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Right On “Q”


"Why (?)"



And in every province, and in every city, withersoever the king’s commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day.  And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.” – Esther 8:17.


And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: other said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people.  Howebeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” – John 7:12-13,




The Aleppo Codex sits in the Jewish Museum in Tel Aviv, but not all of it: and not in it’s original language.  Hunks of the Pentateuch, the book of Daniel, and the book of Esther are among the missing sections.  The Karaites of Syria had it until 1951, when the new “State of Israel” was established, and they new “World Court” called the United Nations forced the Karaites to turn it over.


The Mossad is still looking for the missing books and pages: because when they are revealed, so will the truth of 2 Kings 18:26; and the lie exposed of the religion of the Jews (Galatians 1:13-14).


I hope you had a chance to read the previous article, because this is a continuation of it.  There are a lot of scripture references and we talked about the suffering servant, whom the Jews are making into their Messiah from Daniel 9:25.


There are also some things that are coming into play both in current events mainstream and the alt-media.  Before we tackle that, let’s review:


Previously, from “Angel and The Man Child” :


Paul bore the “marks of Jesus” in his body (Galatians 6:17): this has nothing to do with what the religions have turned into the “Stigmata”.  This is about “taking up the cross” and “following him”.  “Bear ye one another’s burdens” as God promised Moses and Aaron he would provide in Numbers 11:14-17: Like what Simon of Cyrene did for Jesus, he would “bear the cross after Jesus”.


Please remember what this is, because this is what the man child would do from Revelation 12.  That “birthing” is the “Christ being formed” in him, as Paul described in Galatians 4:18-19.


And that man was here.  He was living, breathing and suffering in front of the entire world and nobody knew who he was, but many mocked and made fun of him.


We saw him, and we heard him tell us their plans for him, but few heard it or understood it.  Those around him kept his parables and promoted their own as his.  When he reached the heart of one of his handlers, they were replaced with people that were worse.  It was a consistent chess game on who would be his next handler.


Now let us continue from the previous article:




On the Floor, In the Round



He is named Michael in the Bible – Daniel 10 & 12Jude 1Revelation 12.

He is “Messiah the Prince” – Daniel 9:25-27.

Chief ruler is Jesus, birthright is Joseph’s – 1 Chronicles 5:2Ephesians 2:15.

Stick of Joseph in the hand of Ephraim – Ezekiel 37:16.

Stick of Judah and Joseph made one in the Lord’s hand – Ezekiel 37:19.

He will be from the family of Judah, a Levite from the house of Ephraim (Joseph) – Judges 17-18.


“Micah” was a “man of mount Ephraim” – Judges 17:1.  The name Micah means the same thing as Michael.


A young man out of “BethlehemJudah” who was a Levite sojourned to the house of “Micah” and became Micah’s “priest” – Judges 17:7-10.  Interesting story: the children of Dan took the “graven image” of “Micah” and set it up if you read to the end of Judges 18, all the time the house of God was in Shiloh.


He will be a Levite: only a Levite can bare the Ark.

A Levite’s inheritance is not “flesh” – the “land”, but his inheritance is God.

Levites were also assigned to be the singers and musicians of skill in the temple: the “key of David” – Isaiah 22:22Revelation 3:7 (with the voice of the Archangel, 1 Thessalonians 4:16).  David was a musician, lyricist and poet.  He soothed the soul of Saul when he was called to sing and play his harp (1 Samuel 16:14-23).


He will have appeared to have died (Isaiah 53:8-10), but the false prophet will give “life” to his “image” – Revelation 13.


Two kings in Daniel 11:27 who “tell lies at one table” are the same “two kings” who are the “eighth, and also of the seven” in Revelation 17 (the beast who was, is not yet is).


In Revelation 12, the woman gives a spiritual birth: She is mentioned also in Isaiah 66:7-8, and the Apostle John writes a letter to her in 2 John 1.


She is the one who identifies him and witnesses who he is, but her destiny is tied to his: she travails because she also is stalked and persecuted (Isaiah 66Revelation 12).  She struggles with the role he has, because the people of the prince will use him for something else.  They know he HAS something else in him and they are after it (just like the devil was after the body of Moses in the book of Jude).




After his PUBLISHING (Catalog)


We talked about “the publishing” cited in Psalm 68:


The Lord gave the Word: great was the company of those that published it.” – Psalm 68:11.


And the gospel must first be published among all nations” – Mark 13:10.


That Word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached.” – Acts 10:37.


God will perform His Word, but did they keep His commandments?


Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father.” – 1 Kings 6:12.


They were after “his publishing”: that WORD published in Him.


The Lord therefore hath performed his word that he hath spoken: for I am risen up in the room of David my father, and am set on the throne of Israel, as the Lord promised, and have built the house for the name of the Lord God of Israel.” – 2 Chronicles 6:10.


That Word, is the Name (Revelation 19:13) which is above all Names that God gave him (Philippians 2:9), and he came to fulfill the law (Galatians 5:14).


They were after the Name, to take it in vain: to steal the Word that was to be published:


For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it.” – Jeremiah 7:30.


They have been after “The Word” since the Garden.  “Elath” in 2 Kings 16:6 represents that which their hearts desire.  King Rezin drove the Jews out of Elath and recovered it to Syria.  Judah built Elath in 2 Kings 14:22, and restored it to Judah.  The Jews went to war with Israel and Syria (because in Isaiah 17:3 they are one and the same) and the king of Syria drove the Jews out of Elath.




2024- Year of the Dragon?



I saw some “stuff” today.  I have been seeing some “stuff” for the last week.  Tonight, Someone posted this on GAB:


Sense of Urgency in 2024


I saw this and I took a screen shot of it.  You all know that I am wary of Trump because of his rhetoric and the people that are around him, namely, his so-called in-laws and of course, the QUESTIONABLE “Q” and “QAnon”.   But the message was certainly something that was true for most everyone.  Most of us believe that 2024 is going to be crucial.


Laura Loomer used the word “Urgent”.


But that is not what made me take the screen shot.  You may think it’s going out on a limb with “coincidences” but the words “This Is It” is what struck out at me.


“This is It”


This wasn’t the first time some “key word” or “key phrase” associated with Trump was seen somewhere else.  “This is It” was the title of the “Tour” that Michael Jackson was in the process of producing and rehearsing for when he “died”.


“This is It” Scenes from Rehearsals

Check out the clocks they point to: meaning?


Donald Trump was also involved in a “Tour” with former Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly called the “History Tour”: Another Michael Jackson Tour:


History Tour 2021


Michael Jackon's HIStory Album Cover

And named Tour


Last year, someone from the Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators community (some of them are heavily entrenched in the “Q” and Anon Groups), posted this:


ReWriting HIStory

(He's been promoted a lot lately)


They referenced the year 2023 and “40 years”.


This was also posted, concerning production beginning on the Michael Jackson “Biopic” with whom I believe will be his nephew Jafaar playing Michael.


Release est. 2025 Michael Biopic


This is set to be released in 2025, they said.


Michael Jackson was one of the ONLY celebrity photo-ops that Trump proudly displayed during his 2016 presidential campaign, not once, but on two different days in two different places:


MJ & Trump - 2016 Campaign Trail


The fact that “Q” has been linked to Trump and visa versa; and that the Q postings and “QAnon” postings allude to some future “Michael Jackson” relevance has also been saved for posterity:


Article where QAnon was told Michael Jackson,

JFK Jr. and Elvis were going to appear at a rally.


Then there are the very heavily “parable-laden”, and biblical references in Michael Jackson’s songs and videos: Especially “BillyJean”, referencing at least five Bible verses in different books, but telling the story of the Messiah the Prince.


Thriller” – “demons closing in on every side, they will possess you, unless you change that number on your dial”.


BAD” – “your house ain’t nothing, just wait til I get through”


Will You Be There” – “Seems like the world has a role for me”


Privacy” – “aint the pictures enough, why do you go through so much, to get the stories you need, so you can bury me”.


Tabloid Junkie” – “with your pen you torture men, you crucify the Lord”


Blood on the Dance Floor” – “Susie’s got your number”


Speechless” – “I am in the light, where I cannot be found”


You Are Not Alone” – “I can hear your prayers, Your burdens I will bear”


Whatzzupwithu” – “God’s got your number to beat your disease” (W/Eddie Murphy) - Lyrics!


Is It Scary” – “Am I the beast you visualized”


Those are just off the top of my head.


Even in his death, and the televised trial against the doctor charged with manslaughter over the Propofol overdose, there were clues:


Trauma Gershwin - Written on Autopsy Report


This alluded to the verse in Proverbs 28:


A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him” – Proverbs 28:17.


This “violence” is also exposed in Zephaniah:


Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted my sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.” – Zephaniah 3:4.


And the “violence” or “war” in the kingdom of heaven, which also appears in Daniel 10:13-21 and Revelation 12 via the “man child”.


And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” – Matthew 11:12.


And what came along in 2020?  “COVID”: with revelations that the first human “Corona [crown] virus was cultivated from the first “seed”, obtained by the “nasals washings from a male child” in 1965.


VIRS book The Viruses - Male Child?

See Genesis 2:7 on why the NOSE


The Letter/Entity “Q” alludes to a few things. 


Not only was Q the “God-like” character on Star Trek, The Next Generation; it was also allegedly a top secret security clearance level within the NSA (or Military depending on who was disseminating that story in QAnon).


Ironically so was the “MJ-12” under the JASON society.


“Q” or the Hebrew letter “Qof” represents the sound of the letter Q or the “Kaf”/kah.


The letter Qof was originally a pictograph depicting the sun on the horizon, which suggests either dawn or nightfall and is symbolic of a change of time” – Source, the Letter Qof.


There are some of you that believe that Michael Jackson was everything the press made him out to be.  Michael addressed that in his song “Privacy”.


The “persecution” of Trump has followed the same pattern as with Michael Jackson with the exception of one thing:  the persecution of Michael Jackson was genuine.  I’m not so sure about Trump: it’s too obvious, too “over the top”.   They’re trying to hard to make him a martyr.


I am sure about this however: both productions were part of a script with a prescribed outcome.


Donald Trump’s “persecution” isn’t described in Isaiah 52 and 53, or Daniel 8:11-12Daniel 9, or Revelation 12: but Michael’s is.


Michael lost his color and his  muscle mass, even with as much dancing and practice as he did.  This was described in part not only in Isaiah 52:13-15 and 53:5-11, but also in Genesis 30:35-39 and Leviticus 13 describes two of the ailments he had.


We are also told in Exodus 23:20-21, and in Isaiah 63:9 that an “angel of His presence” shall bare us, save us, who “will not pardon your transgression, for my name is in him”; because he is the archangel, and that archangel is named in Jude 1:9.


The Lord said “my name is in him”: and that angel withholds the wicked, until he be taken out of the way in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8.


There is more . . . if the Lord is willing.

"And they have not a clue, when it's all gonna end, again" - Cry


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