Who Are The Jews?


Who Are The Jews?

They Knoweth Me Not





Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge?  Who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord?” – Psalm 14:4.


And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” – Matthew 24:11-13.


I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot.  I would thou wert cold or hot.  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:15-16.




I also wanted to supply the “pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall” in Proverbs 16:18.


David also prayed in Psalm 28:3 “Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbors, but mischief is in their hearts.”


Then there is the prayer, one I’ve shared with you in the days of “Michaelsguardian.blogspot.com”:


Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” – Psalm 37:1-2.


Pray the rest of that Psalm to the Lord.  We were given power through His Name.


So Israel, the state, is in play.  There is the main stream media version of what is going on; and there is the truth.  And there is a lot of cottage industry preachers out there on their pedestals:  If you have not read Jesus’s warnings in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, now would be a good time to get intimate with them.


I am seeing the same mantra over and over again:  “God promised the land to the Jews” . . . “The Jews are God’s chosen people”. 


Are they?  Because that phrase appears nowhere in scripture.  And those who blindly believe that “Israel” somehow metastasized from the remnant that are sealed with the name of God (Isaiah 10:22Ezekiel 9:4Romans 9:27Revelation 7:3-8 and 14:1) into a political state of oppression and theft: A “state” which has been legalized by Lord Balfour and a Synagogue of Satan financier by the name of Rothschild.  A “state” for which Christian preachers are seemingly willing to throw Jesus under the bus just as his own people did in the time of the crucifixion.


Now the question is:  Who are the Jews?


See 2 Kings 16:6 - They are at war with Israel and Syria (just like today), not the same as Israel.  This is the first place this entity appears as that name in the Bible.


See 2 Kings 18:26 - Eliakim asks specifically to be spoken to in the Syrian language "for we understand it, and speak not with us in the language of the Jews" . . . Not even the same language as Israel.


See Jeremiah 40:11-13 - The Jews learned that the king of Babylon "had left a remnant of Judah" and returned from all the places of Moab and among the Ammonites and "came into the land of Judah" from all the places which they were driven (back in 2 Kings 16:6 when Rezin drove them from Elath/Alaph).  Didn't this happen again in 1948 through today?


The Jews were not Israel back then.  They infiltrated and are now part of Israel from the time of Tiglathpileser of Assyria.


Consider this:  You are NOT going to heaven for helping them lie. You are not going to heaven by enabling the workers of iniquity. You are the family of God through not the Jew, but through Christ:  This goes for YOU, and it also goes for the Jew. 


No Jew gets to heaven without accepting Christ.  None.


Jesus called them "of your father the devil" in John 8:44.


Jesus no longer walked among the Jews, but walked in the land of "Ephraim" in John 11:54 because the Jews wanted to kill him.  Look up "Ephraim" and his birthright in 1 Chronicles 5:1-2Ezekiel 37:16-19


Paul - Jew, also Israel and Pharisee converted to Christ on the road to Damascus (see Isaiah 17:3 and Syria's role), said in Galatians 1:13-14 " . . . in the Jews religion, how I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it".


There is an element in the Jewish population that is NOT Jew; neither are they of God but desecraters of the sanctuary (see Jeremiah 7:30 and Jeremiah 11:9 and 11:10-12).


Stop enabling their behavior.  Hamas is of their own making, for their own purpose and many of you are falling for it.  Those that lie and deceive and kill their own to conscript others to fight for them and fund their enterprise are NOT of God.


Pray for those involved that have been deceived; and for their victims.  This is no time to be playing devils advocate.  Reprove them and help those that are ISRAEL among them open their eyes.


Also do not supplant the REAL Israel with that abomination that took her name in the Middle East.    The “remnant of Israel” is “scattered among the nations, in the midst of many people” (Micah 5:6-8).  There will be Jews among her who will become believers; and remember their first love: but everyone that calls themselves Jew will not be in the book.




His Name, The Word of God


You have a sword, you have a shield.  Every other piece of the Armor of God comes from these two: The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God; and the shield of faith. (See Dream Sword and Shield)


None of the lies, none of the wars, none of the preachers of race or genetic superiority; or workers of discord can overcome His Name.  So please stop giving them the power God gave you.  In these, lie the workers of iniquity.  The skin color makes none more worthy than another skin color.  We need to put this kind of thinking in the grave where it belongs.


Something happened to me as I was writing about my tribulations over the past ten years.  I could not get online for a couple of days.  Then I had internet for about two weeks, then it was out again another six days.  I was on the phone with the internet company for an equivalent of two 8-hour working days trying to get it straightened out.  Not only could they not get me online, they could not FIND me in the system . . . at all:  Not under my name, not under my phone number, and under my address they had the previous residents.


It was very frustrating because I had to go through this every time I called in.  The company is not even in the state where they provide service, and they have no local offices, so you can’t talk to anyone face to face.   Most of their techs and customer service people work from home, so everyone is disconnected.  They have two independent contractors who live in another town that do the installation . . . between here and into Kansas.  Two.  That’s it.


Because I live in JeBIP, the closest grocery store that has an actual delicatessen is forty minutes away.  So bills are paid and healthcare is updated through the internet.  You just need it out here.


I could not post the article I had finished; I was working on another one that is supposed to go up on the 16th, and I am behind a week because of this mess.


Then, after spending another 2.4 hours on the phone with Tech support . . . AGAIN; the dishwasher that was just fixed began leaking all over my floor.  I had to call into work and wait for a repair person for that.  I was just done.  I called my sister, and I chatted with my brother while waiting.  They got the brunt of my frustration.


After talking to them, I went back to my article (not this one) and tried to get my head into it, but I was too frustrated.  Before the guy was done with the dishwasher, I was texting my sister.  And she sent me something that put many things back into perspective.  The main-line from which the branches of this article are going to bud is that: “this is NOT about me”.






My sister sent me a text that said:


Seems Ted Kaczynski committed suicide in his jail cell last night


I asked “The Unabomber”?  And she replied “Yep”.


I thought I remembered something about a conversation concerning the Unabomber with some people at work about a month ago.  I said to her “He’s been in jail for a long time.  Wonder why now?


She responded, “They said late-stage cancer.  I’m not buying it.  Wonder if he was ex-CIA?


There was recent news leaks that it was theorized that Jeffery Epstein was CIA and played a roll of billionaire, Island-owning child trafficker to the elite.  (source: New York Post).  And I posted this much to her.


I texted back to her “Either that or ex-CIA Mormon.  I had heard that rumor years ago.  Looking it up now”.  I learned that this actually occurred on June 10th, not October 8th.


I used my phone because I had no internet.  I still had some data usage left in my “bank” on my account.  The conversation went pretty much like this:


Me:  “https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski .  Read his early years into college.  He was part of the MK-Ultra mind control experiments in college.  The professor running the three-year long experiment was in the OSS doing mind control experiments.  Trigger warning – Kaczynski was involved in this the whole three years”.


I was sending as I was reading.  I went down through his upbringing and he seemed pretty normal until college when fellow students described him as friendly but withdrawn.


I read down through how he was tabbed “The Unabomber” because he was targeting airlines and Universities with his bombs.  One of the things that stood out about this was the fact that the Universities that were targeted ALL took part in Government-funded research/experiments, one which being mind control.  Some were in genetics.


The victims he targeted were not always the ones that ended up dead or maimed, as professors usually have secretaries or “assistants”.  One professor, whom the article said took over from the retiring, intended target, was a geneticist named Epstein.  I typed to my sister:


Mehttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Epstein_(geneticist) .  One of Kaczynski’s victims.  Wonder if there is any relation to Jeffrey?


Her: “I knew something was fishy about this”.


Me:  “yeah, and another Epstein was the Beatles manager until they broke up (Brian Epstein).  The Beatles were a Tavistock creation, and Kaczynski was involved in mind control experiments while a student in college by someone in the CIA.  And I can’t publish ANY of this because of the conspiracy to keep me off the internet”.


Me:  “Two Gellers, Uri Geller and his cousin Larry Geller were handlers for two of the biggest music stars ever:  Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley respectively.  And Uri Geller was involved in the CIA mind control experiments too, through the Mossad.”


Her:  “I wonder if they are eliminating witnesses?


Me:  “I am wondering too, because a lot of those wounded people worked for colleges that were involved in government experiments.  Kaczynski could have been an assassin who was triggered years later for their use.”


Much of this area of research and bread-crumb trail gathering appeared on the “Michaelsguardian.blogspot.com” in late 2010 through the 2014 when digging through Michael Jackson’s background, (but I never dug into Kaczynski).  Several of his family members actually verified this.  One of the most heartbreaking testimonies was from Latoya Jackson. 


I had posted the video before which used to be on Youtube (watch this, seriously). It was given on Dutch-TV because it would never have been aired here in the States.  And you just imagine what Michael has been through, or Janet: that whole family!


You piece that interview together with two of Jermaine Jackson’s interviews, One notable one from Marlon Jackson, and two from Michael’s Mother Katherine, and one printed one from their father, Joe Jackson:  You learn this family was under siege.  Two years of my blog was centered around this conspiracy. (His Publishing? Psalm 68:11.  He knew something).


I discovered all this over a course of years.  To consolidate all of it into one or two blog articles, I don’t think I could, because so much was done to this family.  And yet, they still remained faithful to God. It doesn’t mean they were perfect; it doesn’t mean they didn’t struggle or stumble, or that they knew immediately who to trust: they are human and reacted like any of us would.  But they remained faithful to God and as Jackie Jackson said back in 2010: “We know what’s going on” (it was a song).


Thinking back over some of these, I realize they did a MUCH better job than me enduring adversity, but they endured their moments of doubt and pain and loss and arrived at the understanding they have today.  There were LIVES lost in this family over the very battle that is now becoming more evident today.


So for me to complain about the things I complain about, after ASKING God for someone’s burden, then complaining about the fact that he answered that prayer and has BEEN answering that prayer: I am in perpetual sorrow and contrition.


Last night, I cried.  I cried and I prayed.  And all of these things that came rushing back to me were being dealt with in this time of lamentation to God.


There are people that need our help.  And you may think that these people are against you.  You may believe they are “the elite”, or that in their lofty positions they are hell-bent on destroying you, or destroying this country, or destroying the “western way of life” . . . Stop.  Just please stop.  We are going in the wrong direction. 




Not That Israel


What they are killing in you, by getting you to believe that this has anything to do with your worldly “self”, is the love and empathy for others.  You don’t even see their suffering: you only see what the media is telling you, when you already know that the media lies.


That “love your neighbor as yourself” is what they are trying to kill in you.


What you are fighting with your neighbor over is what Lucifer already has perpetrated:  As God revealed to us through His scripture, is that Lucifer rules nothing if he has not the throne.  Jesus told us that the “kingdom of God is within you”.  When accusing the Jews of destroying the temple Jesus said to them, “and in three days I will raise it”.  But in the next verse in John, “he meant the temple of his body”.


God told Jeremiah in verse 11:9 that there is “a conspiracy among the men of Judah, and among the princes in her midst” – “her” is “Jerusalem”.  Not the man made city in the Middle East, but in the ‘Kingdom’.


God told Jeremiah in verse 7:30 that “The children of Judah have done evil in my sight: they have polluted my sanctuary.  They have set the abomination in the house called by my name”.  That is a pretty direct statement: no ambiguity in that at all.


Do you understand this is the same sanctuary that was revealed to Daniel in chapters 89 and 11 in the book of Daniel?  This is the sanctuary of “Messiah the Prince” in Daniel 9:25-27.  That “the Messiah the Prince” is named in Daniel 10:21 and Daniel 12:1.  His Name is Michael.  It is the same Michael mentioned in Jude 1:9 in the foreshadowing of the contention over the “body” of Moses.  It is the same “Michael” mentioned in the war in heaven in Revelation 12:7.  This is over the kingdom – IN the body of the man child, and in all of us.


The angel that goes before thee, told to Moses in Exodus 23:20-21 will “bring thee into the place which I have prepared.  Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him”.


Isaiah talks about this “angel”:


In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old  But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them.” – Isaiah 63:9-10.


Do you also understand that Jesus himself warned his disciples for the future to pay attention to the prophecies of Daniel “concerning the abomination”?  “He who readeth, let him understand”.


And that the prophecies of Daniel are the very revelation that Jesus on the throne gave to John in the book of Revelation?  The angel came to Daniel from the time of the war in heaven, and he reveals that to Daniel in chapter 10:13-21.


You are not going to power your way out of this event with your own wit. You’re not going to scare the people who have fallen for the deception out of their quest to overspread the abomination.  Because this “overspreading” has to happen.


Hate has never defeated hate. 


What they don't Want You to Know

Love Still Exists in the World - in All of Us


Love defeats hate.  Love defeats fear.  Hate cannot exist in an environment of “love thy neighbor as thyself”.


And it most certainly cannot thrive in a people who “love the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul”.  Beware of those whom Jesus said “I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.”. – John 8:37




Praying for Your Enemies


Years ago, when God was taking me through the person’s pain that I asked for, I didn’t understand it.  I didn’t understand why all of a sudden, people I thought I knew were the ones through who my affliction was coming.  People I worked with, family members and husband.  And I got angry at God for it in much the same way Job’s friends wanted Job to be angry.


As I was learning about what some of the people in the entertainment industry were being put through, I was going through it, albeit without the public scrutiny.  God brought me to search the term “Illuminate” in the Bible.  And this is the one verse I found which is the ONLY verse in which this word appears in the Bible (in context with the verse below it):


But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions;  Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.” – Hebrews 10:32-33.


I didn’t know what a “gazingstock” was, so I looked it up:  Webster’s says “a person or thing gazed at by many especially with curiosity or contempt”.   KJV Bible dictionary says “a persona gazed at with scorn or abhorrence; an object of curiosity or contempt”.


Doesn’t that describe most celebrities and political actors in the news today?  They are employed as distraction.  Especially if you have “gifts” of influence.  They put you in a position of power, and some of them sell out . . . and some of them don’t.  Some of them are then used, and have stories constructed about/around them and if they still can’t turn you . . . death.


So while we are biting from the poison apples handed to us, we are feeding the beast our souls by succumbing to the propaganda; “adding sin to sin”.


Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin.” – Isaiah 30:1.


There are those reading this that know exactly what this means.  This is the same chapter in which “the towers fall”, is foretold in verse 25.


Some of you reading know at least part of the research and revelation learned of the Jackson family, and Michael in particular over the course of the last ten years or so.  Because what that man endured, and his response to it all is what drove me into the Bible.  Even his songs were parables and metaphors and allegories of scripture.  And his response to his attackers was inspirational and heart wrenching at the same time.


“I will always be more cautious” [when asked if he was going to still allow children to be brought to his ranch] “but I will never stop loving and helping people the way Jesus said to”.


That promise changed my life.  I know what he went through and I know why; and I was blessed by it.  I have a hard time remembering it when I am enduring my own battles:  actually, I’m terrible at keeping The Word in mind when attacks come my way.  I am always trying to see the purpose of the lesson before I fail it.


There are others struggling to keep their souls and I am asking you to pray for them.  There are times I am so angry that I can’t until I cool off.  At those times, maybe you could?  And my prayers will join yours when you are tired and spent.




Praying for Leaders


There is not one person in congress right now that has not suffered a threat, a death of a loved one, a blackmail or an entrapment of one horrid sort or another.  Not one.  I will give you that some turned more willingly.  I will even concede that they gave into the temptation of “lust, gluttony and greed”.


Look at the events surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s husband; and Joe Biden’s son?  Most of you want to see them fall.  There are times that I have wished for that to happen also.  We want their stated plans to fail: but children, we should be praying for God to bring them back from the abyss.  Give them some glimmer of hope, because we do not know half of the abuse that goes on by those who use them to put forth their plans.


We forget what Joe Biden lost before he even became governor of Delaware.  I’m not asking you to enable his decisions, but to understand that what most of these people in position are doing, is not of them.


Some of them have sold their souls without ever knowing the details of the contracts.  Some of them are not ever getting their souls back, and are no longer their own.


Some of them are walking a very fine line to keep what is in their heart from the enemy they have to work along side every day.


Some of them are being watched by handlers who are their own co-workers or relatives.


You can get angry about the decisions they seemingly or reportedly are making.  You can be incensed over what comes out of their mouths . . . but still pray for them and for God to move them.  Because that has to happen according to what is written.


There is a lot . . . a LOT going on in and around that political state they call Israel right now.  Do not confuse them with God’s Israel:


Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect.  For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:


Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, in Isaac shall thy seed be called.  That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” – Romans 9:3-8.


Jesus told them this during his ministry as well:


And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” – Mark 7:12-13.


I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.” – John 8:37.


Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44.


We should caution ourselves on condemnation of a group of people, because you do not know who out of them God will call, or convert and change their hearts.  We are called to reprove the unfruitful works of darkness, expose the belief systems of the doctrines of men called “religion”.  There is a lot of hatred out there being expressed and being fed by bad actors paid to control and overspread this:  This is not a “seed” we want to multiply.  Because God also told us:


Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.  And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” – 2 Timothy 2:19.


I know who Christ is.  Some of them know that I know.  Some of them know that YOU know.  And that is the difference between fleshly Israel and GOD’S Israel.


I prayed about this last night, crying for the slaughter that is going on in the Levant right now, over a lie.  And I prayed and asked God to understand that even though many of us know these things were written to happen, it doesn’t make it any easier on us to behold them, and the knowledge of the death of the innocent.


Many of us feel their fear, their loss of hope, and a sense of being forsaken and it hurts.  I prayed that God send something to comfort them and let them know He has NOT forsaken them.


It took me some time to be able to get to sleep after that prayer, and I rolled to my side after wiping my face, and I was sleepy.  Before I could get there though, I had to roll back over and write something that the Lord told me in the book my son had given to me four years ago:


“The Witnesses:  they are here”.


We’re going to talk about Israel next.





  1. I don't know what Jews were before 2 Kings 16:6, where they are first mentioned. I don't know if they were of the "lost tribes of Israel" (They're not lost, God knows where they are), I don't know why God retained any of Solomon's tribes, other than 1. He kept a promise to David when Israel didn't keep theirs, and 2. There was something that had to be preserved in the genetic code in order of God to keep his promise to Abraham (father of many nations). And 3. Jesus Christ.

    Jews have a decision to make. They have their hands in, and have profited off the misery of the people God charged the TRUE elect to help. There will be some Jews that will be saved because they have Israel in them. But those in whom "My Word hath no place in you" will not be saved.

    Their elite KNOW what they've done to the book of the law, TO the "sanctuary" and the name of God (blasphemed among the Gentiles, through them - Romans 2:24). Isaiah called them out, Jeremiah called them out, and God walked Ezekiel through the temple THEY ruined with their "pharma" and violence to the blood/law/kingdom in Ezekiel chapter 8.

    I don't want to hear "The Jews are God's people" because they are NOT! They have not been God's people since Genesis 6, 2 Peter 2 and Jude 1! They gave their favor up when they left their first estate.

    Those that have Israel sprinkled in among them better consider this: The one thing God will not tolerate in His Kingdom, be it written in YOUR book (Talmud) or God's Book (the Bible) is INIQUITY and YOU KNOW IT. Your Talmud replaces God with the Jews. It replaces the Aleph with the Tau (Psalm 106:19-20, Romans 1:25) and it replaces HIS name with a name you made unto yourselves! And the one's God chose to reveal this to are your targets right now. And there are more of us than you know!

    If you were left in charge instead of God, Isaac would not have made it. That faith of Abraham is what foreshadowed what God would do in Christ Jesus. And your leaders have you thoroughly convinced that he was an imposter because THEY didn't pick and construct him as David shared in Psalm 88:6-8 and Psalm 139:14-16. Consider this time to repent is running out. Look at what you are doing to your brethren and STOP! - Amen


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