Beforetime: Seers in Israel


In Israel Beforetime




Yet the Lord testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statues, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets.” – 2 Kings 17:3.



There are two other blogs in the works which are now on hold because I had to get this out.  And before I say anything I want to credit my brother for bringing this to my attention:  Michael.


I was sent something this morning after I confided in a family member about a dream.  The dream was particularly gruesome.  I will spare you some of what I saw but it coincides with the information I was sent this morning after sharing this.


In the dream I was working in a hospital.  It was a small, local community hospital and I could not tell you where.  I was just an aide and I would fetch whatever the doctor, nurse or PA needed for the minor invasive procedures they were performing.


There were four women on beds in the recovery room in various stages of coming out of their anesthesia.  The one who had been there the longest seemed to be exhibiting a higher level of distress.  She began fidgeting on the gurney while the medics in there were trying to find some clues to why her vital signs were escalating.


Orders were barked to me to get this instrument or that instrument.  The woman in distress was running a fever that seemed to be getting higher by the second.  Whatever procedure she had done, most of them in that room had done, was around the abdominal area, possibly reproductive in nature.  None of these were major surgeries, they were all minor invasive procedures or laparoscopic.


When one of the medics lifted the blanket on the woman in distress, the discoloration on her abdomen, low down and toward the left hip was nauseating.  There was a lot of purple but also some pink to red in the middle of what looked like a severe contusion.  I gasped as did the medics in the room.  Someone said “What the hell”?


As someone barked to get “the doctor” another woman began moaning in the bed next to the woman concerned and they touched her forehead.  She too was running a fever.  They lifted her sheet and she had a smaller but similar “contusion” looking mark on her mid abdomen and it was growing.  “The Doctor” came in and touched the first woman in the area of the contusion and pulled his hand away abruptly.  He said “Jesus Christ”.  His touch pulled skin away.  She was being dissolved from the inside out.


Panic set about all the personnel in the room as the doctor ordered a “quarantine room”.  As he checked the other patients, all of which had varying stages of advance of whatever this was, all of it in the areas of the abdomen; he barked an order at me to collect all the instruments that were in the room and dispose of them:  “We don’t know what we are dealing with.  I don’t want them sterilized, I want them DISPOSED OF”.


That last sentence wrang out in my head throughout the rest of the dream until the time I woke up.  I grabbed all the instruments in the room and put them on a tray that had paper on it.  I couldn’t even tell you what they were.  Some of them were instruments within a plastic “guide” used for laparoscopic procedures.  I took them out of the room as they were preparing to wheel the first woman out of the room to another they were setting up for quarantine. 


I asked some of the medics who were working in the treatment area “where are the bio-disposable cans”?   Someone said “throw those in there, but the outside of that . . .” (she pointed to what I called the “guide” which the laparoscopic instrument was inside of) goes to sterilization”.


I made to take the instrument out and then said to myself “I’m not doing that, he said DISPOSE”.


When I completed my task, I returned to the room.  There wasn’t one patient left in there and there were new beds/gurney’s inside the room.  There was one nurse left who was supervising sanitation.  She said to me “I have to check on the others.  Do not let anyone else in this room”.


I asked her, “Where are the other women?”  She turned to me on her way out the double doors and said, “They’re gone.  All of them are gone”.  They were dead.


Today is May the 12th.  I woke up from this dream at about 7:33 in the morning.  I sent a message out to a family member about it and their response was “Gruesome”.


Then later on a social media site, a “brother” sent me a video concerning a report to the WHO from Bill Gates.  I will post the video below:


 Click Here


So they named this “imaginary virus” SEERS2025.  Similar to SARS, yes?  But no.


SEERS allegedly stands for “Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome”.


SEER.   That was the first thing that hooked into my mind.  The second was, “why such a redundant title” for this “imaginary” virus?


I went to the Bible.  I knew the word “Seer” is in there multiple times and I was right:  It appears 24 times, all in the old testament.  The very first instant of it was in 1 Samuel:


“(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.)” – 1 Samuel 9:9.


So “Prophets” were “Seers”.  They were called Seers “beforetime”, in Israel.


Remember “COVID-19”, by the CDC and WHO reports, was a “Corona virus”: “corona = crown” (king, prince) and the PCR test to either “plant” or “harvest” something, which they claimed was to detect the virus.  Remember where they had to go to get it, in the “back of the nose”, to scrape near the “cribriform plate”. This is where the olfactory nerves access the brain and consequently also where a contaminant can do the same.


The ”Corona Virus” root was “found” in the nasal washing of a “man child”.  We covered all this on “Omicron – TheGreat Counterfeiter”.  Their “exercise” began also as a simulated pandemic in 2019.  19 is also the locus where the SARS2 gene is located in chromosome 19.  This blog entry got me shut down on Google after 12 years.  This is the culmination of all the research work I did on the Prince in prophecies of Daniel and the man child in Revelation 12.


So what are they looking for now?  Why 2025?  What is behind the name of this simulated “2nd pandemic” exercise?  SEERS . . . what they are looking for is not just in one person.  It is in many.


“Beforetime”: we had covered this term before.


For those who may understand; do you know what “beforetime” means?  In Revelation 5, an “angel” calls for their to “be time no longer”.  The concept of “time” was created for man by God (Genesis 1:14-19).  “A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day with the Lord” (2 Peter 3:8).  Paul twice stressed “redeeming the time” in Ephesians 5:16 and Colossians 4:5.  Let’s look at this again:


“(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.)” – 1 Samuel 9:9.


“beforetime” is referenced in ten passages, between Deuteronomy 2:12 and Acts 8:9.  The passage in Deuteronomy says this:


The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime; but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did unto the land of his possession, which the Lord gave unto them.” – Deuteronomy 2:12.


Can you “see” into this?


On a previous blog  a while back, we researched the meaning of “Horeb” (the Horims), and the meaning of “Syria” (Seir, Seer).  The names Syria and Smyrna had similar meanings, centering around “light on a hill” or “vessels of light”, “glowing”  (Smyrna also is “myrrh” in the Greek).  In classic Arabic, the name “Syria” given as “bilad as-sa’m” meaning “the land of Shem” (the real Semites).  We learned that all the “mothers” of Israel and the children of Israel were “Syrian” (Rebekkah, sister of Laban, the Syrian; Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah, daughters of Laban the Syrian from whom the 12 tribes came). 


We also learned that in 2 Kings 16:6, where the entity of what was called “the Jews” first appeared, was at war with real Israel.  They with Judah and Assyria were at war with Israel and Syria.  The king of Syria drove the Jews out of “Elath” (Alap, Aleph/Alif, Alpha) and “recovered Elath to Syria”.   Elath represents “The Name of the Lord”.  It is the “first letter” in His Name.


In 2 Kings 18:26, we also learn that Eliakim; the one who is later given a white raiment and the key of David is laid upon him (as was Jesus), reveals that the language of the Jews and the language of Israel is NOT the same.


And we learned in Isaiah 17:3 that the remnant of Syria “shall be as the glory of the children of Israel”.  This is why there is so much effort from the false Jews responsible for the false Israel (the state), to rid the world of Syria.


Jesus, in Matthew 5:18 further provides a clue when he mentions the “Jot and tittle” passing from the law, but not until “all is fulfilled”: Not the “Yod” but the “Jot”, which is one of the letters changed in the language: the “jot” is the “Jah” sound that the Jews turned into the “yod” during the “exile”.  There is a reason for this:  See Syriac below:



Syriac “Jot”


Note the “Jot” and it’s explanation


If you look at the “Jot” in Syriac (Yod) the written isn’t a ‘ is it?  It is an “L” laying on it’s back or similar to that.  If you look at the Babylonian Aramaic which the Jews today call “Hebrew”, what written form represents it?


Compare the “Aleph” in the Jews Language

To the Syriac:


That (‘) appears under the “Aleph” in the Syriac doesn’t it?  Which is why Eliakim (which means God’s friend or friend of God) requested the Syrian language instead of the language of the Jews.


Who changed the truth of God into a lie; serving and worshipping the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen” – Romans 1:25.


So “Jesus, Jehovah, Jeremiah, Jerusalem, Jacob, Joseph, Judah, Jehosophat, Joshua . . . all correct.


Now as Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”. – Matthew 5:18.


Another piece of information on the language was this explanation of what the “jot/dot/yod” does to a letter when it is removed (In Syriac this is the other way around)


Vuh becomes a Buh


So if you take the name “Jehovah” for example; when “all the law is fulfilled” and the “jot and tittle” pass . . . the “Jah” falls off, and the “Vuh” sound becomes the “Buh” sound, what do you have?


Translated the “h” is silent


Huba in Syriac or as spelled in the English King James Bible?  “Abba”: and the “beginning and the end” the “first and the last” is the “Aleph”/”Elath”/”Alpha”.




Horims and Seir




The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime; but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did unto the land of his possession, which the Lord gave unto them.” – Deuteronomy 2:12.


Horims are associated with “Horites” in the Abarim Publications explanation.  Depending on the accent on the verb, it could describe or represent the meaning for people that are “cave dwellers” or “White/whitey” and they compared it similar to the meaning of “Laban”. 


It says Esau succeeded them and dwelt in their stead, as Israel did unto the land of his possession . . .” (discern the term “possession” and what the “land” actually IS.)


Esau became “Edom”.  This is interesting because it almost lays a parallel for what became “the Jews” when they seem to be targeting to integrate with the children of Judah and appear suddenly in 2 Kings 16:6.  They are chased out or “dispossessed” of “Elath” by King Rezin who restores Elath to Syria.


Follow this story through Jeremiah 40, when God takes out the King of Assyria for the king of Babylon.  The Jews “come down out of the north” when they learn that the King of Babylon had “reserved a remnant of Judah” and come “into the land of Judah”.


So we have:


“(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.)” – 1 Samuel 9:9.




The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime; but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did unto the land of his possession, which the Lord gave unto them.” – Deuteronomy 2:12.


Abarim Publications describes verb roots from which “Hori” would come: (Horims, Horivites):  Verb 2 describes “freemen” or people that are not “slaves”.  The verb “hawar” means to be or grow white, or related to any “white stuff” including garments or linen (garments, skin, covering, vessels).  And Just now, you know what popped into my head?   Michael Jackson.


It is interesting to note that in Job 38:20 it describes “the hoary frost of heaven” (Hoary/Hori?).  Dictionary, Oxford and Merriam Webster describe the word as meaning “white or grayish white”.


So the “Horims” dwelt in Seir.  Did Seir become “Syria”?  Were the “A-ssyrians” enemies or “anti-Syria”?  Are “Seir” and “Seer” the same thing?


Esau/Edom’s sin was the “violence” committed against his brother Jacob/Israel.  Is this where the “Jews” came from?


There is violence in the kingdom of heaven, and the violent take it by force”. Matthew 11:12.


They have “polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law” – Zephaniah 3:4.


They have done this also: “A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him.” – Proverbs28:17.


The Life of the flesh is in the blood said God to Moses in Leviticus 17:11.  You have “violence to the blood of men” (vaccines are a direct assault), which causes violence to the “law” (written in your DNA), and violence in the kingdom of heaven (which is within you said Jesus in Luke 17:21).


This is why you are not allowed to question, research on your own, or reprove the medical practice of “vaccines”.  It’s not “science” it is “sorcery” (from which the word “Pharmakeia/pharmacy” comes.)  THIS my friends, is the “traditions of your father’s” that Jesus admonished when confronting the Pharisees and scribes.  You know what a “scribe” is?  “PRE-scribe”?  PRE-script-ion.  They know the language and have perverted it, or given how to pervert it to someone else, like Baal taught Balak to do.


The Lord calls them out through his “prophet” (seer), Isaiah:


For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it.” – Jeremiah 7:30.


And the Lord said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” – Jeremiah 11:9.


The Jews came back down into the “land” of Judah after they were driven out of Elath (which Judah built and restored to Judah in 2 Kings 14), when they learned that a REMNANT of Judah had been preserved by the king of Babylon:


Likewise when all the Jews that were in Moab, and among the Ammonitesand in Edomand that were in all the countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and he had set over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan;


Even all the Jews returned out of all the places they were driven, and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah, unto Mizpah, and gathered wine and summer fruits very much.” – Jeremiah 40:11.


The names in this have interesting meaning and fit: They learned Nebuchadnezzar left a remnant of Judah, and set over them Gedaliah (someone great in the Lord).  The Jews returned out of all the places they were driven (2 Kings 16:6), and came to the “land” of Judah (the remnant?) to Gedaliah (Great in the Lord), unto Mizpah (watchtower, to cover), and “gathered wine and summer fruits very much”.


The Jews were “driven” out of Elath and Elath was recovered to Syria (Seir/Seer).  They came back out from all the places they were driven (still think we’re talking geography?)


Why was Judah such a target for them?  Judah was the lawgiver (Genesis 49:8-10).  The Lord reveals to Jeremiah that Judah, the lawgiver, as committing a conspiracy, to set the abominations in the house that is called by God’s name (The house for the Name of the Lord, Bethlehemjudah, Mount Ephraim, Micah in Judges 17 and 18).


Jesus was incorruptible.  So who was the “house for the name of the Lord”?  This was “Bethlehem”, and “Zion”, the “city of David”.


Jesus is the root and the offspring of David (Revelation 22:16).


Jesus is “the Word made flesh” (John 1:14); and the Word was in the beginning with God and the Word is God (John 1:1).  His Name is called the Word of God (Revelation 19:13).


Elath and Alaph are the same.  Alaph and Aleph and Alpha are the same thing.  The Word represents something.  The “letter” has been corrupted as it is stated in Psalm 106:19-20 and Romans 1:25, but the SPIRIT of it has not, because that Word is protected.  They never got to it.  (Gedaliah unto Mizpah/cover-watchtower).


The city in Syria, Aleppo is named after this: Alaph/Elath.  We know Eliakim, who is prophesied to receive “white raiment” in place of his dirty ones, and who is bestowed the key of David (as Jesus was); reveals the language of Israel as Syrian and not the language of the Jews in 2 Kings 18:26.


The mothers of Israel: Jacob’s mother Rebekah, and the mothers of the twelve tribes of Israel which are Jacob’s wives Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah are all sister and offspring of Laban the Syrian. 


A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous” – Deuteronomy 5:5.


This was Jacob, the father of all the tribes of Israel.  All of this stands to reason why “Elath” was “recovered to Syria”.   Then we have this:


The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of hosts.” – Isaiah 17:3.


This takes us back to “Seir”, “Seer(s)” which the prophets of Israel were known as “beforetime”.




SEERS 2025


In the video of this “exercise”, it states during simulated news reports that “this is a simulated event”.  It actually took place in October of 2022, around the same time that “Event 201” was commenced in 2019 for COVID-19.  Some are even comparing it to COVID-19’s “Event 201”. 


They name things for a reason.  Even if nothing comes of it on a global scale, a message was most definitely sent.  Otherwise, why release this at all?  Why make it available to the public on Youtube and such?


Are they sending a message?  Is “SEERS 2025” the “Event 201” for another pandemic?


Was it an “announcement” of sorts that the “prophets/seers” are being targeted?  Or will this only occur in the “Middle East”, such as in Syria (Seir/Seer)?


We can keep watch on this but even if nothing else happens in regard to this “simulated exercise” on another pandemic?  At the very least, we just learned that there was a scriptural “headwaters” on the theory of the Jews being from Edom and not of God’s Israel until they “took it by force” in 2 Kings 16 and Jeremiah 40.


During the course of putting this article together, there was some activity on GAB, on a post I made days ago.  So if any of you defenders of the Word are contending with this hypocrisy of individuals who claim to follow the Torah but are calling our God (demented), you are not the only one. 


They reveal themselves rather quickly and they usually work in packs.  They can’t hurt you so leave them to their devices and move on/block them.  There are many more people to reach and their ilk is the minority.  Sometimes, as happened yesterday, some out of nowhere “angel” will provide back up and just remind you that you are not alone in your battles.


One of those trolling me did offer an interesting rebuttal:  It concerned a taunt by another troll who attempted to prove God was “demented” when the “hardened the heart of the Pharoah” when he didn’t release the Israelites upon the first couple of requests.  We’re going to talk about this shortly.


Despite the things going on in the world, and how bad it all looks, you know who wins.  And those who persist in their arrogance are going to do one of two things when they find they are in the trap they have set for you:


They are either going to repent . . .


Or they are going to cease to exist.


And the choice will be theirs until the “day of wrath”. 

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