In The Seat of Power


Seat of Power

Watch Your Words




My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear until my sayings.  Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.


For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.” – Proverbs 4:20-22.


Pleasant  words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” – Proverbs 16:24.


Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there?  Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” – Jeremiah 8:22.




This was the Big lesson learned this week!  A couple of them actually, but they all kind of fed into one “test”:


At the beginning of the week, I received something in my feed.  It was a video of a young woman, probably from an original TikTok post because it was brief.  But it ended up on my news feed.  It wasn’t sent directly to me, but it was meant for me as I was to find out later: and probably meant for a few other people too.


I cannot post the video here because it was through my phone.  I tried to find it in my favorites and the video was already removed.  She is getting a message out that the adversary does not want you to hear.


When I saw this, I cried with her.  Because whatever her circumstance was, she knew it wasn’t just about her.  And it’s not just about me or you either. 

What she said, was that "you're at the door, you are walking through the door!  Don't turn around, don't look back, you are almost there!"  This woman was in tears.  When I went back to the saved videos, it was gone: removed.  That's the kind of stuff that people need to hear. (Get Your House In Order).


If I am to consider my own battle; my own “wilderness” I also have to recognize that I am not the only one struggling, dealing with adversity, dealing with my own emotions and “loosing my stuff” over the lies and “grooming” that is going on in social media.  These people behind this contrived drama and fake news want you afraid, want you hopeless, want you FAITH-less.




Passing The Tests


I remember writing something I heard on my way to sleep some years back, and I went to my journal to look it up.  I couldn’t believe it was two years ago, but it was on December 29th, 2021 in the a.m.  It was a man’s voice that I heard just before I fell asleep, and it woke me back up.  And the voice said:


Maybe I would be able to if you would just pass the test”.


That is what that message in the video reminded me of.  And then in my “dark feelings” this week concerning everything  in the news and the argument I had with a family member (you know this feeling, when you’re pretty much done with everything and “don’t talk to me” mood?), I had written a piece of advice down for someone concerning their decision on making an investment.


My “advice” was not coming from a helpful place.  It was snarky if nothing else, and it was something along the lines of “there is no money in the Ark of the Covenant, there is no money in heaven” and “the system is going to fall”:  meaning there was no point in continuing to feed the beast.


Well?  I was NOT ready for what happened at the end of the week. 


I posted this the evening before payday.  And the next morning I checked my bank because we were expecting a pay increase and some other changes.  I make a budget pretty much like every working person in the world, so I wanted to know what I was working with.  I do this every payday, and allocate where certain sums have to go.


Well, I checked my deposits and there was nothing there.  Immediately I was a little concerned because deposits showed up like clockwork at a certain time and it wasn’t there. 


I didn’t “loose it” right away.  Deep down inside, I knew it was nothing major and I had a sense of calm about it.  But the “flesh” of me was starting to wonder: so I checked it again two hours later . . . nothing.


Two hours after that, I called my bank.  They were showing no deposit, and nothing pending.  In the back of my brain, I thought, “is this a test?  Because I don’t like it”.  I checked it one last time and still nothing.


This whole time, I knew . . . I KNEW it was coming in but something happened.  I had to leave for work and when I got there, I learned that there was an error in calculating the new pay increase and everything had to be pulled back, so everyone was getting paper checks the next day.


Well for some, that was fine, but for me? I had to drive quite a distance to deposit it.  I don’t do phone checking.  I never have.  I do nothing financial on my phone.  So that next day, I drove to work, picked up my check, and drove it to my bank which is probably an hour away. 


I then learned that even though it was a payroll check, there would be a hold on a good chunk of it for a few days, which was fine; but I had auto-payments coming out, and it just happened to be on a payday where things were due two to three days earlier than the previous month.


That’s when I lost it.  I drove back home, called my main branch, complained.  They said it wasn’t them it was the branch (cause it’s in another state).  I told them my predicament with the auto-payments and she said I had enough in there to cover them (I knew that, it was just the inconvenience of it all).  One payment I had to make myself had to wait, so I called that company and let them know what happened and they were cool with it, and informed me that my “grace period” was a week past the due date.


Now through all of this, I wasn’t upset that I didn’t get paid, because I got paid, and we got a raise: that was a blessing.


I wasn’t upset because of the bank rules of holding because I had enough in there for the bills that were coming out to be paid.


I wasn’t upset because I had to drive, because I usually did that anyway on payday, to pay some of the bills in person and get my shopping done before I go into work (I work later in the day).


I was upset because MY schedule had to be rearranged.


Did you hear that?  My Time was messed with.  My schedule was messed with (what about “in God’s time”?)




God’s Timing vs Your Will


There might have been a reason God didn’t want me in the city on that day I usually go.  There might have been a reason God didn’t want me to have access to my funds right away.  Maybe something was going to come up that I needed funds for, that would have been allocated somewhere else if I hadn’t had this issue happen?


Nobody knows, I didn’t know and that was just the thing: I didn’t know.


Maybe, God wanted me to know that I had some work to do still, on His will versus my will?


Maybe He was showing me that I was still attached to some of the things of the world (money – can’t do without it?  We used to!)


Maybe it was a mini-quiz on how I would handle the “what IF”? 


What if the system does fail, as it inevitably will?  Am I prepared?


Are any of us prepared?




What You Say

Is What You Get


There is power in words.


This little incident also is a reminder that we have to be careful with our words.  One night back in December, could have been earlier than that, I still had this one belt that would scream on my car.  We had replaced the one we thought it was, but it was still screaming.  I was driving home from work, it was dark and the thing would not stop as it usually did when I got up to cruising speed.


It was really irritating, and I had already been wrestling around with this “what’s causing it” for the last two months.  The bottled up frustration from this finally got to me.  I had already had several repairs done including replacing the Alt belt and I was fed up with the noise.


As I was driving, I said out loud, “I don’t know what to do for you anymore to make you happy!  If you’re going throw the belt just do it or shut up about it!”.


At that instant the noise stopped.  My mind said “uh-oh!”


The car still ran but as I got closer to my town (I live in the boonies.  “Town” consists of about 50 houses and a few cross-sectioning of dirt roads surrounded by ranges of beef cattle, antelope and coyotes), I noticed my engine light was on.


I prayed the rest of the way into town, turning on my road and at each turn until I got to my humble abode.  Then I prayed a thank you.


Both my prayers were answered: the willful one, where I demanded my car shut up, and the prayer to get me home.  I found out the next day when my brother in law came over, that the car did throw the compressor belt.


There is power in words:  Especially words with “force” behind them of whatever emotion, inspiration or intent is in your heart as you utter them.


This is why what we were allowing ourselves to be exposed to, matters.  It twists our thinking, and there are people other than me, that are putting this out there and have gotten it!


What they are doing to us, again in the way of Baal, is that they are deceiving us into cursing ourselves. 


Every bit of drama in the news, in politics, on social media is designed to get you to hate, get you angry, and get you pointing fingers at your fellow victims.  None of this is going to assure you a breakthrough or a victory.


All of this is driven by the same doctrine they have been practicing since the days of the Pharisees working the public into a frenzy to crucify Jesus: through the very same people who were praising him the week before!


The adversary likes to repeat patterns that have been successful, or that he believes was successful.  And we are going through a similitude of past events in the Bible and those “pattern recognitionists” (called “conspiracy theorists” by  malevolent peeps,) are seeing it: All of this is in the Bible.  All of it.  Much of this is “replay” with different names, places and better technology.


This is the “ancient knowledge” of “The Craft” of the “lie”: how to get people to believe it; and how to manipulate the thought patterns of those who know the truth to get them to defend the illusion instead.






Talent.  Why is the word “talent” used to describe both “will, ability, passion, desire” and also “balances, measure, money”, such as “a talent of gold”?


King Solomon collected six hundred threescore and six talents of gold in “tax” in a year: that is, six hundred and sixty six. 


Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold” – 1 Kings 10:14.


This number is also the “number of a man” in Revelation 13:18 – Can you see the connection? (The word “Six” is capitalized in the Revelation verse . . . why?)


We’re going to look more deeply into this, but for now let’s stick with the CAA:


I ran across a video (actually my sister sent it to me), that gathered together some of the things I had researched and shared on the “Michaelguardian” blog back in 2011 – 2013 on industrialized mind control.  This included the entertainment industry and the CIA.  And I want to share with some of you who have not seen this, how powerful and stealthy this “entry” into “the kingdom” within you has been.


Seat Of Power

(Is In Your Mind)



There have been a number of congressional hearings concerning the CIA’s involvementin the media, in the entertainment industry (enter-attain-the mind). 


“Talent” is recruited by these “intelligence” agencies.  Talent Agency manages the flow of work given to a “talent”, or a person with “ability/passion/desire” to “influence” others.


There is more than a handful of actors, musicians, vocalists, journalists, social media personalities, sports figures and athletes, studio heads, film directors and writers, even politicians etc that are CIA assets.  The CIA has an “entertainment branch” called “CAA” or Creative Artists Agency.  Some of you have heard Rose McGowan out this agency on Twitter and other Social Media.

Latoya Jackson was interviewed (in another country, they would not air it here) on Dutch TV concerning her handler/husband Jack Gordon.  She called it "the control factor".  If you can find the full interview, she also talks about her mother Katherine Jackson learning that Gordon was putting drugs in her food, that the give to soldiers before they "send them in to do a job".  A nine minute clip where she discusses escaping him is here (note her testimony on trying to get a Bible).

Latoya Jackson on Jewish Handler Jack Gordon

CAA agency was created by five agents from the William Morris Agency back in 1975, to include Michael Ovitz, Michael  Rosenfeld, Ronald Meyer, Rowland Perkins and William Haber.  Within a week of getting their financing and a rented office in Century city, they sold a game show “Rhyme and Reason”, “The Rich Little” show and the “Jackson 5ive” Saturday morning cartoon.  My sister and I used to watch this. I still remember the theme medley they used.


Some of the “talent”, upon being propped up in the “enter-attain-ment” industries tried to dig their feet into the ground when they learned what their “talent” was being used for.


Some of those “dissenters” are targeted for disinformation campaigns.  They are targeted for libel, propaganda, false accusations, and some of them suffer major persecution, discrediting, character assassination, honey pot entrapments, blackmail, and/or their family members if they can’t convince the individual to shut up.


Technology on Targets

CIA Honey Pot Program


I took this screen shot after what happened in my family, and what occurred with a family member, and we were small potatoes.  They did this to one of my family so I have experience in seeing how slimey this tactic is, and how it destroys relationships.  With celebrities it is harder because they are so visible.  With people like my family, in our situation, it’s agenda was to thwart one’s focus off of what God told you to do, and onto the family member who is being taken down.


Some of the more prominent “targets” were “un-alived” for exposing the purpose of the industry.  Some artists or “talent” were even attempting to use their gift to counteract the damage being done by the intent of the industry.


More than once a “celebrity” or what the Bible calls “gazingstock” has told us they are “not allowed to talk”.


Some of them did anyway: through their “gift” or the medium in which they were “talented”.  Metaphors, parables and allegories in their work, their art through which they prayerfully send their message in hopes that God will open their ears and eyes of those in the public who will receive it.


Some of them are still telling us today, through their words, or speeches, lyrics, dance moves, paintings, and even the SOUND of their music.


The adversary is using talent to do the same thing: announce their intent, hidden in plain sight.


Once their handlers learn what these artists are doing, they find ways to subvert the organics of the work of these artists.  They use industry tabloids and rags to twist the “interpretation” of the author/creator’s messages.


Because of the drama and propaganda created around these persons, their message becomes completely obliterated, then reconstructed through the funnel of industry rags, the media, the news, radio and TV talk shows: even interviews can be diced and sliced to make a celebrity’s answer to a question appear to be from another question.  They segment the interview in the edit room, to appear to affirm something they didn’t do or say.


This “editing” is patternistic to the prophecy of what the adversary was committing within God’s children, in the language of their DNA: the “mingling of seed” and the “taking of the Name” in vain. – Abridging the book of the law of God within every one of us.


The “registry” of our “operating systems” in our cells has been “corrupted”:  Many still do not know that Y2K was a biological announcement, not about “computers”.  It was Michael Jackson himself that tipped us off to this in his own death:


From the televised trial against Dr. Conrad Murray

Blood drawn at 13:30 and labeled:



Was THIS guy


One of the artists to whom this kind of manipulation was done to the limit that anyone could ever endure was Michael Jackson.  He is one of many; but arguably the most severe example of this, because his persecution was also manifested in his physical appearance and “form” (DNA alteration, “violence to the blood”, “violence to the [book] of the law” within him).


What they DID, while “polluting his sanctuary” and “destroying the temple” of his body, was gaslight him in the eyes of the public, so that it appeared as if HE, the victim, was doing this to himself.  People like Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, Ed Bradley, Diane Sawyer and Martin Bashir and the like, willingly participated in heavily edited interviews and twisted the truth of the information in those interviews.


The victim usually never sees the finished product until after it is aired, and they are getting phone calls from the press and media: Blindsided!  It is a horrible, inhuman thing to do to someone who pours out their soul in their work only to have it turned around on them and used as a weapon.


Because they would not play ball; and they put their proverbial necks out to warn the public through their work.




Michael Jackson



I’ve told this story in the beginning, and our readers discovered why, together; but this , at that time, twelve year investigation and dot-connecting was taken down by Google: right as we got into the COVID operation, and how that all played into this end time event.


Nazi Germany, the “Holocaust” was a giant pharmaceutical experiment that continues to this day (I.G. FarbenBayerMonsanto, etc).  And the U.S. took part in it (Operation Paper Clip), while appearing to “war” with those “enemies”  that were actually trying to put a stop to it.  That “Holocaust” continues today, through big Pharma, in the “temple of the body”:


Jeremiah 7:30

Rabbi Schneerson, 1987

God called them out before He came as Jesus


It’s not like they haven’t been planning this since the time of Christ.  This is very important, because something is getting ready to happen; and they are announcing ALL over the place, hidden in plain sight.


The signs of it are everywhere.   The sheer “blood clot” of activity, drama manufactured for public consumption screams the evidence of this.


I have been criticized, ostracized by my own church (and some family members) because of things I was posting on the old blog concerning Michael Jackson.  I even had one parishioner tell my husband  “What is she doing?  Michael Jackson wasn’t even a Christian”.


Another who was an ordained pastor but also a politician (bad combination) went off on Michael Jackson because the news compared his death and career to that of Elvis.  It was his public comment that prompted me to look into why he was such a polarizing figure.  It was the simple yet depth of the hatred for someone that never attacked anyone, that I was moved to understand.


I didn’t understand it.  It didn’t make sense.  He was still a “kid” to me.  Even though I wasn’t a fan, never bought an album, I also never believed any of the accusations. 


What happened to him was traumatizing, to the point of comparing it to watching someone or a gang of people abuse a child or a puppy.  It was in the news, and thrown in our faces and his abuse was turned into a spectator sport.  It made me want to vomit even before I understood the “why” of it all. 


And this “Minister”: a “man of God”, was bashing someone he never met.  Everything that was wrong with the world was condensed and clarified in this one attack by this man in this moment for me.


It was here where “faith” and “religion” were divided before me.


Praying constantly at every junction in scripture that confused me, God lead me through the things He wanted to reveal to me, in scripture:  But Michael Jackson’s statement in an emotionally battering interview on 60 Minutes prompted a prayer out of me that changed my life in every way possible. 


Despite being asked ten different times and ways, why “a grown man would want to have children in his bedroom”, Michael answered every single time “You’re thinking sex, and that’s wrong” and “my mind doesn’t run that way”.  In such a blunt yet humble way, Michael put into words the difference between seeing through innocent eyes versus jaded ones: the perception of guilt – Not to mention the fact that there was always other adults around, employees, cousins, the kids parents there at the times he was accused.


Michael knew the game they were playing, and during these post accusing interviews, it was to pound into people’ heads that Michael was a “pedophile” (ironically, something they are trying to normalize after he is taken out of the way?)


But this one reply to Ed Bradley, after being asked for the umpteenth time if Michael was going to stop having children at his ranch?  This was Michael’s reply:


Well, I am always more cautious but I will never stop loving and helping people the way Jesus said to”.


That broke me.  After weeks of listening to Michael’s interviews and speeches where he promoted reading the Bible, the power of prayer, the love of God and the importance of living with a Christ Consciousness, that broke me.


It was at that moment that I prayed for someone elses pain.  I wanted God to give me his pain, even if He had to reach back in time to take it off his shoulders to give me some of it.


I did not learn until a few years later, that at that moment, Michael became my “Shiloh” in 1 Samuel 3:21. Because that was how the Lord revealed himself to me, through the WORD. 


When that happens to you, you will spend the rest of your life trying to hang onto it, because that is when the adversary begins trying to assault you into letting go of it.


I asked God if Jesus felt like this toward us: bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ: love your neighbor as yourself: Greater love hath no man than to lay down your life for a friend.  THAT Word which Christ Jesus is, in John 1:1 and 1:14 is what saves you.


It was through Michael Jackson that God was showing me the truth: because it was through Michael Jackson that God revealed “The Word” to me.


What God did was grant my request.  Not in the same volume or in the same way; but my life changed.  Everything changed.


The things of the world were not important to me anymore.  Ambitions were not important to me unless they were where God wanted me.  That’s all I wanted was where God wanted me.




Grace Under Fire? Needed Some Work


I did not, however, handle some of these “changes” gracefully; for some of them were attacks.  There were times I felt as if I were being stoned, or spun around to be mocked or spit upon and piled on at times, it was that overwhelming. 


The adversary infiltrated through acquaintances, through family, through some people at church.  And when they couldn’t get to me directly, they went through family.  Not just physical things, but psychologically: people you know or are close to saying things, or coming out of left field to just attack you.  And you have no idea why or where it is coming from.  Any situation they could use or manipulate to instill fear, or doubt, or even just change your countenance to a darker vibration, were used against me.


I left my husband, I left my home not once but twice, putting distance between myself and family I cared about.


At times I felt isolated, but protected.  This does not make seeing or knowing the havoc being wreaked through a family member any easier to endure.  I didn’t handle these things with grace, but it did make me less afraid to confront them.


During these times, prayer was my line to God, to answers, to advice, to assurance and comfort.  Sometimes I even yelled at God.  Sometimes he chastised me for it.


But regardless of how anyone in my past relationships be it church, family, coworkers, acquaintances feels about the connection in all this to Michael Jackson, the fact of the matter is this:


You don’t get to choose God’s chosen.  It’s not your job.  It was through Michael and his persecution that drove me deeper into the Bible than any minister or pastor of any church I ever attended could do.  Somebody had to LIVE that for someone else to SEE it.  Because most church ministers and pastors, reverends etc today do not suffer in the way that the prophets did; or the people that are truly trying to expose the truth of what is happening.


What was revealed to me might possibly NEVER be taken seriously by the vast majority of the population, let alone the Christian churches.  Be that as it may, there are SOME that DID need to hear it, that God himself prescribed to them by embossing them with One Word.




His Form, His Sanctuary


What Michael Jackson endured; what was done to him, is all through the scriptures.  And because some of the most scripturally learned people can’t seem to grasp the concept of “Jesus indwelling” or the Spirit “working” through us, they move to attribute this witness to “idol worship”.


There is also the strong possibility that these people don’t want to understand.  It’s not in their comfort zone. They would be just as happy if nothing changed: They have their house, their “retirement”, their position in the church, their country-club atmosphere with the Missions dinners and picnics in the summer time.  There is no “sacrifice and oblation” there. There is no “take up your cross and follow me” in today’s churches.


Some of them are not ready for the “harvest”.  They don’t want the “consumption” to take place, at least not in their lifetimes.  And for them, Jesus is a perpetually futuristic event in which they covet to be one of the “dead in Christ” who rise first.


Churches don’t talk about the role of the archangel Michael, they don’t like to compare the prophecies in Daniel to that in Isaiah 52 and 53,  1Thessalonians 4:162 Thessalonians 2Jude 1:9 or Revelation 12, because Michael figures prominently in those prophecies and the topic is uncomfortable. They want to stear clear of any ambiguity between “Michael” and Jesus being one.


Most people, especially “Congregationalists”, are certainly not ready for a modern time figure as the “Son of man”, or the “he who overcomes”.  I don’t know who they have in their heads that it’s going to be, but “Jesus” is on the throne.  That throne is in the kingdom; and the kingdom of God is within us - as per scripture.


Jesus is on the throne.  He is on the throne giving the prophecy to John when he talks about the “He who overcomes” to the seven churches.


This aligns with the indignation being complete in Daniel 8:19 and pollution the sanctuary of strength, the taking away of the daily sacrifice and placing of the abomination of desolation, in Daniel 11:31.  All of this links to the events described in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, and Revelation 12:4-6.

Pollution of the Sanctuary, violence against the blood (Trauma-Gershwin), "You got blood lust for me" in "2Bad", and Jeremiah 7:30 - "they have set the abomination in the house called by My Name" (as also per Daniel 9:25-27).


One interesting thing in Daniel 8 is this verse:


Daniel 8:25

"25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."



We have some things to talk about.


It looks like the wolves’ wool disguise is slipping.






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