End Game Maneuvers

                                        Evasive Maneuvers

End Game




In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbors by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord.” – Ezekiel 22:12.


Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.” – Matthew 23:25.


Ye are of our father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44.


Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” – John 2:22.




How could the Lord have made this any more clear to us?


Why are there supposed Christian churches aiding and abetting antichrists?


Why have our pastors, ministers, preachers, reverends and priests become Pharisee apologists?


Is it “fear of the Jews”?


I would really like to ask John Hagee this question.  I would really like to ask John Hagee why, during his prayer in Jerusalem commemorating the U.S. Embassy which was moved there from Tel Aviv, why he never mentioned Jesus Christ.  Never said his name in the prayer!


Is it “fear of the Jews”?


He said the words “Their Messiah” – but that “Messiah” appears as Michael in Daniel 9:25.  This is the one whose sanctuary is cast down and polluted, for the overspreading of abomination: and the Jews in Judah are identified in Jeremiah 7:30 and 11:9 as the ones that are doing it!


That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;” – Philippians 2:9-11


Right John Hagee?  Were you afraid to say the name of Jesus?  You’ve gotten rich off of the donations of your televanglist parishners while preaching “in the name of Jesus”, but you won’t do it for the Jews, who you say are God’s people.


He is not the only one either.  I am still hearing inane arguments that “the Jews are God’s people”, “Jesus was a Jew”, and “salvation is from the Jews”.


No, it is not.  Jesus came to save the Jews . . . from themselves!  He came to save all of us, from ourselves: “the Jew first, and the Gentile” – Romans 2:9-10.  We will get to the “why” of this later.  They need to be saved and this goes all the way back to the beginning: Back to Genesis 1:26


Some of THEM were of those in Genesis 6 of the angels that left their first estate, the “offspring” of such, revealed in 2 Peter 2 and Jude 1


What “they” were became “Jews” when Israel played the harlot and Judah played the harlot, told in Jeremiah 3:8-10 and Ezekiel 16:15-28


Now the “Kingdom” that they conspired to “take by force” all the time of man, foretold from the time of Noah through today, is going to be taken out of their reach unless they come back to the love of God.  Some of THEM will never come back to the love of God, because they were there, and gave it up to corrupt themselves with flesh.  They know it and this is why the war for the kingdom: the “war in heaven” depicted in Daniel 10 and Revelation 12.


Salvation is OF the Jews” Jesus said:  Why would Jesus come, and be born into the congregation of Jews, to save Jews, if salvation was FROM them? 


Why would Jesus admonish their religion (traditions) if he practiced them?  Okay?  Jesus was not a Jew and did not practice Judaism.  Jesus was The Word, he was “God in the flesh”: who came to us in the tribe of Judah. His lineage is available in Matthew and Luke.  So people preaching this need to stop.  If Jesus was a “Jew”, then the Jews would not have sought to kill him, and the Jews would not have wondered how Jesus “knoweth letters” because he would have been ONE of them.


Jesus KNEW what they did, what their plans were, and WHAT had infiltrated Israel and REVEALED the agenda of their religion to their faces.


But Pastors won’t talk about this, and they won’t talk about the content of their religion, even though the Apostle Paul did, because they fear the loss of their 501-c-3 status.


Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” – John 7:13.


The the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” – John 20:19.


It’s not any different today, is it, John Hagee? - “for fear of the Jews”!


Neither of these verses say “for fear of the Pharisees” or “for fear of those who say they are Jews and are not and do lie” . . . it says “fear of the Jews”.  Nothing else should be put in there in place of the word “Jews”; no other softline or substitute for Jews should be reupholstered over the word “Jews”.  It says “fear of the Jews”.


Pastors shying away from these statements that JESUS himself even made, should grow a spiritual pair and stop sugarcoating what is now taking place!  You are going to be “Goy” to them regardless of how low you can prove you can grovel.


We talked a little about this in the last two articles.


There are severe disagreements I have concerning the religion of the Jews, because it is antichrist: and I didn’t get it from anyone except those prophets in the Bible, and the Son of God himself, who revealed it!




Flesh and Blood Not Our Enemy


I also do not hate Jews.  Not all of them hate.  Not all of them worship themselves.  And not all of them are bewitched by the Talmud.  It is evident in the book of Acts, that there are Jews who are just as moved by the truth as anyone else who receives it.


Remember the story of Esther and Mordecai?  There is a reason God spared these Jews.  That reason has a lot to do with how you and I were created: Genesis 1:26: God said “let US make man in OUR image”: who was He talking to?  It has a lot to do with what Paul told them in Romans 2:24: That the Name of God was blasphemed among the Gentiles, THROUGH them! Through the Jews! 


This is why the “Jew first, and the Gentile”.  This is why Jesus came in the flesh of a Jew.  Where does the judgment start?  At the house of God (1 Peter 4:17)! Some of the remnant of Israel is in the midst of them.  And the enemy knows this because he conspired to infiltrate Israel!  The Word that God covenanted with us, from the beginning, is what they covet and hate at the same time!


What of the Jews that have not His Word in them?  They will either come to the truth before the day of wrath or they will not.  And God knows who they are.  God knows who has the Word in them and who does not because He put it there.  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.  They made their choice while in their first estate!


It is getting a little too ugly on some forums, as if calling names or ethnic slurs are any less the works of darkness than the antichrists!  Leave room for God to work through you.  I too have been guilty for trying to do this on my own power.  It doesn’t work without the Lord, and that is just truth.  And no angel of God is going to attempt to move through you in your state of anger.


Did Jesus utter the words “kike” or “big nose” or even “nigger” once?  Can any one show in the scriptures where Jesus did this? Or Paul or any of the prophets?


Just stop doing this.  It’s not helping, it is only furthering their agenda. 


True Israel, the elect are becoming scapegoats for the very godless among the Jews who WANT true Israel eradicated.  Some of those encouraging this kind of talk are the very people who will benefit the most from this angle of Psyop.  Stop feeding the beast and start feeding the Word in you (“Word to the Badd”, myself included).




Eyes on Trump


I’ve written on Trump, and Trump and Q, and Trump and Michael Jackson, and Q and the Michael Jackson fan groups (corporate or agency) and Trump.


There is more but let’s just hold up for a minute and reflect on something:


Everyone wants to return to what was; and Trump is promising that: but what WAS, was not good for everyone.  Our comfort zones are being transgressed to the max. 


We remember an “America” that was a total illusion, because “freedom” was not ever a reality: we THINK we were free.  I could bring up the slaves bought and sold in many cities in this country.  I could bring up the American Indian and nobody wants to talk about, acknowledge or even empathize with what was done to “others” to build this country.  You wave the American Flag in front of them and it is a lie to them.


I don’t care who owned the boats with which the slaves were brought over here, it was European settlers, merchants and land owners that bought and sold them here.


I don’t care if African leaders bought and sold their own people as slaves, it didn’t excuse our forefathers and their progeny to partake of this.  What do you think has been going on here with our own citizens by our own government? 


We are chattel, products that are bought, sold and traded on by the very elite that our government sold us to.  And as we were so eloquently reminded . . .


“We just don’t need the majority

Of the people” – This was a Jew

A  Sodomite Jew that said this.


More people than I can imagine are betting on Donald J. Trump to “save” America from the “Cabal” when he is part of it.  He is married into it, related to it, he does business with it, and he is enabling, aiding and abetting it.





Crown thy Good with Brotherhood?


Two wings of the same bird: this story appears in Daniel chapter 11. Two kings that tell lies at one table and their hearts are to do mischief.  We are IN the deception.  America is part of it. 


The very National Anthem is sourced out of pagan rites.  The melody was taken from the song “To Anacreon in Heaven”.  That was about the learning how to “entwine the myrtle of Venus and Bacchus’ vine”:  Alchemy, sorcery, the transgressing of the book of the law written in our DNA.  This is “Mystery Babylon-Tower of Babel” knowledge:  Ancient knowledge that very few of the Masonic members know until they reach a certain level in their secret societies.


All of it is “Cabalistic”: Masonry is Cabalistic; Rosicrucian's are Cabalistic; Theosophists and Luciferians are “Cabalistic”, Scientology is “Cabalistic”, Mormons are “Cabalistic”, it is NOT a “Christian” religion.  They are all on the same page, thanks to the “congress” efforts of Helen Blavatsky and her globe-trotting travels back in the mid to late 1800’s.


They knew what America was before they went out looking for “The New World” (order).  They knew what was here, they knew what was in the Desert West: They knew about Egypt, they knew about the Anasazi (means Ancient Enemy) and Amaru!


Amaru” – is from which these western continents were named.  Our dollar bills sport the idols of their religion; so do our government buildings, monuments and our landmarks and layouts of our nation’s capital!  Every one of them reveals their agenda!


Amaru-ka: Ka is the “soul” in Egyptian.  Amaru/Amarro is the serpent God worshipped by the Peruvians and ancient Canaan.  Amaru-ka = Soul of the Serpent/The Gadsden Flag “Don’t Tread On Me” straight out of Genesis 3:15!


 Egyptian word for Egypt = House of the Soul of Ptah (which is Taw in Aramaic, and Tau in Greek – the “Mark”/Beast/Ox/bull/calf) that was changed from the truth of God in Romans 1:25 and Psalm 106:19-20.


So stop with the “We’ve got to save America”, because you are not getting it back; you don’t WANT it back the way it was: It cost way too much from others.  The “Colonies” in America was no different than the “colonizing” that was done in India and Africa and the Middle East.  So stop pretending that we were so much more righteous than any other country because we were not!  The “Pride and the Prejudice” is not going to be welcome in the Kingdom of God.


The “Harrimans” and the “Rockefellers” and the “Schiffs” and the “Collins”; the Morgans and the “Oppenheimers” that “built” this country are the same ones who profited off of the misery of working people since the inception of slavery and industry.  Nothing has really changed except the people in the script.  It is still the same script.


Donald Trump grew up in a millionaire’s household when millionaires were a lot less common, and became a billionaire.  Not a single wife he was married to was American born (Marla Maples notwithstanding and that didn’t last long), and he is Jewish owned.  He has Jewish family.


Donald Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump is the one that confiscated Tesla notes for the U.S. government, so don’t tell me this man is on the “outside” and “not in the club”.  Believe me, if they really wanted him gone, he would be gone.  They already have “their man” and Trump has been promoting this “hidden in plain sight” since the 2016 campaign.


Trump’s role is convoluted.  He has horns like a lamb but speaks as a dragon.  He looks to be persecuted, yet he still travels freely and people worship him for being a victim.  Watch it!  He preaches peace and everything you think you want restored.


What many supposed studious of scripture seem to be forgetting, is that this story doesn’t end with “America” being the gathering place of the righteous.  This story in the scripture does however, appeal to the soul to remember that there is going to be a “strong delusion”: and that those without the love of the truth (and found pleasure in unrighteousness) will be damned! It says this right in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.


This includes Jews and Gentiles alike.  To the politicians in this country and others who are compromised, blackmailed, drugged, extorted or any otherwise threatened members of your family, children?


Break the chain.  THEY don’t have you in bondage . . . YOU do.




Christ Broke The Chain



The whole “Baal worship” is based on this one event in the Bible: that Balaam, being prevented from cursing Israel himself, taught Balak how to DECEIVE Israel into cursing themselves.  It was done through flatteries, freebies, reward or promise of such, riches and the lure of pleasure and appeal to the carnal want.


This playbook is tattered, pages bent and the binding cracked from the sheer frequency in which it has been used.  This is incorporated into the religion of the Babylonian Talmud, and the “craftsmen” of renown.


This sways society into believing It’s okay, it’s HUMAN to want to copulate with everything in sight, to take children’s innocence, man with man, “working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet” – Romans 1:27.


Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, pedophilia, all of it unnatural – an abomination: because it is NOT natural and brings forth the “plague”, the “curse” in the book of the law within us.  Society, much of it with “Israel” in the midst of them, has been coerced into believing that transgressing the “law” in your own seed is not only good for you but the “natural human”.  At the same time, they call YOU Idol worshippers for seeking your cure in the one who provided remission: Jesus Christ.


Many of the people you are angry with: your leaders, your religious counsels, your celebrities and those “gazingstock” being used to  influence you have been so “flattered” and “deceived” into trading their souls for earthly glory and riches.


It does no good to get angry with them: it’s wasted energy.  Instead we should be praying for them as you would want people to pray for you in your trials and battles with that same energy.  They are under threat.  Any of them that want out, can get out.  It only takes one Word, in a prayer.


God talks about this “chain”, this “bondage”.  Those who find pleasure in unrighteousness are right now making their own chain:


Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.” – Ezekiel 7:23.


You know what “city” they are talking about, right?  And the “violence” is the same that came through the blood in Proverbs 28:17; which then committed violence to the law in Zephaniah 3:4; so that they could commit “violence in the kingdom of heaven, and the violent take it by force” in Matthew 11:12.


In Acts 12:7, the Lord made the chains on Peter fall off.


In Acts 28:20 Paul admits that he is willingly bound in chains for the hope of Israel (God’s Israel, not the “State”).


In 2 Timothy 1:16, he prayed that the Lord give mercy to the house of Onesiphorus because he had “refreshed” him and was not ashamed of his “chain”.  And in 2 Peter 2:4, and Jude 1:6, It is prescribed that the angels that sinned; who “kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation” did God “reserve in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day”.


This is why they sought to “make a name unto themselves” during the days of the tower of Babel, which continues to this day.


He speaks of those that oppress, and extort, and manipulate and commit sorceries via pharma or other means: those whose craft is to rearrange thoughts and minds and devour souls in fear and alchemy: over them YOU have power.


You have POWER in the Name of Christ.  This is why they fear it so much.  This is why they have sought to hide knowledge of it, by changing and rearranging the forms of letters in the language.


While pronunciations and correct syntax may not mean much in the Spirit, it does serve as a blockade from understanding (taking away the key of knowledge – Luke 11:52), which effects the power of His Name.  Every word and letter has a sound, and those sounds effect you DNA-deep.  A sound can gather or scatter.  This is why the “Key of David” is even mentioned; and why “Levites” who bare the Ark are the “singers and musicians of skill” in the temple: and the “Last One” is under attack as we speak.


If this were not true, I would not have received that phone call in the 2am hours of the summer of 2015.  Some of the malcontent reading this will know exactly what phone call this is, because the person who made it was “un-alived”.  And it proved to me that there are Jews who ARE seeking the truth.




Invasive Maneuvers




2 Kings 18:26Psalm 106:19-20Romans 1:25Romans 2:24, all testify to a change in the language; and John 10:34 which says:


Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?”


The language of the Jews is NOT the same.  The religion of the Jews is NOT the law of Moses, neither is it the law of God which is the Law of Christ.  And I’m not talking about the “spoken” or “written” even though those two are the manifestation of it in the earth:  This is the language of creation, your four-letter language in your DNA.  Everything those verses above refer to.


Mystery Babylon is the “craft” of re-writing the language of God without the Name of God in it.  Today they call it “genetic engineering”.  (Gene-sis, GENE-tile, Billie GENEGoodbye Norma GENE from the 22nd row).


God created them male and female; not “Jew and Gentile”. We were all meant to be God’s people before the fall of Adam and Eve.


Jesus Christ is the restoration.  He was conceived of the Holy Ghost and given a “Name above all Names” with which to put sin in remission: sin is transgression of the law, within us.  To restore what was taken from us and corrupted: 2 Kings 14:222 Kings 16:6 and those verses above.  To fulfill the promise God made to Abraham in that he would be a father of many nations, because of his faith: the “seed” which is the Word, which is Jesus.


The “re-legion”: Religion of the Jews is antichrist.  It has always been antichrist.  Because of what Jesus offered, it will not always remain that way.


This is going to be the year of some dramatic revelations.


Right now, you are seeing it the commencement of it: the adversaries of God are working you through your emotions, fear of loss, wars and rumors of wars.  They are manipulating news, truth, and knowledge of what you think you know.


They are craftsmen who through millennia know how to appeal to the carnal man.


Those who cling to the things of this world, and those that lay those things down at the cross are going to be the wheat and tares to be divided.


These usurpers have no power without your consent.


They have NO POWER without your consent.


And the reason Jesus said . . .


For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20.


. . . Is because until he said that, we had no idea how powerful the network is, in God’s human beings, when all of our circuits are on, IN HIS NAME, at one time.


This is the “War”, people.  This is the WAR.


And His Name is called The Word of God.


That Word was in the beginning with God and was God, per John 1:1.


That one Word, as Paul revealed, fulfills all the law – exactly what Jesus came to do.


And that WORD represents the NAME, which IS that greater love that hath no man: that a man lay down his life for his friends.


When you pray, when you invoke His Name for protection, a shield, for the healing or protection of others, do it in THAT spirit, in HIS Name.


You can bind and cast out spirits of any vice in yourself and in others, in His Name.


“Jah” is just a sound, right? 


“Jehovah” is the combined sound of His Name, the WORD translated from Syriac to English.


It is what it becomes when all the law is fulfilled: when the “jot and tittle” pass from it as Jesus said, that will end the travail of birth, when Christ is formed in you.


Politicians, Jews of the truth in hiding, pastors and ministers under threat – Pray on this, in His Name, in the Spirit of it.


God has already won this war.


I am praying that you will be there.



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