Taking the Ark of God


The Ark of God

He’s Taking No Shittim




And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.


And thou shall overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about.” – Exodus 25:10.




The verse above is the very first mention of the “Ark of the Covenant” in the Bible.  The details are important.  Look them over and remember them, because you are about to hopefully see something.


Instructions were given to Moses concerning the Ark, where to put it in the tabernacle, and what to put in the Ark, which includes the “Book of the Law” in Deuteronomy 31:26.  Moses then tells this from the first person in Deuteronomy 10.  Remember, Moses broke the first tables of the covenant when he discovered that the children of Israel had “made a calf in Horeb and worshipped the molten image, thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass” (told by David in Psalm 106:19-20; and by Paul in Romans 1:25).


Moses said:


And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.” - Deuteronomy 10:3.


There is a story in 1 Samuel about the Philistines taking the Ark of the Covenant.  What is interesting about the story is that curses befell the Philistines because they were not Levites, and they ended up begging the Israelites to come and take it back.


And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Ebenezer unto Ashdod.  When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.” – 1 Samuel 5:1-2.


While the Philistines had the Ark, some misfortune began to befall them.  They had put the Ark in their temple beside Dagon, their god.


Dagon fell twice while the Ark was before him.  The second time the Philistines came and saw that Dagon had fallen, his head and his hands had been cut off.


Dagon was the god of the Philistines.  Some information on him:


Dagon: "was a god worshipped by the Philistines and Mesopotamia, in ancient Syria across the middle of the Euphrates, with primary temples located in Tuttul and Terqa, [and other areas mentioned].  he was regarded as the "father of gods" . . ., as well as a lord of the land, a god of prosperity, and a source of royal legitimacy.


Meaning of name: According to Philo of Byblos, the Phoenician author Sanchuniathon explained Dagon as a word for "grain " (siton). - Source, Wikipedia and linked sources in article.


The word “grain” is used seven times in the Bible: Amos 9:9Matthew 13:31 and 17:20Mark 4:31Luke 13:19 and 17:6 and 1 Corinthians 15:37:  Very interesting in context if you get time to read those.


So then they moved the Ark about, but every tribe of people in Ekron complained that they would be slain, and wanted them to take it away, in 1 Samuel 5:10.  Finally, the Philistines made a “deal” in 5:11:


So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines, and said, send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go again to his own place, that it slay us not, and our people: for there was a deadly destruction throughout all the city, the hand of God was very heavy there.” – 1 Samuel 5:11.


In 1 Samuel 6:1 it is stated that the Ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months.  Back to Moses:


Moses was instructed by God to have the Levites construct the Ark of Shittim wood, incased in gold, which was done.  The cherubims were beaten out of one piece, out of the mercy seat on either end of it: this appears in Exodus 37:7-8.  The mercy seat was of solid gold.


No one knows what became of the “Ark”.  The last place it is mentioned in the Old Testament is in Jeremiah, where it says this:


And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.” – Jeremiah 3:16.


The Ark of the Covenant is not mentioned again in scripture until the New Testament, and it is referenced in only two locations:  One of them is by Paul in a very interesting letter to the Hebrews; and the last place is in Revelation.


In this letter to the Hebrews, he is explaining the difference between the Tabernacle of Moses and the heavenly one, beyond the second veil.  (the worldly tabernacle, Moses’s Law is the land/earth/vessel of clay: years of man shall be 120 yearsGenesis 3:3 and Moses died at 120 years, Deuteronomy 34:7 ). Then Paul reminds them about the Ark of the Covenant in Hebrews, and what is IN it:


And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;” – Hebrews 9:3-4.


After that, Paul shares this about the Ark of the Covenant, which reads like they know what he is talking about:


And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly.” – Hebrews 9:5.


We will come back to what Paul said in relation to all this, in a little bit.  The reason I brought up the “Philistines” is because something has spiked in the news in which the story of the Ark with the Philistines seems to be a foreshadowing of this “leak” in the last couple of weeks.


The last place that Ark of the Covenant is mentioned, is in Revelation 11.  Revelation 11 is where the two witnesses are revealed, first depicted as the olive branches/trees in Zechariah 4.  The witnesses prophecy, are killed, then brought back to life: then THIS happens:


And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thundering, and an earthquake, and great hail.” – Revelation 11:19.


Now something in the news has come up about this, in a toying way.  And the reason I bring it up is because this “tease” was put out back in 2022 by Dan Gainor, a Fox News Contributor and Editor. 


Let’s put this out here, and then we can get back to the details of what the Apostle Paul said about it; and the significance of this.




Trump’s “Documents”


There have been a couple of news pieces dropped in the last couple of weeks.  Not only is the timing interesting; but so is the order in which these articles were released.


If you recall, there was a number of times I referenced the Twitter post by Dan Gainor back in 2022 concerning the first raid on Donald Trump’s residence in Florida.


Trump Had the Ark?


He said that next the New York Times is going to accuse Donald Trump of having the Ark of the Covenant.  This was back in 2022.  I Posted this and published it a number of times in relation to, “where are we going with this, folks?”


If you are a Bible reader/studier, you might have made some kind of connection to newly installed President Joe Biden’s response to the “welcome” letter Donald Trump left in the Oval Office for him. 


On January 21, 2021


The reason I made the connection was because of the number of times I had studied Deuteronomy 31:26 in reference to the Ark of the Covenant, the WORD (Jesus, John 1:1 and 1:14) to the Archangel (Exodus 23:20-21Isaiah 63:91 Thess. 4:16); and mention of “the Letter” in a “healing” context (2 Kings 20:12Isaiah 39:1). 


The “Ark” of Noah, the “Ark” of baby Moses and the “Ark of the Covenant” and the “Archangel” all had the same purpose biblically – they PROTECTED something.  The “Ark” in all it’s forms is a “protecting vessel”.  And a “vessel” can be in the form of a pot, a box, a boat or a body – we are “vessels” for the Spirit and we are to “possess” our vessels in “sanctification and honor” – 1 Thessalonians 4:4.


A “protecting vessel” is what the Archangel IS.  The Archangel withholds that Wicked in 2 Thessalonians 2, from that which is taken out of the way in the “war mentioned in both Daniel 10, and Revelation 12.- (the man child (soul) is caught up to God and to his throne: the “vessel” remains)  This is revealed in Jude 1:9 – (Moses = man/time of man, Gen. 3:3 & Deut. 34:7). 


When the Archangel Michael casts out the dragon and his angels, they are cast “into the earth” and can no longer access the “kingdom” (Where is the kingdom of God? Luke 17:21).


When it says “he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” in Revelation 12:9, what then happens?


“. . . for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” – and he persecutes the woman who “brought forth the man child” – This is the woman who spiritually brings forth (Isaiah 66:8, explained by Paul in Galatians 4:19): this is the “daughter of Zion” (Jeremiah 8:19Micah 4:8).  When the Lord protects her, then the dragon/devil makes war with the remnant of her seed (the remnant of the children of Israel – the elect) in Revelation 12:9-12.


Because of these things coming to pass, the “announcements” in the news, are linked, and they are relevant.  However, let’s also consider how they are spinning it.


In order of their appearance, we have THESE “announcements”.  I will post them below.  I will reach back into earlier years for linking relevant “announcements”.




Trump’s Pre-Presidential Tweets


Trump posted these tweets, or posed for these pictures that were then put in Twitter during his 2016 presidential campaign.


MJ & Trump


Trump was elected president, and immediately, the press that used to love him from the 1980’s on, suddenly hated him.  It’s important to note also that Trump was formerly a Democrat and gave to democratic campaigns, including the Clintons.  Since 1999 Trump has changed parties four times.  He was a Democrat from 2001 (the year the towers fell), to 2009 back to Republican.  And he has wobbled between independent and the other two, depending on the source you research.




Trump Years Tweets


Trump was all over social media, but mostly Twitter during his Presidency.  During his embattled tenure from 2017 – 2021, he posted quite a few things, which had curious misspellings, typos and/or capitalized words where there shouldn’t have been.  The entity “Q” promoted these as well.


Some of these were on topics of “building the wall” and “we need Mike”.  Other posts were by other people, including congressmen and journalists.  Just some examples:


MJ & Trump - "M"?

We Need Mike???


On Twitter - WaPo 2019


Big Things - Covid, 2020

April 23, 2020

Taking the Kingdom by Force?
Refer you to Matthew 11:12

 Taking Names (in vain?)

July 1, 2020

Trump: "We Want Mike"


Michael Jackson's Daughter "Paris"

Never Happened but, What was the message?

Netherlands - 
Evil out of the North?

The "Second A" - 

And WHO is THAT? (2 Kings 16:6Romans 1:25)

Could it be that "generous letter" left for Biden?

(If It was "A-mendment" why didn't he SAY that?)


As his final full year as president wound down in 2020, the COVID operation was in full swing, and things took a more sinister turn.  However, no real harm seemed to come to Trump or Biden.  Just a lot of rhetoric, charges, accusations and court cases: and from my own research of a previous “luminary”; court cases can, and will be faked, as part of a distraction, or communication to those “in the club”.


Let’s go to Biden’s first year.




Biden and 2021



Back in January of 2021, when Biden took office, he was asked by reporters what the letter Trump left in the Oval Office said.  Biden's reply was -


January 21, 2021


This "transition of administrations" occurred at the top of the vertex of the COVID hysteria.  And people were starting to realize that something was not right because they were announcing tens of thousands of deaths before a COVID test was even available.


Trump was all over the media both mainstream and alternative, bragging about the speed in which HE got the vaccines manufactured and available. 


When people starting dying from the side effects, all of a sudden, it was BIDEN'S vaccine, and it was BIDEN’S fault, and BIDEN was responsible for the lockdowns.  They STARTED in the Trump administration. Trump press conferences on YouTube reveal this, if you don’t believe me, search it out.  Other things were mentioned as cures as well, by Trump including “Hydrocloroquine” and even “light to the body”.


During the discerning of all things COVID, they eventually came up with the story that "oh, Trump's vaccine was actually Ivermectin and Hydrocloroquine and vitamin D".  Well, if that were true, why would it have had to have been developed as “groundbreaking”; and WHY would it have been such a monumental achievement considering all three have been proven cold/flu effective for tens of decades? 


There is also another reason Trump may have pushed the vaccines.  We will get to that. I guarantee you, he is not dumb.  He knows.


Donald Trump appointed Scott Gottleib to the position of Commissioner of the FDA in May of 2017.  That man served in that role until April 5, of 2019.  Gottlieb was also on the board of Pfizer, a senior fellow at the think tank "American Enterprise Institute" and a member of the board of directors of Illumina, Inc, which is a contributor to the cable financial news network CNBC.  So a Donald Trump appointee was a Pfizer Board of Directors member AND Commissioner of the FDA. If Donald Trump was his own apprentice, he would have fired himself a long time ago.


Gottlieb, Scott: Pfizer

Gottlieb, Sydney - MKULtra


Scott Gottlieb and Sidney Gottlieb have a lot in common.  You can research from the links provided on their Wiki-pages.

Scott is leveraged in both political appointments AND private sector pharma.


Sidney was a "chemist" and headed the CIA programs on assassination and MKUltra mind control in the 1950's and 60's.  They both grew up in the mid-Atlantic area (Scott in New Jersey, Sidney in the Bronx, New York).  Are they related?  Not sure, but they are both Jewish.  Back to Trump into 2022.




Trump and 2022


As the bumbling of Biden continued on in August of 2022, the Washington Post put out this piece alerting us of the raid done at Mar-a-Lago:


WaPo - FBI Trump Nuclear Documents?


This appeared on the twelfth of August.  "Nuclear documents"?  Nuclear? 


Remember we learned from the investigation into CERN that "Nuclear" didn't just address bombs.  It also addressed "nuclear DNA", smashing particles within DNA to find “the God Particle” in the “Human Genome Project”.  We learned from the "Y2K" article.


The very next day, August 13, 2022, this was posted:


Ark of the Covenant? Interesting!


That wasn't very "casual".  It was meant to be taken metaphorically . . . or was it?


May of 2022, the "Israel365News" had put this article out, but It didn’t cross my radar until August of that year:


Jews Building The 3rd Temple


During this time, I was preparing to leave my exile to go to another exile at the end of 2022 into the first month of 2023.




The Tenth Year


2023 was the “tenth year” for me.  I moved to a far state and started over.


Short review: on June 1, 2012 I had the dream about “Eddie” and the angel telling me he had “six miles to go”.  Ten days after that, on June 11th, 2012 I had the dream about the angel Michael being told by two other angels, “This is it, tell your people they have ten days”.


A year later, the verification came of both those dreams. On June 1, 2013, I had a dream about “Eddie” again, only this time, he was being given evil books, and the man who was giving them to him told me “but look at this one: the title of this one is the 999th verse of the Bible”.  That dream came true concerning the Mormon church which I linked here. 


Ten days after that dream on June 11,2013, (I saw it on the 12th) Glenn Beck on his “Blaze TV” show, revealed they “had a whistle blower on something” who would not come forth unless he was in front of congress and televised, saying “I am dead, I am absolutely dead”.  In this airing, Beck repeated two numbers more than once: “This country will be rocked in 24 hours” and “this country will be greatly divided in ten days”.  It is 2024, and we are just past the ten year mark, as it was shown to me.


The “ten days” was also later verified for me in 2017 in a dream: about the “church of Smyrna”.  A “dead woman” who was possessed threatened me, tried to run me off the road, then got in my face and said “Tell Smyrna I said hi”.  Revelation 2:8-10.


The other thing that happened the day of June 1, 2013, after receiving the “999” dream, is that I also received an anonymous message through my blog stats.  That message said “Today, God took an Angel”.


Ten years/ten days from 2013 took us to 2023.


2023 was filled with news items back and forth on Donald Trump, War in Ukraine, War in Israel/Gaza, Trump running for office in 2024 regardless of the indictments against him.  There WAS those indictments against him, and another one concerning some misrepresentation of the value of Mar-a-Lago. 


What was shaping up was an “over-the-top” persecution.  Although Trump was being besieged from all angles, nothing ever happened to him, really.  Not like REAL whistleblowers who ended up blocked from bank accounts, IRS harassed, jailed or dead.  They weren’t subtle about this at all. It was like they were trying too hard to make it LOOK like a persecution without actually hurting him.


On June 9th of 2023 the biggest piece of news I can think of related to all this was that Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States was indicted on seven counts (SEVEN, 7) regarding “documents probe” (Washington Post said “Nuclear Documents”).


On June 11, 2023, an overpass bridge in Philadelphia collapses after a tanker truck fire weakens the bridge.  Philadelphia – the OTHER church in the Revelations beside Smyrna who are persecuted by the fake Jews in Revelation 3:12.


Trump with Boteach

Michael Jackson with Uri Geller and Boteach

in 2000 - 2001 Doesn't he look full of life???


On October 4, 2023, I found this: Donald Trump is pictured with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach.  Boteach and “Mentalist” Spoon-bender Uri Geller were Michael Jackson’s handlers between 2000 – 2001. Uri Geller was Mossad and worked with our CIA on Mind Control in the early 1970’s.  He brags about it on his site.  Uri Geller’s cousin, Hungarian Jew Larry Geller (deceased) was Elvis Presley’s “hairdresser/spiritual advisor” (handler). Uri Geller purchased Elvis’ first home.


What was Donald Trump doing with Geller’s pal and fellow MJ handler Boteach?  We have to keep reminding ourselves that his daughter’s husband is “666 Fifth Avenue” owner and Jewish best pals with Netanyahu, Jared Kushner.


On October 11, 2023, I received this warning from a “QAnon” after posting two blogs on what occurred in South Carolina with my husband, the Mormon church and the DEA and SLED.


QAnon Warning


On December 1, 2023, I saw this on Telegram.  I don’t usually pay attention to these fake accounts, but I kept this one because of “the man you think you know”.


Telegram-Mel Gibson (fake)


Some people were putting out some images of Donald Trump and the “club” Occultic hand gestures.  The hard core “MAGA” dismissed them.  I don’t know why.


Why is he given a pass when

Celebrities and other Political figures

Do not?


"I don't bring God into that picture" on asking forgiveness


“Doesn't bring God “into it” on asking forgiveness . . . why not?  Why are Christians making excuses for this?  That’s not what a Christ believer does.  He claims to be Presbyterian.  I know they TEACH repentance.


This one was interesting

Not horns: an “M”

("build wall through M")


“This particular enemy is God?”


Boasted about the vaccines:

Again, The Intent behind this will be discussed

(Obadiah 1:15 - Look it up)



Highest Rank in Church of Satan?

Can anyone check this out?

(Nevermind, Click Here)

Kind of Like "Illuminati.com" backward still leads

to NSA website.  Registered by a Mormon.


And People are CHEERING for this.  Chanting it!   Stop the idolizing and discern this scripturally, if you are a Christ believer!

2023 came and went in my new “state”.  And 2024 came in with GOLD!




Mar-a-Lago, 2024


2024 seemed to open with no less excitement.  A Michael Jackson Biopic was in the making, Trump was “killing it” in the caucuses and I was beginning to question the whole narrative: Martyrs make great influencers.  Then I saw this:


Posted by James O'Keefe, ReTruthed by Entheos

On Truth Social


- James O'Keefe reply to Cowboyw2b who said Entheos posted about Ark of covenant.  Inset is enlarged below.  James O'Keefe's post sports the text above his photo which says "A perfect replicant of The arc of the covenant", next text box below it says "2700 hours of labor, six pounds of gold"


Note "Ark" is misspelled "arc".  Also the word "The" is the only word capitalized in the title of "arc of the covenant". (replicant? not "replica"?)  I was thinking “ARChangel”?  2700 hours of labor is 3.699 months or 16.07 weeks or 112.5 days.  Six pounds of gold (not Solomon’s six hundred threescore and six talents; or IS it?)


[Replicanta genetically engineered or artificial being created as an exact replica of a particular human being; an artificial being that is created as an exact copy of a particular human being] – OMG!


Also next to it posts by Entheos on Truth Social (Trump's alleged platform): In order of posts which he quoted twice:


"The Ark of the Covenant" (highlighted in yellow) is still the most sought after & valuable item in existence considering its contents & AUTHOR of those contents.


However, a close second would be the list of subjects truths that authoritarian minded AI sponsors have instructed their Chatties to BEAR false witness about. In other words, leaders/whistleblowers - that list IS THE UNHOLY GRAIL.


(in red box) The one who gets hold of it spreads it, will rip down the veil & accelerate the awakening Above & Beyond anything else imaginable."


Then it was "Entheos retruthed" on 01/21/2024 at 13:49:42 or 1:49pm, "3 feet from gold" posted on Truth Social 09/16/2023 @ 15:11:44 (3:11:44).


Then this was posted next to it:


"Plot twist: it's not a replica"

and shows a grinning emoji.


Laura Loomer debates someone about this subject on Truth Social and it is posted to GAB.  She says it was “made by a supporter”.  Where would a “supporter” get “six pounds of Gold”?:


Laura Loomer posts reply to Ron Filipkowski


Trump Statement on Iran,

Playing the Narrative


Trump Statement posted January 28, 2024 concerning "Attack on America" when three service men were killed, (It was a defense hit by Iran on a position in Jordan).  Trump is continuing the narrative that the U.S., in every country in the world, is the "victim" while it's continues to bomb and start wars with every country the State of Israel tells it to.


Just Like Daniel 11 - concerning he who 

Obtains the Kingdom through "peace" and "flatteries"


Post by "Q)The Storm Rider/Official Page: I underlined in red the pertinent statements: Donald Trump is going to bring "World Peace", wants to "end all wars".  He mentions "back CHANNELS between U.S. Military white HATS and Iran Mil."


This says "CABAL deep state wants war to hide their crimes against humanity" (this is diversion from the real reason and he knows it).


It also says there are "powerful plans for WORLD peace coming with Trump back 

in office after the 2024 SCARE NECESSARY EVENT TO HAPPEN".


This is exactly what Daniel 11: 21-45 exposes, taking notes between verses 21-32.


On February seventh I saw this by the Pope, even though he gave this “speech” on January 03.


Pope Deception


He says that the “mark of the beast” is the observance of worship on Sundays instead of Saturdays.  He lays out his “guilt” and that of the “Catholic Church” in being used to deceive people (this is in his first few sentences, he announces that is EXACTLY what he is doing).


The mark of the beast is NOT Sunday Worship.  This is a lie.  Not only is he using “Sabbath” to hinge “the Mark” on; he is propping up “those that worship on Saturdays” and “the Jews were right”.


Mmm-hmm.  Sales tactic, 101.  Trump and Israel and the Jewish Messiah.


Watch it!  These warnings are all over Matthew 24Mark 13Luke 212 Peter 2 and Jude 1, as well as other scripture.  Please seek the Lord in prayer.


Some more headlines concerning the Mar-a-Lago “documents”:  Seems Jack Smith was informed of a “hidden room” off of Trump’s bedroom that wasn’t searched: in a “closet”.  I dreamed of this and posted about it in 2017. – Source, “MSN.com


Yes, it IS “inexplicable that agents didn’t insist on being provided with a key or break the lock on order to look into the space – important national secrets were at risk . . .” – Nuclear documents, right?


ABCnews.com also reported that the FBI search was only interested in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property


By the way, “Mar-a-Lago” has an anagram: "Aram-Goal"

Lago also gives you “algo” which is a combining word meaning “pain” (like algophobia).  Aram is one of the sons of Shem in the Bible.  It is also a city which was in Syria and an area of Syria.

Aram has several meanings:  Abarim publications says it means "Elevated, to be very high" (Isaiah 52:13-15).  An Armenian meaning for a city by that name is "Son of the sun".


The most valuable publishing in the world is at the heart of the battle of 



Ironically, Sony Music just acquired Michael Jackson’s coveted “publishing”.  You know that I KNOW what THAT means . . . 

Michael Jackson's "Publishing" Interview on March 27, 2005, Parts 3 and 4 (especially 4).  

"You got the body, but not the soul". - Psalm 68:11.

There is something about the Ark of the Covenant that the Apostle Paul could not put down in writing, saying "of which we cannot now speak particularly." in Hebrews 9.

Your only friend is God, in this.  Do not for one minute believe that any of these drama-promoting politicians are on your side.

Do not for one minute believe that "peace" is going to come through a two-party political system.

Do not believe for one MINUTE that the "Ark of the Covenant" is a piece of sculpture created by men.  God told you EXACTLY what the Ark is, it's purpose, and what it protects.  So for those that are trying to "take the kingdom by force"?  

A prayer was answered: and THIS is not IT.

THIS is . . . 



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