The REAL Insurrection

 The Insurrection Against Truth




For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yeah, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.


But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.” – Malachi 4:1-3.




It’s been a very trying weekend for me in the way of endurance and patience and tolerance.  I don’t even like using the word “tolerance” because seems to go hand in hand with enabling . . . of bad works and behaviors; and the “enabling” needs to stop.


That means when something is WRONG, you say it is wrong and offer no apology or backstepping or sugarcoating.  There are a LOT of things wrong from bottom up and top, down, left to right, east to west etc. 


That verse above is addressed to the very thugs that are orchestrating all the insurrection against truth.  And with that stated, let’s air some reminders that are now “made manifest by the light”, being “reproved” and exposed.




When it is all Wrong


No.  What’s wrong is wrong.


A man dressing as a woman does NOT entitle them to use the little girls bathroom.  And it does NOT entitle them to demand others address them as a woman, she/her (or visa versa).  You do not get to put those on defense for stating the truth.  In other words, stop accusing people of “misgendering” you.  Nobody “misgendered” you, pal, except YOU.


Wrong:  Any “drag queen” that campaigns to have access to, or perform for children needs have their motives examined . . . HARD.  Don’t make it out to be innocent because it is not.  You know it and I know it.  Get mental help.  And parents trying to virtue signal their “tolerance” by bringing their children to one of those lascivious events should be locked up and their children taken by CPS.  Keep your own fetishes behind closed doors.  If you feel the need to attend, get a babysitter and sign up for Addicts Anonymous.




DOCtrine vs. Physician

MEDIcine vs mEDITation


Medical community, wrong:  If you have an “M.D.” associated with your name, be it surgeon, specialist, internal medicine or general practitioner, nurse or PA; find another discipline if your “First, do no harm” vow means nothing to you anymore!  You have allowed the drug cartel to use you to peddle their poisons long enough.  You put yourself in way too much debt for that plaque on your wall, to dumb it all down to you being a glorified drug dealer; which is essentially what you are.


You are supposed to be physicians.  Your profession is of a HEALER, and SYMPTOMS  are clues as to what is WRONG that needs to be CURED; not something to be covered up until the patient dies from a preventable disease.


I’m assuming that chemistry is a required course for doctors.  If you have to test a patient’s KIDNEYS for failure after prescribing certain medications, that MIGHT be an indication that it is a POISON and shouldn’t be ingested!


And the subject of vaccines:  the number one . . . NUMBER ONE main cause of “auto-immune disease” is DNA corruption.  DNA CORRUPTION (translated: transgression of the [book of the] LAW written in the DNA of every living cell).


Before the Frankensteins that developed your medical curriculum began changing the rules, “mingling” and otherwise “cleaving” foreign DNA of animals, four footed beasts, insects, etc” directly into the blood stream was forbidden.  As a matter of fact, it is also stated in the book of Leviticus that this is an “abomination” and “confusion”.  It was considered pollution of the blood (where the LIFE of the FLESH is) and “causing violence” against it was akin to “sacrilege”.


Wanted: For Sacrilege


And this is before you add the “adjuvants” like mercury/thimerosal, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, etc in multiples above what the EPA considers safe in food or water!


How in the world did anyone convince you, as part of your doctoral study, that mercury was safer in higher levels if it is delivered directly through the blood, than it is in much lesser amounts in drinking water?  Where did you get your brains?


Heavy metals in the brain causes encephalitis (amongst other things), and EVERY CASE of Autism and other childhood neurological disorders has THAT in common in early diagnosis.  The epidemic of auto-immune disease in this country has followed the exponentially increasing vaccine schedule.  Cause and effect:  Did they not cover this principle in your science class?


If you advocate, advertise, administrate vaccines, you are a murderer.  A MURDERER.  This goes for nurses and NP’s too.  Congratulations.  You can proudly display the scalps of all the children you have handed over to Moloch(ule) on the walls of your houses.  Some of you probably do (Podesta!).


Speaking of children (medical community AND parents, teachers and other such rulers over children):  There is no such thing as gender fluidity.  Male and Female he made them (Matthew 19:4Mark 10:6).  There IS no other gender: not in the insect community, not in the reptile community, not in the mammal community.  Those rules of science do NOT change for human beings either.


If you cannot accept who you are, do not demand that other people accept who you are NOT.  And it is a particularly sick prospect to even suggest that teachers or parents or DOCTORS would advocate for the sexual mutilation of CHILDREN.  You should be sentenced to death for doing so, in a court of law.  Twenty years ago the same people who decried a religious organization (Muslims) for mutilating the private parts of their children are now trying to pass laws to do that in the name of “gender-transitioning”.  Are you KIDDING me?




“Bris Milah, NO, He will Not Let me Go!”


“Bris” – This is out in the open now, so let’s deal with it:  What Pedophile Rabbi came up with this stupid idea?  Where in God’s Word does He instruct you to do this to a baby boy with your mouth?  We won’t talk about the rest of the horrendous defiling of children being okayed in the BABALONIAN Talmud, since none of that was supposed to be for public consumption anyway.  That was supposed to be their dirty little secret anyway; not to mention the things they say about Christ, Christians and those who are not Talmudic practicing Jews.

You knew there would come a day when you would have to answer for these things.  You hid them from the public for a reason.  Any mention of this by anyone gets a charge thrown at them by you for “anti-Semitism” when in truth that is a lie too:  You have nothing of the Name in you, you have contempt for just about everything God created except yourselves, and you have polluted his name in everything: that would make YOU the anti-Semites, not the ones who are exposing what you have done!  And Jeremiah called you out before Christ came in the flesh to do so.


Rabbie Solomon Friedman

Co-Owner of PornHub


Manipulating others into sinning does not make you sinless.  To those of you in your ranks that know what is going on and are against their “new” law they have tried to write over God’s . . . I am praying for you.  Even if I don’t know who all of you are, God sees this:  He knew about it and revealed it to both David and Daniel; and Christ will be their judge.  Hang in there and remain strong.




Entertainment is Mind Control


Entertainment Industry: This includes movies, television, music industry, gaming, sports, NEWS and media talking heads.  You were given a platform.  I understand who owns that “platform”, but GOD gave you that Spirit.  THEY are NOTHING without your talent.  Build a wall.  You are the ones who generate their revenue. 


They have not the creativity, marketability nor the SPIRIT that YOU do.  They have no power without their control over you. Use your talent for good instead of THEIR intent.


You know what they are doing.  You know what they have done.  You know they have hurt children.  Put an end to it together.  And if you can’t build a wall, march around theirs and blow those trumpets and bring theirs down.  They need to be exposed and their crimes revealed.  It is the ONLY way to put an end to it.




Political Solutions: Wrong


Politicians/leaders:  You people are lower than used car salesman in a desolate lot.  I just saw a post by Senator Michael Rulli of Ohio: a Republican.  See below:


Touch Not the Burdens

You inflict upon men?

In order for this to have passed, it would have first had to clear the House of Representatives:  And THAT is allegedly Republican majority.  So who voted for it?


Don’t for one minute labor under the delusion that most people haven’t figured out yet that both parties are owned by the same entity . . . and it’s not the American people.  It SHOULD be . . . because we are the ones footing the bill.


Unless people wake up to the fact that “income” TAXES are ILLEGAL and stop funding this illegal corporation called U.S. of A, they are going to continue to snowball you, shade you, manipulate you, gaslight you and point fingers at everyone BUT the real criminals.  Because everyone of them have been compromised.  The ONLY ones they couldn’t compromise, they have killed off or threatened their family members to keep them silent.


Their token social media posts of “we need to abolish the IRS” or “make sure you vote” appears under their posts that “the election was stolen”:  it is beyond retarded (not politically correct?  Grow a pair!).


They don’t care about you, they are not fighting for you, they are not representing you and you are on your own, so . . .


STOP FUNDING THE CRIMINALS.  There is NOTHING in the laws of this country that obligate you to fund your own demise; as a matter of fact, we are obligated to STOP it.  If the “Kings and merchants of the earth” want to continue their enterprise, let them fund it with their OWN money.  They will soon run out without YOURS.


Stop buying their crap, stop vaccinating your children, stop HELPING them put you in bondage!  There are more of us then there are of them.  Because according to Revelation 18:11, “The merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth their merchandise any more”.


When is this going to start, people?  Some nations have already said “sayonara” to the U.S. dollar.  When are we going to stop rolling over for these thieves?  “Faith without works is dead”, remember?




Religion is NOT Faith!


Religious leaders:  Homeschooling should also be applied when studying scripture:  Your “schools” of theology and your seminaries and “Bible” colleges are good for one thing: Making sure you are teaching the scriptures the way they were told you had to teach them. 


Academia is not a pre-requisite for the Spirit.  A wall full of degrees is no substitute for the spiritual anointing.


What did Jesus say concerning the “learning”?


But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost; whom the Father will send in my namehe shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you”. – John 14:26.


What happened to Paul, when he became a “chosen vessel unto me, to bear my Name before the Gentiles . . .” in Acts 9:15-16?  What did Paul have to explain to the Jews in Galatia?


But I certify to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught itbut by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” – Galatians 1:11-12.


None of the prophets were sealed by teachers, but by Christ himself, from the beginning.  Paul’s “training” was anathema to Christ.  Remember verses 13 and 14 written under that!  This goes also for the Jew, and that brings up another contention against many Bible teachers:


Since when did the Lord ask Ananias to worship Saul the pharisee because he was a Jew?  Where in the Bible does it say that entry in heaven is dependent upon whether or not you enable their works of iniquity?


Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his.  And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity”. – 2 Timothy 2:19.


They deny him still today.  They lie to you about what the Name actually is.  What is His Name?  There is a clue in Revelation 3:12. There is another clue in Revelation 19:13, and there is another clue in John 1:1


Another clue as to what it starts with is in Romans 1:25 and Psalm 106:19-20.  When God lead me to all this about ten years ago and I posted about it on my old blog is when my trouble started; because they don’t want you to know what it is.  It wasn’t told to me, it was revealed to me through the Spirit what the meaning of that name is.  It was in a prayer that I uttered, in offering.  I learned what it was in the “letter” after I had already prayed it in Spirit.  This is important because the remnant are sealed with it.


For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.  For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” – Romans 10:12-13.




ISRAEL – Is A Spiritual Condition


ISRAEL is not a political state:  It is a SPIRITUAL condition, predicated upon the seal of the NAME of God in their foreheads (IN their foreheads/temple of the body/Golgotha/Calvary meaning Kranium in the Greek, where our Lord was also crucified).


ISRAEL is NOT those who say they are Jews and are liars and are of the SIN-A-GOG-UE OF SATAN. 


Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” – Ephesians 5:11.


The Jewish religion, which Paul admitted “persecuted the church of God, and wasted it” in Galatians 1:13-14, is using the name of “Israel” to shame you out of exposing them!  They are not Semites in the truth of the name:


and thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briars and thorns be with thee, and thou doest dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.” – Ezekiel 2:6.


Israel is the remnant that God has chosen bear HIS Name, and God knows them that are his.  It’s not flashed around as an entitlement by those waving the flag sporting the star of Moloch that they built unto themselves.


And this, pastors, ministers, reverends and priests, which you need to remember as you sit in comfort, worrying about whether or not the show you put on every Sunday is enough to fill the offering plate to cover your school loans or your children’s private school tuitions.  From Acts 9:16: Why did Ananias have to go and pray over Saul, who became Paul?


I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake”.


I don’t know what Pastor’s and church leaders/teachers consider “suffering”, but I’m sure it doesn’t include a lack of funds for Direct TV or IPad’s for their kids.  I know this sounds a little judgmental and harsh, but I know pastors who teach in dirt huts in Africa who have more genuine joy in the Lord then the pampered preachers we have in the states.


None of the pastors of any church I have attended are “suffering” (and that’s not to say that some are not; for if you are being cut off by your own religious organizations, be encouraged that it is because you are preaching the WORD and not the WORLD).  To the contrary most of these prideful and arrogant preachers  believe that if you are suffering affliction, or are being tempted to your endurance by the devil that you are not in God’s favor: something they would have to explain to every prophet including Jesus himself when they had to endure for the Word.  When God turns on your light, the devil comes to snuff it out.  If you are not putting your neck on the line for The Word, then you are not preaching the Word: you are patronizing:


They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.  The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets devine for money, yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, is not the LORD among us? None evil can come upon us.” – Micah 3:11.




The Congregation of the Multitude


To the individual reading this:  If you prefer to bury your head in the sand, there is still one part sticking up that is going to get “kicked”:  You are not doing yourself any favors.  You do NOT have to do anything alone.  You are NOT alone.


First, pray.  And pray until you get an answer that you can scripturally test, because other spirits WILL attempt to deceive.  I still get torment every now and again because, I am not perfect and I have to pray for discernment and fight through doubt and at time dispair.  I cannot do it alone either. 


Get together with righteous minded people (not self-righteous people) and pray together.  This is DNA and beyond, DEEP.  This is why the enemy fights you so much when you start out doing it.  Every word, though and deed gets recorded in you.  Make them good ones, and you have a “helper”.


There is a love that is so great that it cannot be expressed in the flesh, other than the one WORD that Jesus described to his disciples when he was in council with them together, teaching them:


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” – John 15:13.


Iniquity and selfishness go hand-in-hand.  And Paul, the former Pharisee was also taught this through the Holy Ghost:


For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” – Galatians 5:14.


Jesus told the Jewish lawyer in Matthew 22:35-40, when he tried to stump Jesus in his words concerning the greatest commandment:


Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.


And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.




Law of Christ, Law of Man


You are not alone in your struggle, affliction and/or tribulation.  You are going to fall, probably many times as the Lord perfects your patience, faith and strength in the Spirit.


You will “learn the lesson” as soon as you fail it.  There are some prophets that had to make the same mistake twice before grasping the importance of “Trust in the Lord”.  Abraham was one of them.


Some of you are already exhausted.  You don’t know where you stand with the Lord, and you don’t know if he has given up on you and kicked you to the curb.  You may even be getting messages or funny little things showing up in your replies on social media that seem to speak directly to you that the “Lord is angry”, or directing you to scripture that drudges up past sins – that is the enemy trying to install doubt.


If you’ve done something wrong, pray and apologize in sincerity; but keep going.  Pray for his shield, pray for his helmet and pray for his sword within you to strengthen you.  It’s okay to be tired and take a rest but don’t you quit!  Even if you are angry, talk to Him!  Ask for a reason to be revealed.  If you don’t get the answer right away, keep praying, but keep your eyes and ears open for it.


Most of you are reading this and have social media accounts.  You see all the drama being flung around by certain groups be they political, religious (and yes, science is a religion if you are not allowed to question it); don’t be persuaded by it.   It’s distraction.  They are not suffering and they are asking you to fight for them.  Dump them on the cans and pray that the Lord works on their hearts.


The ones that are REALLY fighting for you, are not selling products on their websites or charging subscription fees and profiting from cottage industries that are set up amidst the chaos:  Those fighting for you are doing so in silence . . . the “quiet ones in the land”. 


This country, nation is not important to God.  The people IN IT are.  God doesn’t care about the “red, white and blue” because it represents the hypocrisy of a “land of the free and home of the brave” built on the invasion, slaughter and “reservation-ing” of the original inhabitants.  Its infrastructure, plantations and estates were built on slave labor, which continues today.  If we don’t go face to face with the lie and acknowledge it, we cannot possibly heal it’s victims; and we cannot claim any peace by taking the blood of another.


This battle is not about nations, it’s not about color, and it’s not about any demographic created by man:  It is a battle against the Word with which we were created and still exists within each one of us.  Everything else is just a crowbar used to pry us apart.


Some of you may not believe in “God” the way the churches have taught him, but you know SOMETHING is bigger than us, higher than us.  You know because that is written within you, somewhere, corrupted but plugged in:  God is not a religion. 




God is Not a Religion


God is not a religion.  He is a FORCE whose breath engraved the laws of life in everything.  Jesus was God in the flesh with an incorruptible DNA and a perfect communion with God.  His blood was shed “for the remission of sin” and “sin is transgression of the law” written within the DNA of every cell.  Jesus provided that propitiation, to heal the creation that a “rebellious house” sought to steal from God and restore our connection with Him. 


In the Gospel of John we are told that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.  That Word represented what God IS.  That Word became flesh; and that Word manifested that “Greater love” which is to “love thy neighbor as thyself”.    That WORD wrote WHO you are; and it was corrupted in the letter, but not in the Spirit.


There is no love in what the conspirators do.  Coveting is behind everything in their plans; to “take a name in vain” and replace it with “a name they made unto themselves”: the “perfect intellectual property” crime and “obtain the kingdom” within us, “through flatteries” and their false peace. 


Regard the prophecies of Daniel concerning this in chapter 11, because what you are seeing now is not the “subtle serpent” who beguiled Eve:  What is going on now is just the “chaos” employed to drive you right into the serpent’s trap.


The devil doesn’t come at you with horns and a pitchfork; he comes to you as everything you THINK you want; including insulation from the consequences of your actions.  He will offer you peace, wealth, health, power at the expense of someone else.


So when you see the wicked openly and brazenly going on today, out in the open, like they have their game “in the basket”; remember that the wicked will throw their own under the bus for the purpose of convincing you that they are your savior.


We have not yet seen “the beast” – only evidence of him and his works:  his “system”.  No one has yet to appear that will persuade people of the world that he is the Christ.  And when that happens, you had better make sure you are willing to give up the worldly things you think are important, for the spiritual rewards that God had promised.


We are getting scary-close to the “valley of decision”.  I am praying for the discernment to occur in each and every one of you.


We are emotional creatures.  God made us so, for the purpose of Love; to move us to action for the lifting up of one another.  Those emotions are being used against us, for the purpose of going against each other.  When we sin against each other, we sin against God, because He is IN everything.


We were meant for better than this. You have a counselor you can talk to for free.


Give Him everything you feel you can’t handle.  Ask Him to show you what the love feels like.  Ask Him to fill you with it.  Then ask Him to prepare you for your purpose. 


If you would like me to pray for you, please leave a comment.  If you would like to comment in private, you can email me:




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