on Facebook anymore), had posted a picture of her granddaughter.  My brother said, “she looks like Drew Barrymore when she was in E.T.”  And my husband had commented “E.T. phone home.”


I was told about this after the insults began to fly.  My husband came in and said my sister and her daughter were attacking me. (???)


I asked Why and he said I don’t know, but her daughter is really foul!


I came out and I read the initial post and the thread of comments.  Her oldest daughter was attacking me, attacking my biblical research, “I know some things about the bible too!” and proceeded to besmirch God over the plight of Job.


I looked at my husband and said, “What the beans did I do?  I wasn’t even here!”  He scrolled up and said to me, “It all started with this”; and showed me the comments about her daughter looking like a young Drew Barrymore.


I explained to my husband that my sister had to drive up to Idaho to rescue my niece from people she met online, and decided to go up and live there with her baby daughter.  There was an incident and she was put on mental hold.  She had attacked her housemates, claiming they were demons trying to possess her.


The “E.T. phone home” comment she took personally and launched an attack not only on my husband and brother, but on me as if I had anything whatsoever to do with that comment.


I called my sister on the phone to explain that what he and my brother said was not an insult but a compliment (Drew Barrymore is a very pretty lady and so was my grand-niece).  But what I got was “your husband owes my daughter an apology”.


“For WHAT?” I asked, “for being attacked?”


“He deserved it” she said, “Did you see what he called my daughter?”


I did see, and he was cursing at her.  I told her “yes, I read the whole thread.  Your daughter started it because SHE doesn’t know who Drew Barrymore is, or the movie E.T.  So she ASSUMED my husband and YOUR brother were making fun of her running away to Idaho”.


I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing!  I told her “Look, you enable this behavior, you KNOW she was in the wrong, and she misunderstood and my husband is supposed to apologize because she’s crazy?  He is not apologizing for the behavior of your unstable daughter!”


I ended the call with telling her to go to hell.  Not good, and no excuse but I was fuming!  There was no reason for this, or for her request for Ed to apologize for reacting to being attacked.


Mom came over and read the exchange and shook her head.  “I have no idea, Bon.   Where is this coming from?”  I said something to the effect that I always thought she was adopted.  But the whole visceral event really shook me.  My sister and I did not talk for nearly two years after this.


The other incident which happened in between these two issues was friends from Maryland (really a previous co-worker of my husband that still worked at the division of the company in Maryland) and his wife had moved down the previous year, when Ed was still employed with a nutraceutical company.


She had just gotten a job with a call center and wanted to offer me to babysit her two children.  One of them was nine years old and the other one was three.  The three year old had some minor behavior issues, and the older daughter was very helpful and a smart young lady.  We had teamed up when they were still working together at the company family day at Carowinds Amusement Park.


I was unsure if I wanted to babysit.  I was wary of her anyway.  She was narcissistic and was constantly putting her husband down talking to us about plans like he didn’t exist.  Ed said it would help them out, so I did it.  She offered to pay me.


The arrangement lasted a week.  She called me in the middle of that week and said she found someone closer and that she knew I needed more substantial income (she was making me sound like a charity case).  I told her that was alright and thank you for letting me know.  I told her if she needed anyone . . . and before I could complete my sentence she said in a fake, syrupy voice “I’ll think of Yewwwww”.


I hung up just a bit puzzled.  Something was up.  Sure enough, when I got on Facebook that night,  I saw a post from her, something about getting rid of some “negative people in her life” and how she felt “liberated” that she didn’t have to “deal with them” anymore.


The thorns were thrown . . . but were they directed at me?  I didn’t know.  I showed the post to Ed.  I asked him, “do you ever talk to Phil about our personal business?”  He replied that he didn’t share details but men talk.  No details on what might have been said, so . . . I put out some bait.  I posted this on Facebook:


“Somebody is lying.  And they know that I know they are lying.  They should worry about their own household before they go spreading rumors about someone else’s household”.


Sure enough, that brought her out of the woodwork.  She posted a scathing reply, “How can you call yourself a Christian!  I offered you a job to help you and your family out because I knew you were desperate, so if you want to be a Christian, you go ahead and to it!”  She then accused me of being late and almost making her late for work . . . untrue, and then told me she was blocking me.


I showed this to Ed.  His response “Well, now you know who she was attacking.  Good work!”  I asked him if Phil had any idea where this was coming from, and he said he didn’t know, but that she had done this to other people and didn’t have many friends because of it.  (Go ahead and to it?  Call myself a Christian?  What did that have anything to do with the reason she was doing this?)


Mom was beside herself.  She said “I was nice to her!”


I prayed about this, but she pretty much announced herself why she was attacking me.  I had a couple of friends from our church in Maryland express their concern.  I didn’t know what to tell them other than she was having a bad day and took it out on me.


About a week later, I had a friend request from someone I didn’t know up in the Lancaster area.  I opened her page to see if I knew her, and I saw a reference to “Jen” in one of her posts.  I blocked her.  Childish stalking.


I took mom down to Florence, to the denture clinic down there to see about getting her new dentures.  During one of the adjustments about two weeks later, we ran into both Bob and Nancy Cathey.  Bob was very cold but Nancy was friendly.  I asked them what they were doing there. Bob responded and said “My son is in charge of the clinic.  He’s the CFO.  (He had just started there).  We just came down to take him out to lunch.


When we left I told mom who they were because she had never seen them face to face.  Cathey had mentioned that his son goes over every account in there.  I didn’t know if that was a warning or a boast.  But I didn’t want my mother going there anymore. 




Preparing For The Fall


In the summer of 2017, my brother and his girlfriend were preparing for their wedding.  I was so happy he was finally getting married! (At the age of 47!)  While they were preparing, we were still wrangling. 


It wasn’t so much Ed and I, although there was some minor disagreements, but Mom.  In February of 2017, she fell in the bathroom.  We had installed a taller toilet to help her.  It was in late morning and we heard her go down.


Ed and I both ran to the bathroom.  She was on all fours between the toilet and the wall in front of her.  Ed had to practically straddle her to pick her up.


“What happened?” I asked her.  She said, “I don’t know, I just couldn’t get my knees under me”.


Something was wrong though.  I could hear her words sounding “lazy”. I thought she hit her face on the side of the tub, so we helped her to the chair in the living room.  I looked into her face to see if I could see any swelling.  I didn’t see that, but I did see that her mouth was drooping to the left side.


“Mom, are you okay?”


She looked at me, “Yeah, why?”


I asked, “Did you hit your face when you fell?”  I wanted to watch her as she spoke.


She responded, “no I don’t think so.  My knees just gave out”.


Ed came over and said, “Ruth, I think you might have had a stroke”.  We explained to her the droop on the left side of her face and why she had trouble forming words.  She didn’t want to go to the hospital, but that wasn’t happening!  We called her doctor in Kershaw and she sent an admission down for mom.  I got her ready to go.  She complained the whole way.


She was in the hospital for two days.  She was walking fine and she was seemingly only affected in the nerves on the left side of her face.  The weakness in her upper body was noticeable, and her left leg, which was less affected than her upper body.  She was scheduled for therapy and released.


We had serious discussion about her horses.  She couldn’t take care of them anymore and I couldn’t do it by myself and hold down a job.  Ed was going to be out of commission and Ed’s son never helped with the horses.  He had just started working at a hardware/equipment store.


Mom was scheduled to have a pace-maker and defibrillator put in.  It was during this time that Mom found someone to take her horses: a horse rescue on an Indian reservation.  This was the lowest feeling.  It was her dream to own horses.  But we couldn’t ride them (she wouldn’t let anyone break them), and she could no longer really commune with them the way she did on a daily basis and it wasn’t fair to them.  She contacted two ladies from the horse reservation who came to see them and arrangements were made to transport them to their new home.  Mom was invited to go out and see them any time she wanted.  We knew that was going to be a while.


Mom recovered at home.  She had a nurse therapist come out twice a week to do physical therapy with her, to get her strength back up in her arms and legs.  She was given a walker.  To my surprise, she was still given permission to drive.  This would add to another source of our arguments.


During this same time, Ed’s mom was recovering from heart surgery and going through therapy.  Ed was helping his sister take care of her, so he was sometimes gone for a week or two up until the time he had his surgery on his foot. 


Mom stalled her surgery until she could move out to Alabama.  She had told an old business friend of mine that we were taking advantage of her and that she needed to “get out of there”.  Some of the things she was telling him was right in front of me as I was on the computer or in the living room. 


The man, whom I’ll call “Jim”, I had known since 2001, when we were in online advertising together.  He told me “let me take care of her.  You two need a break from each other”. 


I was unsure about this because I had never met this man face to face; I only had communicated with him via phone and email.  He and my mother had gotten closer when they both worked an affiliate program together, and they had just stayed friends.  I believe he visited her once, when she still lived in Tennessee.  Both my brother and I tried to talk her out of it, but her mind was set.


Mom moved out at the end of March 2017.  Jim came out with an ex-wife.  She drove his car, he drove the small U-haul and mom would drive her van.  The eight hour trip took them 12 hours because mom had to stop so frequently.  Jim said to me by phone, “I had no idea she was this bad”.


It would be another week before I heard from mom.  When she was going into surgery, and I could not afford to go out to be with her.


That summer, even though we had a lull in activity, I had a dream and three poems came to me.  The poems I titled : “The Gathering”, “Angel’s Touch”, and “Your Name”.


The dream . . . the dream was about “Smyrna”, the church of Smyrna.  And it reminded me of a dream I had back in June 11, 2013:


I was driving and a woman driving a blue car was trying to run me off the road.  If I slowed down to let her pass, she would slow down and try to side-swipe me.  If I sped up, she sped up.  She did manage to side swipe my car and I floored it then turned into a municipal building parking lot.  I got out and I recognized the woman, who was my age as an older version of a high school classmate.  She had her daughter with her, who had her own two children in tow: a boy and a girl.


As I entered the building they followed me in there, accusing ME of trying to hit THEM.  They tormented me, they mocked me, and kept trying to butt in front of me at what looked to be a DMV office. 


The woman behind the counter was looking at me with a kind of empathy, but she serviced the woman who butted in front of me.  The younger woman and her two kids were right beside me as I was in line.  The younger woman continued her harassment of me, but her children were looking at me with kind of an awe . . . maybe because I was quiet.  But they kept trying to touch me.


Finally I said to them, “You need to go sit down.  Unfortunately, I can’t be nice to you because your mother doesn’t know how to act in public”.  They obeyed but without any malice or remorse.  They went over to sit down and just kept watching me  (retelling this, I finally understood why this was important in the dream which I’ll share later).


When they took the woman my age back to get whatever paperwork she paid for, her daughter got up in my face.  But when I looked at her, she began to speak.  Her breath was foul and her eyes were filmed over, like someone that was dead.   She said to me “Tell Smyrna I said Hi”.


Smyrna is the church in Revelation 2:8-11 which is persecuted by them that say they are Jews and are not, and are of the synagogue of Satan.  This church is comforted that they will “suffer tribulation ten days”.  This “ten days” was what the two angels told “Michael” in my dream back in 2013 “This is it:  tell your people they have ten days”.


July and August were otherwise uneventful.  Ed’s mom was recovering from her surgery.  My mother was recovering from hers.  She began calling me and complaining that “Jim” wouldn’t feed her, and he wanted help with the bills.  I told her, “but you did that here” and “Why is he supposed to feed you?  You have your money and you get more than him in social security”.  I at this point already knew she would eventually be coming back.  I can endure my mother and her demands.  Not many others could.


September rolled into October.  And as I was anticipating attending my brother’s wedding waaaaay up north in Pennsylvania, I had another “dream” . . . only I wasn’t asleep.


I was just beginning to fall under unconsciousness when I heard a voice, as if it were right next to me or above me.  It was a male voice, very gentle and counseling.  It said:


Your husband is divorcing me. I want you to know that”.


As my eyes flew open, I heard another voice underneath that one, feminine, and overlapping his last word “that”.  That one said “because you’re going to be rescued”.


I got up and wrote it down on a note pad on the beside table, and wondered what this meant.  I already knew that “divorce” was referring to the spiritual divorce.  But the female voice underneath, which I did recognize said “because you’re going to be rescued”.


Rescued from what?




The Wedding


That “message” about my husband divorcing God seemed like a “Johnny-come-lately”, because he had already been baptized into a foreign entity.  Needless to say, I was a little confused about it.  “Can it get worse?” I thought to myself.


Some of these appearing within a week and a half of each other seemed to answer my questions:


It Get’s Worse

Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson’s

Daughter posted it


July 9

Yes, it gets worse

But His grace is sufficient


The Devil is Mad – Keep Going!


December – United Airlines?


Joy Bahr and Candace Cameron,

Kirk Cameron’s Sister. Note: “Delta and Omicron”?


The post above actually showed up in 2016.  I believe they were celebrating 85 years of the Empire State Building.  But the “lever” that Joyce Bayer is raising is straddled by the “Delta/Dalet” symbol and the “Omicron/Ayin” symbol.  In the Greek versions, those two were the names of the “Corona Virus COVID-19” variants.  Now we have “Eris” (“SIRE” or “RISE” anagrams/in reverse).


“Now we RISE” – Jan. 20, 2017

The Day of Trump’s Inauguration

(Eris backward COVID)


My brother was married on the 17th of October, 2017.  It was a fall-themed wedding.  I enjoyed the ceremony and festivities.  His wife and the two girls made most of the decorations and table center pieces.  My ex-husband’s new in-law made the cake, and everyone came, even my aunt and uncle on my dad’s side, my dad, both my sons, my brother’s daughter, the bride’s family.


Upon returning home that Monday, and two days after that, I received a phone call (on a Wednesday).  It was some young man asking me if I could come in and cover a shift at Dominoes, they were really swamped.


I asked him, “when did you hire me?  I haven’t even been called for an interview yet”.


He responded, “so you DON’T want to come in?”


I should have told him no.  I looked at my husband like “can you believe this?”  My husband told me it was okay if I went in, then told me “good job” for getting one.


My frame of mind at the time was, “sure, anything to get me off the Word of God and distracted”.  But I thought to myself, “with the PizzaGate controversy going on, maybe there is something God wanted me to see in this experience”.


What I got I was not expecting.


During this time, some other goings on in the news:


Trump – Mike

Whazzupwitu Video with Eddie Murphy

Sent on Twitter - 

I knew who the "House" was.

President-Elect Donald Trump

With who??


Michael Jackson For President?


April 7, Return of the King


In reference to the Blog on the Aleph

It is a Jewish sourced game mantra

("Eli Eli Ox-en Free - Psalm 106:19-20)


The Irony – Jude (Judah)/LAW(giver) Next to Wallstreet Bull

And a girl facing it down


1:20 on the Stopwatch, hmmm


Some of you know what these mean . . .

What song?



Die Trying???


Aug 23 Taylor Swift appeared later in 

a May 1, 2020 dream, becoming a dragon

I defeated with the blood of Christ and His Name


Encouragement: Hold Your Ground!


Buzz Aldrin - Was it Fake?

Twitter Removed it


A Question of Love - Syriac Alap (?)


Hidden Dragons (It's eating Watermelon. Significant?

A Warning?)


Words are everything

So are NAMES: "the only reason I am here todays

is because this offender is now President"

Her name is "Crooks".

"Brave New Films" backdrop for a press conference?


Mike, headless, Utah

Mormon, Q, NSA - Michael Jackson

A Message


Some of these I didn’t know what they meant back when I took screen shots of them.  Today, they are more relevant and recognizable messages.  Some of them left no doubt as to what this was all about: John 1:1 and Revelation 19:13.


“…The U.S. will be TAKING NAMES”

(Take His Name in vain – COVID??)

You may not like her - But She sent a Message with this one


“Enrollment Ceremony” – (really?)

(Orin Hatch is Mormon)


Jaafar Jackson - "The Ending"



(Clustered, regularly-interspaced

Palindromic repeats)

It’s all in His Name

What were they looking for?

Elisa (El Issa/Eissa test for COVID)

El-Issa/Eissa Arabic for Lord Jesus


Facebook became “Meta” in 2021

Google became “Alpha-Bet-A” in 2015

Yahoo became???

Read: Alt[ternative] Abba


And herein lies the reason . . .

For EVERYTHING they do


Romans 10:13

Whosoever shall call upon THE NAME of the LORD

shall be SAVED


There are others which warned me of what was coming next in my household.



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